Rick Perry 2012

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George W Bush-Rick Perry Rivalry Runs Deep
 Bush-Perry Rivalry Runs Deep 

Bush-Perry Rivalry Runs Deep

Stems from a long-ago slight in Texas politics

(Newser) - Rick Perry took over George W. Bush's job as Texas governor, and he'd sure like to grab Bush's old gig in the Oval Office, but don't expect Dubya to leap up to help put him there. Seems there's long-running tension—if not an outright feud—...

Perry Leads 'How Great Is It To Be Stupid?' Party

He's 'a pistol-totin’, lethal-injectin’, square-shouldered cowboy': Dowd

(Newser) - There's a brand new sheriff in town, folks. Only problem is, he's a moron, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times . Sizing up a Rick Perry–President Obama race for 2012, Dowd sees "a classic cultural collision between a skinny Eastern egghead lawyer who’s inept...

Perry Swipes Back at Bachmann's HPV Allegation

Mental retardation claim has 'no basis in fact,' he says

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann made waves this week by claiming that the HPV vaccine can cause mental retardation, and now more critics are piling on—one of whom is Rick Perry. Perry, of course, was the target of Bachmann's original statement; she disagrees with the executive order he issued requiring Texas...

Perry Proves He Won't Shy Away From His Faith

He speaks comfortably about it at Falwell's Liberty University

(Newser) - Rick Perry's speech at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University today made one thing clear about the Texas governor: He will "not shy away from cloaking his candidacy in his Christianity," writes Philip Rucker in the Washington Post . In fact, he "presented his life in deeply spiritual...

HPV Vaccine-Maker Merck, Perry Cozier Than Claimed

Made major donations to Republican Governors Assocation

(Newser) - Rick Perry told Michele Bachmann in Monday night's GOP debate that he received only a $5,000 donation from HPV vaccine maker Merck, but his financial ties to the drug maker are closer than that figure suggests, the Washington Post finds. Perry's campaigns have received almost $30,000...

Bachmann Tones Down Words on HPV Dangers

Rush Limbaugh says she's 'jumping the shark' with retardation anecdote

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann looks to be pulling back from controversial comments she made about the HPV vaccine after drawing flak from the medical community and others—including Rush Limbaugh, notes Minnesota Public Radio . Bachmann scored points in last night's debate by criticizing Rick Perry's decision to try to mandate...

Perry 'Taken Aback' by Crowd's Insurance Reaction

GOP should be 'party of life,' he says of those cheering the death question

(Newser) - Count Rick Perry among those "taken aback" at the reaction of some in the crowd during a debate question about health insurance last night. (A handful shouted "Yeah!" and cheered to a hypothetical question about whether someone who forgoes insurance should be allowed to die. See the...

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party
Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Rick Perry-bashing pays off for rivals

(Newser) - It was "attack Rick Perry night" at last night's GOP debate in Florida -—to the extent that even Jon Huntsman got in on the act—and the Texan's rivals succeeded in landing a few blows. Mitt Romney, who wisely ignored the Tea Party debate audience to...

Republican Presidential Americans Debate

 Pile on Perry 

GOP Debate

Candidates Pile on Perry

Bachmann gets feisty again with spirited jabs

(Newser) - Rick Perry drew feisty attacks on stage and a few boos from the crowd at tonight's GOP debate in Florida, which also saw Michele Bachmann step it up a notch after fading in the first debate, Politico reports. Tonight kicked off with a fiery exchange on Social Security, when...

Bobby Jindal to Endorse Rick Perry for President
 Jindal to Endorse Perry 

Jindal to Endorse Perry

Louisiana governor will make endorsement before tonight's debate

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty might think Mitt Romney's the guy for the job, but Rick Perry just scored a key endorsement of his own in his quest to be president: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is headed to tonight's Tea Party Republican Debate to give Perry his blessing, reports CNN...

Perry: Sticking to My Guns on Social Security Reform

We must admit the program is a problem, he writes

(Newser) - Many pundits are saying Rick Perry’s views on Social Security could be his biggest problem as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, but the Texas governor isn’t backing down. In an op-ed for USA Today , he declares that we must admit Social Security is a problem—and...

Perry Living High on the (Donors') Hog

Lives the high life—but you wouldn't know it listening to him

(Newser) - Rick Perry may play up his modest background, but these days he’s living in the lap of luxury—with a little help from his friends. Donors pay for the mansion he rents from the state for $10,000 a month—and they’ve covered worldwide travel, resort visits, top-tier...

5 Things to Watch For in Tonight's Debate

Social security and Tea Party topics likely to be big issues

(Newser) - Yes, it’s debate time again. Here’s what to watch for when the 2012 GOP presidential candidates face off tonight in Florida, at an event sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express:
  • Social Security will likely continue to be a flash point. At the last debate, Rick Perry

Ron Paul: Sorry, No 'Cross Words' With Perry

Says he doesn't even recall the exchange

(Newser) - Images of Rick Perry seemingly getting in Ron Paul's face during a TV break in this week's debate have triggered all kinds of fun speculation about what was going on, and now we've got explanations form both camps, notes Ben Smith of Politico . Prepare to be disappointed....

And the Winner Is ... Mitt Romney (Mostly)

His steady performance seems to make him the consensus pick over Perry

(Newser) - A consensus is taking shape from last night's GOP debate, and Mitt Romney should be pleased. He won or at least held his own in the eyes of most (but certainly not all). Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post pronounces him the winner for his "slow and steady"...

Applause as Perry Defends Death Penalty

But serious questions were raised about execution on Rick's watch

(Newser) - One thing Rick Perry doesn't lose sleep over are the executions in his state. Asked last night if he ever worried that Texas has put an innocent man to death, he answered confidently: "No, sir. I've never struggled with that at all." He praised the state'...

Republican Debate: Rick Perry Makes His Debate Debut With Fellow GOP Candidates in California
 Perry, Romney Tee Off 
gop debate

Perry, Romney Tee Off

Texas governor makes his presidential debate debut

(Newser) - Rick Perry made his debate debut tonight, and it's clear the new frontrunner is happy to mix it up. He and Mitt Romney went after each other with gusto, notes AP , as evidenced by an early exchange: After Perry criticized Romney's record of creating jobs in Massachusetts, Romney...

What to Watch for in Tonight's Debate

Will Perry make a good impression? Can Bachmann survive?

(Newser) - Sure, some of them have faced off before—but tonight’s Politico/NBC News debate marks the first time new frontrunner Rick Perry will join the fray, making it what Politico calls the “first Fall Classic” for 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls. And it’s the start of a busy month...

Bachmann's Shooting Star Is Burning Out

Bachmann's poll numbers have dropped in half since winning Ames

(Newser) - A month ago, Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll and was a leading candidate in the GOP's nomination process. Today, her support has plunged in half, her campaign manager has quit, and she's struggling to keep her name alive in a contest increasingly all about Rick Perry...

Rick Perry Super PAC Plots $55M Blitz in Early States

Unlimited pot is funded by candidate's big-money backers

(Newser) - Rick Perry's Super PAC, funded by several of the governor's big-money backers , is planning on hitting the competition hard and fast, spending $55 million in a bid to secure Perry's nomination early in next spring's nominations process, reports MSNBC . Unencumbered by campaign financing restrictions, the theoretically...

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