Michele Bachmann 2012

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Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

GOP Hopefuls Target Obama, Not Each Other

Rivals seem united at New Hampshire debate

(Newser) - Seven rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination took to the stage in New Hampshire for a debate tonight, but their focus was on attacking President Obama, not trying to score points off each other. Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann—who...

Michele Bachmann Files Papers to Run for President

She announces during Republican debate

(Newser) - The Republican debate in New Hampshire generated some news early: Michele Bachmann announced she is running for president. "I filed today my paperwork to seek the presidency of the United States," Bachmann, the first woman to enter the 2012 race, told the audience. "I wanted you to...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

Bachmann&#39;s Beach Reading: Economic Theory
Bachmann's Beach Reading:
Economic Theory

Bachmann's Beach Reading: Economic Theory

Vacation means it's time for Ludwig von Mises

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann gets the "weekend interview" treatment today in the Wall Street Journal , and editorial board member Stephen Moore writes that he has "no doubt" she will be announcing her candidacy soon and that it would be a "mistake to count her out." Some highlights from...

Top GOP Hopefuls Prep for First Big Debate

First 2012 debate for Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich

(Newser) - Seven top Republican presidential hopefuls will gather this month for the first New Hampshire 2012 debate. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will meet at Saint Anselm College for the face-off, hosted by CNN ’s John King. It's the...

Michele Bachmann in New Hampshire: 'Obama Has to Go'
 Bachmann: 'Obama Has to Go' 

Bachmann: 'Obama Has to Go'

And Minnesota rep hints she's just the person to send him packing

(Newser) - Rep. Michele Bachmann gave the strongest hint yet that she intends on running for president in 2012, in an appearance last night in New Hampshire, reports the Washington Post . “Obama has to go and has to be replaced, but not just by anyone,” Bachmann told dozens of GOP...

GOP Dream Team? Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann
 GOP Dream Team? 

Huntsman/Bachmann: GOP Dream Team?

He's a great candidate, but can't reach the party base like her

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is quite the candidate; he’s a moderate, cerebral, urbane internationalist with tons of experience. “In other words, he is ‘toast’ in today’s Republican Party, and he has very little chance to be the 2012 nominee,” writes ex-Reagan and Bush staffer Ed Rogers in...

Michele Bachmann Might as Well Run
 Might as 
 Well Run 

Joan Walsh

Michele Bachmann Might as Well Run

She's no worse than the rest of the GOP field: Joan Walsh

(Newser) - Joan Walsh writes that she used to dismiss the idea of a Michele Bachmann presidential run as laughable. But after watching the GOP's 2012 follies of late— especially you, Newt —she's changing her tune a little. "As the likely GOP contenders engage in a race to...

2012 Not Looking Good for Women
 2012 Not Looking 
 Good for Women 
dee dee myers

2012 Not Looking Good for Women

Candidates 'provocative but unelectable': Dee Dee Myers

(Newser) - The 2008 election brought us the first victory by a woman in a presidential primary, not to mention the first female GOP candidate for national office. But 2012 isn’t shaping up so nicely for women: Those making headlines are either “provocative but unelectable” or “provocative but who...

Bachmann: Want Me to Run? Send $50

Email to supporters seeks opinions, plus cash

(Newser) - More modern politics: Michele Bachmann sent an email to supporters today with a novel approach to asking for money as she considers a presidential run, notes Politico : "If you want me to continue fighting the Big-Government Obama agenda in the U.S. House of Representatives, please make a generous...

Bachmann: ‘Please Pray for Me’

She also asks for 'special anointing' as she considers 2012 run

(Newser) - In deciding whether to embark on a quest for greater political power, Michele Bachmann is leaning on the power of prayer. "I am asking your listeners to now please pray for me and my husband and my team," Bachmann said in an interview with Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries,...

Bachmann Tax Day Rally Flops

Tea Party favorite says she 'can't wait to go up against President Obama'

(Newser) - South Carolina didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for devout Tea Partier and possible GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Monday. Only around 300 people—including political operatives and members of the media—turned up at a Tax Day rally in Columbia, about a tenth of the number...

Planned Parenthood Is 'LensCrafters' of Abortion: Bachmann

She also rips gay marriage, Department of Education

(Newser) - Republicans trying to woo conservative Iowans are likely to find Michele Bachmann a hard act to follow. The Minnesotan, speaking to a conservative group last night, slammed "liberal policies" on abortion, same-sex marriage, and health care reform, the Des Moines Register reports. She labeled Planned Parenthood the "LensCrafters...

Donald Trump Ties for 2nd in Poll of Republican Primary Voters
 Trump Ties for 2nd in GOP Poll 

Trump Ties for 2nd in GOP Poll

Mitt Romney grabs first place among 2012 possibilities

(Newser) - Donald Trump has been putting himself out there over the last few weeks, and Republican voters are liking what they see. The Donald is tied with Mike Huckabee for second place in a field of nine possible contenders in a new Wall Street Journal /NBC poll of Republican primary voters....

Do Not Underestimate Michele Bachmann

Steve Kornacki: Think of her as today's Pat Buchanan

(Newser) - A lot of people are eager to write off Michele Bachmann’s potential presidential run , but they’re making a mistake, argues Steve Kornacki at Salon , because Bachmann has a real chance to rock the apple cart here. Bachmann is “plainly more viable” than a host of “no-shot...

Bachmann Will Form 2012 Committee

 Will Form 2012 

Bachmann Will Form 2012 Committee

Minnesota congresswoman will file in June or earlier

(Newser) - A second Minnesota Republican is getting off the 2012 sidelines, sort of: Michele Bachmann will form a presidential exploratory committee by early June, CNN reports. The Minnesota congresswoman may form her committee earlier in order to participate in early GOP debates—sources tell CNN she'll file if debate sponsors require...

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