Rick Perry 2012

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Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd
 Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd 

Poll: Cain, Perry Tied for 2nd

Perry's loss is Cain's gain

(Newser) - A surge in support for Herman Cain and an equally dramatic drop in support for Rick Perry has left the pair tied in second place among GOP candidates with 12% each, according to the latest Washington Post poll, which finds Mitt Romney in first place with 25%. Support for the...

Perry Has N-Word Problem, but GOP Bloggers Slam ... Cain?

Conservatives engage in 'anti-anti-racism': analysis

(Newser) - Herman Cain has just run "head first into the brick wall of conservative anti-anti-racism," writes Adam Serwer at Mother Jones . To recap: Rick Perry spent yesterday dodging bullets over his family's ill-named hunting camp, "n-----head"; Herman Cain rebuked Perry on TV for "a lack of...

Perry Gave Huge Tax Grants to Subprime Lenders

Countrywide, WaMu got $35M as they upped risky loans

(Newser) - Rick Perry handed mortgage lenders millions to draw them to Texas—right when their risky lending practices surged. The governor gave Countrywide $20 million and Washington Mutual $15 million in what he called an exemplary job-creation move; in effect, that $35 million subsidized dangerous subprime lending, an AP analysis of...

Rick Perry's Family Camp Long Known by Racist Name

Perry says name changed, but others contradict him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum might not be the only Republican presidential candidate with a name problem. Back when Rick Perry was a young Democrat politician, he used to host events at his family's West Texas hunting camp, a retreat called "n-----head," reports the Washington Post . The offensive name, written...

Romney 1st, Cain 3rd in New Poll

Michele Bachmann's support evaporating

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has regained his undisputed frontrunner status in the race for the Republican nomination, according to the latest Fox poll. The poll of Republican primary voters found Romney holding steady at 23%, while Rick Perry was down 10% from a month ago, dropping into second place with 19%, Reuters...

Perry Camp: We Won&#39;t Change a Thing
Perry Camp:
We Won't Change a Thing

Perry Camp: We Won't Change a Thing

Staffers shrug off criticism, say they'll just hit Romney harder

(Newser) - Problem? What problem? Rick Perry’s campaign doesn’t see one, despite the drubbing he’s been taking for his lackluster debate and his grisly Florida straw poll defeat . “We’re not going to change what we’re doing,” a Perry spokesman tells Politico , dismissing judgments from “...

As Bachmann Fades, Santorum Plots 'Slow and 'Steady' Rise

He hopes to mimic Mike Huckabee's success in Iowa

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may not have Mike Huckabee’s charm, but he’s hoping he can repeat the ex-governor’s performance in Iowa. The former Pennsylvania senator has “essentially moved” to the state, where he aims to win over onetime supporters of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, writes Shushannah Walshe...

Mitt Romney to Meet Donald Trump, Prompting DNC Video
 Romney Ducks Media 
 After Trump Meeting 

Romney Ducks Media After Trump Meeting

DNC jumps at opportunity with new ad

(Newser) - If you’re looking for the Republican presidential nomination, you’d better get the Donald’s blessing. Both Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann (as well as Sarah Palin, hmmm) have paid visits to Trump, and Mitt Romney met Trump this afternoon, the Los Angeles Times reports. But Romney ducked out...

Obama Blasts Climate Denier Whose 'State Is on Fire'

Takes not-so-subtle dig at Rick Perry

(Newser) - President Obama didn’t hold back when discussing the GOP presidential field at a Democratic fundraiser last night. “You've got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change,” Obama said, not mentioning Rick Perry by name, notes USA Today . As for the debates, “you'...

Romney Stomps Rick Perry in Mich. Straw Poll

Wallops Texan with 34-point win in home state

(Newser) - More bad news for Rick Perry, though not as tough as yesterday's loss to Herman Cain: Mitt Romney walloped the Texas governor in his home state of Michigan, nabbing a whopping 51% in the Mackinac straw poll today, reports Hotline . Perry did hang onto second place, with 17%, while...

