Rick Perry 2012

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Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

Ron Paul finishes second, Pawlenty third; Perry gets 718 write-ins

(Newser) - Rick Perry may have cast a big shadow over the Republican field today, but Michele Bachmann had a pretty good day, too: She won the Ames straw poll, with 4,823 votes of the nearly 17,000 cast, reports Politico . Ron Paul finished a close second (4,671), followed by...

Perry Speech: 'It's Time to Get America Working Again'

Says US standing in the world has diminished under Obama

(Newser) - Rick Perry laid out his reasons for entering the presidential race today in his big speech in South Carolina. Some excerpts from Politico and the New York Times :
  • "It is time to get America working again. That’s why, with the support of my family, and an unwavering belief

Rick Perry: I'm In, and 'I'm Going to Win'

Texas governor declares his candidacy

(Newser) - Take that, Ames straw pollers. Rick Perry told supporters today that not only is he running for president, "I full well believe I'm going to win." The statement came in a conference call ahead of his speech this afternoon to formally declare his candidacy, reports AP . His...

Rick Perry Spokesman: Yep, He's In

He confirms governor will announce on Saturday

(Newser) - It's political high season: Rick Perry's spokesman says the Texas governor will indeed declare his candidacy on Saturday in South Carolina, reports AP . Which kind of amounts to an announcement about an announcement that confirms what we already knew . The distinction, says Fox News , is that Perry will...

Rick Perry Interview With Mark Halperin of Time: I Have a 'Calmness in My Heart' About Running

 Rick Perry: 
 in My Heart' 
 About Run 

Rick Perry: 'Calmness in My Heart' About Run

New poll shows him near top of GOP field

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry doesn't quite make his candidacy official in an interview with Mark Halperin of Time , but he does say he has a "calmness in my heart" about a possible run. (He is expected to declare on Saturday .) No wonder he's calm: He's...

Sarah Palin Restarts Bus Tour, Heads for ... Iowa

She'll be there Saturday, same day as Ames poll, Perry announcement

(Newser) - Somewhere in Texas, Rick Perry just groaned. He was all set to steal the thunder from the candidates competing in Iowa's Ames straw poll on Saturday by announcing his candidacy that same day in South Carolina. Now he's got serious media competition: Sarah Palin is firing up her...

Rick Perry to Announce Run in SC

May not be formal launch, but will make intentions clear

(Newser) - Fresh off his weekend prayer rally, Rick Perry will head to South Carolina on Saturday to make clear he's going to toss his hat into the 2012 presidential race, reports Politico. In so doing, the Texas governor will upend the current field of Republicans seeking the nomination, as well...

Rick Perry Leads Prayer for US

Texas governor gets spotlight with evangelicals

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a strong message to the nation's evangelicals today: He is a member of the important constituency for Republicans that he soon may call upon to help him secure the GOP presidential nomination. The state's longest serving governor hosted what he called a national...

Rick Perry: 'I Pray for Obama'

Prays for him to wake up, smell the coffee; will headline prayer rally today

(Newser) - President Obama may have a dented credit rating, lousy approval ratings, and China carping at him, but at least he's got Rick Perry pulling for him—sort of. The Texas governor and possible White House contender tells CBN that he keeps the president in his prayers: "Frankly I...

Iowa Governor Thinks Rick Perry Is Running

Texas governor drops yet another hint that he's in for 2012

(Newser) - In the for-what-it's-worth department: Iowa's governor says he's pretty sure that Rick Perry will join the 2012 race for president. "I get the definite impression he's very likely to run," Terry Branstad tells the AP . Perry called his fellow Republican governor yesterday, saying that...

Bachmann's Iowa Lead Bigger Than It Looks

But race could still be upended by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann’s 4-point lead over Mitt Romney in the latest Iowa poll might be even bigger than it looked at first. Dig deeper into the poll, and you’ll find that among the voters labeled “most attentive,” Bachmann is leading by a whopping 32% to 18%, Aaron...

Here&#39;s the Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates
 Betting Odds for Top 4 
 GOP Candidates 

Betting Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates

It's Romney, Pawlenty, Perry, and Bachmann (in that order): Nate Silver

(Newser) - With the GOP candidates for 2012 out of the gates, statistics whiz Nate Silver sets the odds in the first of a 3-part series for the New York Times . The longshots will be looked at in later installments. His top four:
  • Mitt Romney: 3-2 against—a 40% chance of winning

Rick Perry Hints at White House Run
 Perry Hints at White House Run 

Perry Hints at White House Run

'Prophet' says GOP nomination is now on his radar

(Newser) - Rick Perry has dropped his clearest hints yet that the race for the Republican nomination could soon be gaining another Texan. Perry, speaking at the New York Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner, slammed "Obamacare" and presented himself as a Reaganesque conservative stalwart, Reuters reports. He told Fox that...

Stories 181 - 193 | << Prev