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Plane Got Shot Down, Says US Intelligence

But officials don't know who fired the missile

(Newser) - US intelligence officials say that a surface-to-air missile did indeed bring down a passenger jet over Ukraine today, but they can't say who fired it or even which side of the border it came from, reports the Wall Street Journal . Both the Ukraine government and pro-Russian separatists have denied...

Putin: Sanctions Will Backfire on Americans

They are 'harmful to national long-term strategic interests'

(Newser) - Predictably, Vladimir Putin is none too pleased with the White House's decision to slap tough new sanctions on Moscow's energy firms, major banks, and a weapons manufacturer. Speaking from Brazil yesterday, Putin slammed America's "aggressive foreign policy" and accused the US of encouraging Ukraine to continue...

US Imposes Toughest Sanctions Yet on Russia

But Europe is more restrained

(Newser) - The US and Europe imposed new economic sanctions on Russia today, with President Obama declaring that Russian leaders must see that their actions supporting rebels "have consequences." Though the American and European sanctions were coordinated, they nonetheless exposed fissures in what the West has tried to project as...

Child's Crucifixion Appears to Have Been a Lie

No evidence for Russian state TV story: opposition leaders

(Newser) - Viewers of Russian state TV recently learned about a 3-year-old boy nailed to a board by Ukrainian officials in front of his mother; it was "just like Jesus," the report said. Afterward, the mother, who was said to have committed a crime, was reportedly dragged around a central...

Ukraine: Russia (Probably) Shot Down Our Plane

Government also alleges that Russian army officers are fighting with rebels

(Newser) - Someone shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane near the Russian border today—and the Ukrainian government says that someone was probably in Russia. Separatists in Eastern Ukraine immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but the plane was flying at 21,300 feet, Ukraine's defense minister tells the AP...

Ukraine Accuses Russia of Kidnapping Female Pilot

She has been charged with murder in deaths of 2 journalists

(Newser) - Russia has charged a Ukrainian military pilot with murder in the deaths of two Russian journalists killed in an attack at a rebel roadblock last month—but how she came to be in Russian custody is fiercely disputed. Moscow says Nadiya Savchenko, variously reported to be 31 or 33, was...

Ukraine Rebels Regroup After Losing Key Stronghold

'We will drown these wretches in blood,' warns Donetsk rebel leader

(Newser) - Discouraged but defiant, pro-Russia separatists vowed to keep fighting the government in Kiev from the largest city in eastern Ukraine, where they regrouped yesterday after being driven out of a key stronghold. At a rally in a central Donetsk square, the rebels were cheered on by thousands of supporters waving...

'Energetic Bear' Is Attacking Our Energy Sector

'The potential for sabotage is there,' says Symantec director

(Newser) - "Energetic Bear" has roared its way into the Western oil and gas sector: Over the past year and a half, more than 1,000 companies in 84 countries have been hit by the malware, which was first uncovered in August 2012 and further described in a report released yesterday...

Ukrainian Prez: Ceasefire Is Done, 'We Will Attack'

Rebels didn't disarm or give up key border crossings

(Newser) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he is halting a unilateral cease-fire in the conflict with pro-Russian separatists and says Ukrainian forces will go on the offensive against the rebels. A statement from Poroshenko on his website said the cease-fire is being halted and that "we will attack and we...

Ukraine Signs Deal That Started It All

And Russia isn't happy

(Newser) - It's official: The Ukraine has signed a free trade deal with the European Union, the BBC reports—the same free trade deal that sparked the protests that led to the current crisis. President Petro Poroshenko called the deal the most historic moment for Ukraine since it gained independence in...

Thousands Flee Ukraine as Cease-Fire Expires

Some leaving for Russia vow never to return

(Newser) - As a shaky cease-fire in the east entered its final hours last night, thousands of Ukrainians in cars stuffed with belongings lined up at the border to cross into Russia, some vowing never to return. Many said they were most frightened for their children and desperate to take them to...

Kerry to Russia: Disarm Ukraine Rebels in 'Hours'

EU leaders could talk sanctions beginning today if needed

(Newser) - Russia needs to diffuse the situation in Ukraine—immediately, John Kerry urged today. "It is critical for Russia to show in the next hours, literally, that they're moving to help disarm the separatists, to encourage them to disarm, to call on them to lay down their weapons and...

On Day 1 of Truce, Ukraine Helicopter Shot Down

Troops given OK to shoot back after 9 killed

(Newser) - The shaky ceasefire in Ukraine was thrown into peril yesterday when pro-Moscow separatists shot down a Ukrainian military helicopter, killing nine servicemen just a day after rebels agreed to respect a truce called by the Ukrainian government last Friday. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned he may end the weeklong truce...

Putin Backs Ukraine Cease-Fire, But...

He also today ordered military exercises

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed support today for Ukraine's unilateral cease-fire in its battle against pro-Russian separatists and appealed to both sides to halt all military operations. But he warned that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's blueprint for peace would not be viable without action to start peace negotiations....

Ukraine Talks to Putin, Proposes Ceasefire

President poised for unilateral move; expects rebels to follow

(Newser) - Ukraine's new president talked to Vladimir Putin last night, and today, Petro Poroshenko appears ready for a ceasefire, the New York Times reports. Poroshenko says he'll order the unilateral move once the border is secure; he believes "all illegal military units" will follow suit, per Russian and...

Deadliest Strike Yet: Ukraine Military Plane Shot Down

About 50 killed, as president promises 'adequate response'

(Newser) - Pro-Russian rebels have just notched the single deadliest attack since the unrest in Ukraine broke out, reports Reuters : They shot down a military transport plane as it was landing in Luhansk, killing all 49 Ukraine military personnel aboard. At the scene, soldiers found firing tubes from Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles, reports...

US Says Russia Sent Tanks Into Ukraine

Rocket launchers, too

(Newser) - Russia keeps talking a good game about de-escalating the violence in Ukraine, but the US today says it has three hulking pieces of evidence that the talk isn't translating into reality. The State Department has concluded that three T-64 tanks spotted yesterday crossing over the Ukraine border were indeed...

Stalingrad Could Exist Once More

Volgograd, one of Russia's biggest cities, has undergone several name changes

(Newser) - The city today called Volgograd, which with 1 million people is one of Russia's largest, has gone through several name changes in its recent past. For more than 300 years it carried on with the name Tsaritsyn, but after it became home to one of history's deadliest battles—...

Boy's Big Genitals Land Him in Jail

Russian court says they prove he's of legal age

(Newser) - In Russia's criminal justice system, size matters. And unfortunately, that means exactly what you think it means. A poor lad named Tomas discovered this after he moved from Ukraine to Moscow to live with his aunt and was soon accused of stealing a cell phone, reports UPI . The kid...

Putin on Clinton: Don’t Argue With Women

Tough rhetoric a sign of weakness, he says

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin managed to refrain from grunting and beating his chest during an interview this week in which he suggested that Hillary Clinton is "weak"—"not the worst quality for a woman"—and said, "It's better not to argue with women." The Russian...

Stories 2021 - 2040 | << Prev   Next >>