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Russia: Snowden Can Stay 3 More Years

Moscow OKs NSA leaker's request to extend his stay

(Newser) - Russia, which is currently less than thrilled with the United States , today extended Edward Snowden's stay on its soil by another three years. Snowden's one-year asylum ran out late last week, and as the AP notes, Snowden's lawyer clarifies that he's been granted residency, not political...

Bieber Song Scares Off an Attacking Bear

Russian fisherman saved by 'Baby' ringtone

(Newser) - Justin Bieber's antics can be enough to put you off your Wheaties, but his music is apparently enough to scare off a rampaging brown bear: Russian fisherman Igor Vorozhbitsyn was walking to a spot in the Yakutia Republic when "there was a tremendous impact on my back...

400+ Ukraine Soldiers Cross Into Russia

But whether they're deserting or were escaping enemy fire is anybody's guess

(Newser) - Of this, we are sure: More than 400 soldiers of the Ukrainian government crossed the border into Russia today. Exactly what they're doing there, predictably, is the subject of much contention. Over at RT , Russia is claiming that the 438 soldiers "have been allowed to cross into Russia...

US Spy Plane Dodged Russians —Via Swedish Airspace

US officials report 'incorrect' move

(Newser) - With Russian aircraft nearing, a US reconnaissance plane recently swooped into Swedish airspace, the military says. "The aircraft commander, acting in a professional and safe manner, maneuvered the aircraft to avoid a possible encounter by Russian aircraft," the US European Command says, describing the July 18 incident. The...

Beware the Rise of &#39;Putinism&#39;
 the Rise of 


Beware the Rise of 'Putinism'

Fareed Zakaria sees a troubling trend out of Russia

(Newser) - Welcome to the age of "Putinism," writes Fareed Zakaria at the Washington Post . By that he means a generally repressive governing ideology that Vladimir Putin has created over the years to sustain his power. The worrisome thing to Zakaria is that elements of Putinism already can be seen...

What the New Round of Russia Sanctions Means

And how Putin could retaliate

(Newser) - Amid tensions between Vladimir Putin and the West, Russians have shown little serious concern about the direction their country is headed. But with the downing of the Malaysia Airlines plane and increasing sanctions from the US and EU , the mood appears to be shifting, the New York Times reports. Russian...

Obama: Putin Setting Back 'Decades' of Progress

US, Russia again tighten sanctions over Ukraine

(Newser) - The EU approved dramatically tougher economic sanctions today against Russia, followed swiftly by a new round of US penalties targeting key sectors of the Russian economy. The coordinated sanctions were aimed at increasing pressure on Vladimir Putin to end his country's support for separatists in Ukraine whom the West...

US: Russia Violated Key Nuke Treaty

Tests violated 1987 pact, administration says

(Newser) - US-Russian relations just slid a lot further downhill: The US says Russia has violated a 1987 arms control treaty that helped end the Cold War, the New York Times reports. The formal accusation of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—also known as the INF Treaty—comes after years of...

Black Boxes: MH17 Downed by 'Explosive Decompression'

Missile 'did what it was designed to do'

(Newser) - Malaysia Airlines Flight 17's black boxes have revealed that the plane was brought down by a "massive explosive decompression” after its fuselage was pierced by shrapnel from a missile explosion, a Ukrainian security spokesman tells the AP . "It did what it was designed to do—bring down...

US: Russia Firing on Ukraine
 US: Russia Firing on Ukraine 

US: Russia Firing on Ukraine

State Department says Moscow also providing more big rocket-launchers

(Newser) - Global condemnation apparently hasn't fazed Vladimir Putin: The Obama administration today accused Russia of firing artillery from its territory into Ukraine to hit military sites and asserted that Moscow is boosting its supply of weaponry to pro-Russian separatists. "We have new evidence that the Russians intend to deliver...

US: No Direct Proof That Russia Did It

Missile that downed Malaysia Flight 17 might not be Russian: officials

(Newser) - Senior US intelligence officials said today that Russia was responsible for "creating the conditions" that led to the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, but they offered no evidence of direct Russian government involvement. The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment, noting that while the Russians have...

Russian Theory Blames Ukraine for MH17

Crash victims finally out of rebel-held territory

(Newser) - The investigation into what happened to Malaysia Airlines MH17 took big steps forward today, with victims' bodies finally arriving by train in a Ukraine town and Malaysia declaring that the black boxes are in "good condition." But Moscow, in the meantime, sought to cast doubt on the generally...

Who Downed Flight 17? The West, of Course

On Russian TV, it's all a conspiracy

(Newser) - Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, downed by pro-Russian rebels? Bah. Try the Ukrainian military, who mistook it for Putin's presidential plane, or mysterious forces who packed it with corpses and exploded it in the sky. Or whatever. In Russia, Flight 17 conspiracy theories are common on Kremlin-owned or -managed TV...

More Bodies Found in MH17's Chaotic Recovery

Refrigerated train cars storing the dead lost power overnight

(Newser) - Chaos continues to reign in Ukraine, where recovery efforts for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 lurch along amid political finger-pointing, the discovery of more bodies, and electrical outages in refrigerated train cars that contain more than 200 of the dead, reports the AP . Twenty-one more victims in body bags were pulled...

Obama Must Get Tougher Over 'Mr. Putin's War'

Washington Post, Wall Street Journal criticize US response

(Newser) - At his news conference yesterday , President Obama made clear that the US thinks pro-Russian separatists shot down the Malaysian Airlines jet, and that they likely did so using Russian equipment. But he left it at that. "What was missing from the president’s comments was a clear moral conclusion...

Ukraine Says Rebels Destroying Plane Evidence

They're accused of removing bodies, wreckage

(Newser) - The chances of a "credible international investigation" taking place in the aftermath of this week's Malaysian Airlines crash seem to be dwindling by the hour. Ukraine today accused pro-Russian separatists of removing bodies and wreckage from the crash site without proper authorization, reports the BBC . Specifically, it says...

One American Among Those Killed on Plane

President Obama calls for ceasefire and 'credible' investigation

(Newser) - One American was among the 298 people killed in yesterday's Malaysia Airlines crash , President Obama revealed today. The passenger was identified as Quinn Lucas Schansman, though few details about him were immediately available. The US ambassador to the UN said today that the latest US intelligence suggests the plane...

Putin Calls for Ceasefire in Ukraine

Russian president wants both sides to enter talks day after plane is shot down

(Newser) - One day after a Malaysia Airlines commercial airliner was shot down over Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is asking all involved parties in the conflict between Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists for a ceasefire, saying “peace in Ukraine must prevail as soon as possible,” AP reports. In comments broadcast by Russian...

Ukraine: We've Got Audio of Rebels Bragging About Plane

Recording hasn't been verified; suggests they thought it was military craft

(Newser) - Russia's response to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 is "deeply, deeply, unsatisfactory," says Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, one of several world leaders demanding answers on the shooting down of the Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine. Abbott says he wants the fullest investigation possible, as...

McCain: 'Hell to Pay' If Russia Is Linked to Crash

While Putin says Ukraine bears responsibility

(Newser) - With the evidence increasingly suggesting that today's jet crash over Ukraine was caused by a missile and not a mechanical failure, John McCain is burnishing his reputation as the Senate's top foreign policy hawk. While stressing that it's too early to know anything for sure, McCain said...

Stories 2001 - 2020 | << Prev   Next >>