Huma Abedin

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2 Democratic Heavyweights Are Engaged

Huma Abedin, Alex Soros are getting married

(Newser) - Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and the ex-wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, is getting married again. She's engaged to Alex Soros, son of billionaire political activist and philanthropist George Soros. The couple posted a photo to Instagram Wednesday showing Soros, 38, down on one knee...

Huma Abedin Says She Was Sexually Assaulted by a Senator

She doesn't say which one, or even which party

(Newser) - In her upcoming memoir , out next Tuesday, Huma Abedin says she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed senator in an incident she "entirely" scrubbed from her mind until Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court in 2018 triggered her to recall it. After a Washington dinner during the...

Huma Abedin Recalls the Moment Weiner Said, 'It's True'

'I sent the picture,' her husband told her

(Newser) - Huma Abedin's memoir will be released Nov. 2, and in an excerpt from Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds published in Vogue , the former Hillary Clinton staffer and ex-wife of disgraced former New York congressman Anthony Weiner recalls the moment when, as she writes, "life as I knew...

Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner to Settle Divorce Out of Court

They want to 'reduce any impact of these proceedings on their child'

(Newser) - There won't be any hot gossip coming out of the Huma Abedin-Anthony Weiner divorce proceedings—because, as the New York Daily News reports, the former couple has agreed to finalize the divorce out of court. “In order to reduce any impact of these proceedings on their child, the...

Anthony Weiner Reports to Prison
Anthony Weiner's
Prison Time

Anthony Weiner's Prison Time Begins

Former congressman reports for 21-month stint

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner's 21-month prison sentence has begun. The former congressman reported to Federal Medical Center in Devens, Mass., Monday morning, ABC 7 reports. Weiner asked at his sentencing to be allowed to continue treatment for sex addiction, and Devens is one of nine federal prisons offering the treatment, the...

Lawyers: Weiner's Teen Sexting Victim Wanted to Sway Election

Though ex-congressman's attorneys also referenced his own 'operatic self-destruction'

(Newser) - Disgraced ex-New York congressman Anthony Weiner is no predator and should be spared prison at his sentencing for sexting with a North Carolina teen who dreamed of affecting the US presidential election, his lawyers told a judge on Wednesday. Per the AP , the submission in Manhattan federal court referenced "...

Comey May Have Messed Up His Testimony on Huma Abedin

ProPublica: FBI chief overstated things on her forwarding of Clinton emails

(Newser) - FBI chief James Comey went before Congress last week and made the remarkable assertion that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin regularly forwarded Clinton emails, some of them classified, to husband Anthony Weiner so he could print them out. "Hundreds and thousands," he testified. Not so much, reports ProPublica...

Comey: I'm 'Mildly Nauseous' I Affected the Election
Comey: Huma Forwarded
Classified Emails to Weiner
the rundown

Comey: Huma Forwarded Classified Emails to Weiner

So he could print them out for her to present to Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - A day after Hillary Clinton blamed him in part for her election loss, FBI chief James Comey acknowledged to Congress that she might have a point: "It makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election." But Comey defended his decision to...

FBI Has Search Warrant for New Clinton Emails
FBI Has Search Warrant
for New Clinton-Related Emails

FBI Has Search Warrant for New Clinton-Related Emails

WikiLeaks announces new phase of election coverage

(Newser) - Election Day is just over a week away and there appears to be little chance that Hillary Clinton's latest email mess will be resolved before then: Law enforcement sources tell the Washington Post that the FBI has now obtained a search warrant for a laptop used by Anthony Weiner,...

Abedin Not Sure How Emails Got on Her Husband's Laptop

Also: FBI chief Comey is formally accused of overstepping his authority

(Newser) - The issue of newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton's use of a private server dominated headlines Sunday, though it remains unclear whether the emails themselves contain anything new or damaging because the FBI has yet to begin searching them. (They were found on the computer of Anthony Weiner,...

Clinton Campaign Assails FBI's 'Unprecedented' Move

Podesta wants answers from Comey, as Pence underscores that Clinton a 'risky choice'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman says FBI Director James Comey should explain the "unprecedented" step of announcing an agency review of new Clinton-related emails just days before a national election, reports the AP . John Podesta told CNN's State of the Union that Comey should have reviewed the information...

FBI Documents Reveal Obama Used Alias in Clinton Emails

Agency granted immunity to top aides

(Newser) - The FBI released another 189 heavily redacted pages from its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails Friday, and Politico reports that they reveal that President Obama used a fake name when emailing Clinton. The FBI files state that during an interview, Clinton aide Huma Abedin was surprised to be told...

Twitter Not Being Kind to Serial Sexter Weiner

Plus: Weiner and Abedin have reportedly been 'estranged' for about a year

(Newser) - Huma Abedin is separating from Anthony Weiner after his latest online sexcapades, this time involving a series of sexts apparently sent between Weiner and an unnamed "40-something divorcee." But a source said to be close to Abedin tells Politico the couple had already been "estranged" and...

Huma Abedin Is Leaving Anthony Weiner
Huma Abedin Is
Leaving Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin Is Leaving Anthony Weiner

Announcement follows new report of Weiner's sexting

(Newser) - A little more than five years after the first Anthony Weiner sexting story broke , wife Huma Abedin has announced she is leaving him. A brief statement from Abedin was posted on Twitter by NBC Nightly News editor Bradd Jaffy. It reads, "After long and painful consideration and work on...

Weiner Caught Sexting Again— This Time With Son in Pic?

Apparently so, per the New York Post, and his Twitter account has been deleted

(Newser) - In a case of bad timing that probably won't please Hillary Clinton, new sexting allegations have arisen involving Anthony Weiner, the husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, per USA Today . The New York Post , which originally reported the story, published a screenshot of a sexting session with a...

Email Scandal Will Dog Clinton Through Election
The 'Abedin Emails' Deepen
Hillary's Email Headache
the rundown

The 'Abedin Emails' Deepen Hillary's Email Headache

They show how foundation donors got access

(Newser) - Monday brought more bad news for Hillary Clinton about her email trouble, with the revelation that the FBI had turned up yet another 15,000 emails from her tenure as secretary of state. The State Department has been ordered to review them and expedite their release, which likely means negative...

Weiner Documentary 'Never Stops Making You Gasp'

'One of the best political documentaries you'll ever see'

(Newser) - Josh Kriegman and Elyse Steinberg planned to document Anthony Weiner's rise from the ashes as he campaigned for New York City mayor in 2013 following that infamous sexting scandal . But a triumphant return to politics is not what was caught on film. Get ready for one of the most...

11 Things to Know About the Woman Who's Spent 2 Decades With Hillary

'She has been turned into myth'

(Newser) - Newsweek has a deep look at the mysterious woman whose "selfless servility and uncanny knack for predicting what the boss wants have put her closer than almost anyone to the most powerful woman in American politics." Huma Abedin first started working for Hillary Clinton at the White...

ISIS Threatens Clinton Aide Huma Abedin, Muslim Politicians

It calls them 'politically active apostates'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and a US representative were included in a list of Western Muslims threatened with "painful—and fatal—punishment" in the current issue of ISIS magazine Dabiq, ABC News reports. Huma Abedin and Rep. Keith Ellison are joined on the list by British politicians, Department...

Clinton 'Often Confused,' Aide Wrote in 2013

Conservative group obtains 2013 email by Huma Abedin

(Newser) - A newly released email about Hillary Clinton is making headlines, though it's not because of a security breach. In it, top aide Huma Abedin tells another aide that Clinton is "easily confused." The full exchange from 2013, as obtained by conservative group Judicial Watch :
  • Abedin to staffer

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