Mitch Daniels: Lay Off of Rick Perry
 Mitch Daniels: 
 Lay Off of 
 Rick Perry 

Mitch Daniels: Lay Off of Rick Perry

Fat lady ain't singing down in Texas, Indiana governor says

(Newser) - Mitch Daniels has some advice for those who are writing Rick Perry's political eulogy : Hold your horses. "It's way too early to know, or to issue, to pronounce last rites over one performance," Daniels said today. "There's still many of these (debates), too many...

What We Learned in Florida's Straw Poll

Orthodoxy vies with electability among party faithful

(Newser) - Herman Cain's surprise win in Florida's straw poll yesterday shows how unpredictable this election cycle is—but it also provides some valuable lessons about that state of the GOP nation, reports the St. Petersburg Times .
  • The top GOP contender is still Not-Mitt-Romney: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry—Republicans

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing
 Straw Poll 
 Taught Us 

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing

Florida straw poll too unrepresentative to be useful

(Newser) - The Florida straw poll yesterday that saw Herman Cain trounce the competition means ... well, nothing, writes Ben Adler in the Nation . Cain received 37% of the vote, compared to 15% for Rick Perry and 14% for Mitt Romney. "In the usual manner of these inane expectations’ games, the loss...

Bill Kristol: Please Save Us, Chris Christie

The GOP field is decidely lacking, he writes in Weekly Standard

(Newser) - After watching last night's debate, Bill Kristol says the official response of his conservative Weekly Standard is: "Yikes." What's more, he thinks lots of right-leaning observers feel the same way, even if they won't say it. None of the candidates seemed quite up to the...

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry
 Debate a Lousy Night for Perry 

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry

Texas not looking ready for prime time, pundits say

(Newser) - After the third Republican debate in three weeks, one thing is becoming clear: Mitt Romney is pretty good at debating. Most pundits see Romney as the winner of last night's Fox News/Google debate , and believe fellow front-runner Rick Perry's performance should worry his campaign. The Texas governor "...

Meet the Teacher Who Fueled Perry's HPV Fight

Heather Burcham devoted life to raising awareness

(Newser) - After she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, Houston teacher Heather Burcham decided to devote her life to raising awareness of the disease and the HPV vaccine—and one man she inspired was Rick Perry. The Texas governor befriended Burcham following his executive order that girls should receive the vaccine, the...

Show Time: 9 Republicans Face Off
 Romney: Two Rick Perrys  
 on Social Security
gop debate

Romney: Two Rick Perrys on Social Security

And Perry thinks there are two Mitt Romneys on lots of things, too

(Newser) - Republicans got back into debate mode tonight, with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney trading a series of sharp and sometimes sarcastic barbs at one another over Social Security, immigration, and other issues, reports AP . No fewer than nine candidates were on the stage, thanks to the invite extended to former...

Flynt Offers $1M for Proof of Affair by Rick Perry

Hustler publisher offers reward in alt-weekly ad

(Newser) - The joys of being a frontrunner in 2011: Larry Flynt is offering $1 million to anyone who has proof of a Rick Perry dalliance, reports Salon . The Hustler publisher, whose hobby is trying to point out hypocrisy among top conservatives, took out an ad in the Austin Chronicle alt-weekly that...

Perry's 'Epic' New Ad Goes After 'President Zero'

It's like an 'action-movie trailer,' notes AdWeek

(Newser) - Subtle, it's not. Apocalyptic, maybe. Rick Perry's new campaign ad uses bleak images of America under "President Zero" to make the case that it's time for a new leader. "I believe in America,” Perry says as more hopeful images play. “I believe in...

Obama to Meet With Palestinian Leader at UN

He'll also meet with Netanyahu as Perry, Romney hammer policies

(Newser) - If there is indeed a deal in the works to postpone a US-Palestinian showdown on statehood, the two leaders will get to hash it out in person. President Obama will meet Mahmoud Abbas at the UN tomorrow, the AP reports. Obama will meet separately with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile,...

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