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Son of Top Hitler Aide Accused of Child Sex Abuse

He became a priest to atone for father's sins, Bormann told press

(Newser) - The son of a top Hitler aide who was supposedly spending his life atoning for his father's sins is being accused of years of child abuse at a Catholic school. The former priest, son of Hitler secretary Martin Bormann, violently and sexually abused students as headmaster at an exclusive Austrian...

Germans Use Anti-Nazi Laws to Raid Muslims

Fundamentalists groups targeted in crackdown

(Newser) - German police raided homes and offices linked to two Islamic groups this week, using "anti-Nazi laws of association," reports the Christian Science Monitor . The groups raided are made up of fundamentalist Salafist Muslims, and a government official says they are suspected of wanting to "create an Islamic...

Japanese Retailer Agrees to Pull Nazi Costume

'Heil Hitler' dress up not funny to Jewish group

(Newser) - A Japanese costume store has agreed to remove a faux Nazi uniform after complaints from a major Jewish group, the AP reports. At Don Quijote, which has outlets in several Japanese cities, $60 could get you black jacket with swastika armband, sold in a package that said "Heil Hitler"...

Dutch Issue Warrant for Nazi Who Fled Prison in 1952

Klaas Faber, 88, is now living in Germany

(Newser) - The Netherlands has issued a European arrest warrant for Klaas Carel Faber, a convicted Nazi war criminal who escaped from prison nearly 60 years ago, the Telegraph reports. Faber, 88, was part of an SS unit that committed summary executions of Dutch civilians for being either Jewish or "anti-German"...

Third Most-Wanted Nazi Dies a Free Man

Justice seekers frustrated after Samuel Kunz dies before trial

(Newser) - German prosecutors have evidence linking Samuel Kunz to the murder of 430,000 Jews at a death camp in Poland. What they don't have anymore is a living suspect. Kunz has died peacefully at his home in Germany, where he was due to stand trial next year, the Independent reports....

Ailes Sorry for Calling NPR Execs 'Nazis'

...what Fox boss meant to say was 'nasty, inflexible bigots'

(Newser) - Roger Ailes has apologized for calling NPR bosses "Nazis" in an interview—but he's not exactly backing down. Mediabistro obtained a letter that the Fox News chair sent to the Anti-Defamation League apologizing for his word choice, but in it, he doesn’t apologize for slamming NPR. “In...

Report: US Gave Nazis 'Safe Haven'

DOJ findings on Nazis in America after war

(Newser) - In the aftermath of World War II, numerous Nazis turned to an unlikely safe haven: the United States of America. The New York Times has obtained a hotly sought-after Justice Department report, which Justice itself tried to block for four years, that details the US government's twisted and complex past...

Nazi Records Help Victims Get Stolen Art Back

New database contains details on some 20K pieces

(Newser) - Some 20,000 works of art looted by the Nazis are one step closer to being returned to their rightful owners. Today marks the launch of an online database of art taken in Germany-occupied France and Belgium between 1940 and 1944, allowing survivors, their relatives, art collectors and museums to...

GOP's Iott: Nothing Wrong With Wearing Nazi Uniform

Re-enactment was for educational purposes

(Newser) - Other people might be looking for a new costume, but Ohio House candidate Rich Iott says there's nothing wrong with his having dressed up as a Nazi soldier while participating in historical re-enactments, the AP reports. "I don't see anything wrong about educating the public about events that happened,...

Neo-Nazis on the Rise in Mongolia

Swastika-waving groups attack Chinese migrants

(Newser) - Adolf Hitler has a growing number of admirers in the homeland of Genghis Khan. Neo-Nazi groups fond of swastikas and seig-heiling are sprouting in Mongolia, the Guardian reports. Groups like Tsagaan Khass—White Swastika—say they admire Hitler's devotion to racial purity. The ultra-nationalist groups have been blamed for many...

Holocaust Survivor Defends Auschwitz Dance Video

Says dancing at death camp a celebration of life

(Newser) - A Holocaust survivor is defending his participation in an online video that shows him dancing to "I Will Survive" at the infamous Nazi death camp Auschwitz. Adolek Kohn, 89, and his grandchildren posted footage of themselves dancing at several locations connected to the Holocaust, as an art project celebrating...

Please, No More Nazi References
 Please, No More 
 Nazi References 

Please, No More Nazi References

The Holocaust is not a joke

(Newser) - Holocaust references have become ridiculously common in America’s political discourse, and it’s got to stop, writes Jewish activist Marvin Hier in the LA Times . In the past month alone we’ve seen Nazis invoked to decry everything from Barack Obama’s handling of the BP crisis to Meg...

Jerry Brown Compares Meg Whitman to Goebbels

California gubernatorial race turns ugly early

(Newser) - Jerry Brown has $20 million in his California gubernatorial campaign coffers, but the $71 million Meg Whitman spent in securing the Republican nomination has her Democratic opponent worried—so worried he's comparing her to Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels. "Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda," California's current AG said...

Author: Palin 'Incites Hatred' Like a 'Nazi Trooper'

Joe McGinniss says he grabbed the house because it was cheap

(Newser) - For much of his interview with Matt Lauer this morning on the Today show , author Joe McGinniss seemed reasonable enough. Sarah Palin's least favorite new neighbor said he's not up to anything “creepy,” and that he'd “be living in this house if the Palins lived on the...

Stepmom: Jesse Killed Animals 'Like Mengele'

He's attracted to 'the power race thing'

(Newser) - Cheating hubby Jesse James has another woman on his case. Now it's his former stepmom, who knows all his kid secrets, like the time he used to kill rats by injecting them with alcohol, Radar reports. “When Jesse was about 15 years old he started killing baby rats by...

Jesse's Nazi Obsession Started Young: Dad

All those Nazi books and the Nazi friend didn't help

(Newser) - Turns out Jesse James' penchant for posing in an SS hat is nothing new: His father tells TMZ his son’s “fascination with the Nazis” started young. “He liked their war machine, he liked their uniforms, he liked their guns, he liked everything about them,” says Larry...

Nazi Hit Man Convicted of WWII Murders

Heinrich Boere gets life in prison for 1944 killings

(Newser) - A German court today convicted an 88-year-old of murdering three Dutch civilians as part of a Nazi hit squad during World War II, capping six decades of efforts to bring the former Waffen SS man to justice. Heinrich Boere, number six on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of most-wanted Nazis,...

German Neo-Nazis Buy 'Training Center' Palace

Far-right property purchase worries authorities

(Newser) - German authorities fear that a crumbling palace in the eastern part of the nation may soon emerge as a training center for a new generation of Nazis. The 300-year old Trebnitz Castle was bought at a recent auction by a pair of prominent far-right leaders, one of whom was a...

Dr. Mengele's Diary Up for Auction

'Angel of Death's' diary expected to fetch $80K

(Newser) - A diary written by Auschwitz "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele after the war is expected to fetch up to $60,000 at auction in Connecticut. Mengele, who died in Brazil in 1979, filled the diary's 180 pages with his musings on everything from art to women's rights. He occasionally...

Hitler Loved Irish Folk Music

Nazi leader had piper play a private concert in 1936

(Newser) - An exhibit of new photos has revealed an odd scene: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels listening with rapt attention to Irish musician Sean Dempsey as the piper sat on an SS member. Hitler invited Dempsey to play his uileann pipes in 1936 while the musician was visiting Berlin. However, when...

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