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Biden Headed to Kiev Next Week

Separatists take over more government buildings

(Newser) - With separatists extending their reach in eastern Ukraine, the White House says Joe Biden is headed to Kiev to meet with leaders. The vice president will head to the country on April 22, CNN reports. This Thursday will see talks between Ukraine, Russia, the US, and the EU. Meanwhile, regional...

NATO: Russian Troops Look Ready to Move

Troops near Ukraine border aren't training, alliance says

(Newser) - Russian troops in more than 100 makeshift bases near the border with Ukraine are in an advanced state of readiness and could invade within 12 hours of getting orders from the Kremlin, NATO warns. A spokesman for the alliance says the huge Russian force seen in satellite images "can...

Russia Didn&#39;t Reveal Tsarnaev Phone Call to FBI
Russia Didn't Reveal Tsarnaev Phone Call to FBI
new report

Russia Didn't Reveal Tsarnaev Phone Call to FBI

Per a source, inspector general's report finds FBI 'did all that it could'

(Newser) - An inspector general's report has concluded Russia withheld information on Tamerlan Tsarnaev that could have very likely led the FBI to more carefully investigate him—two years before the Boston Marathon bombing, the New York Times reports. Though Russian officials did share details on Tsarnaev in 2011 regarding his...

Ukraine to Separatists: This Is Over in 48 Hours

Protesters in east erect barricades, build bombs

(Newser) - Pro-Russia protesters are bolstering their defenses in eastern Ukraine as Kiev threatens to use force to settle the situation. "A resolution to this crisis will be found within the next 48 hours," Ukraine's interior minister says, per Reuters . "For those who want dialogue, we propose talks...

Russia: 'Civil War' Looms in Ukraine

Kiev parliament bans calls for separatism

(Newser) - Attempts by the Ukrainian government to retake government buildings seized by pro-Russia protesters who have declared independence in regions in the east of the country could lead to "civil war," warns Russia—which says it will intervene if necessary to protect Ukraine's Russian-speakers and is watching developments...

Separatists Declare Part of Ukraine Independent

Buildings in 3 cities in eastern Ukraine seized

(Newser) - Crimea first, eastern Ukraine next? Pro-Russia protesters last night seized government buildings in the cities of Kharkiv, Luhansk, and Donetsk in Ukraine's largely Russian-speaking east, waving Russian flags and demanding a referendum on joining Russia, reports Reuters. In Donetsk, separatists have dubbed the region an independent republic, and have...

How Ukraine Mess May Be Healthy for New York City

Penalties may mean fewer purchases by absentee Russian billionaires: Megan McArdle

(Newser) - It may not be the first thing to come to mind in regard to Russia's dispute with Ukraine, but the fallout could take a tangible hit on New York City real estate. The New York Times explains that rich foreigners—think Russia, China, and Brazil—account for about 40%...

NASA Yanks Cooperation With Russia —Sort of

They're kinda our ride to the ISS

(Newser) - NASA is cutting off much of its contact and cooperation with Russia—except when it comes to the International Space Station, which NASA relies on Russia to reach. "Given Russia's ongoing violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," all contact with Russian representatives are suspended, "...

Putin Officially Single Again
 Putin Officially Single Again 

Putin Officially Single Again

Divorce with Lyudmila is final

(Newser) - Only a week ago, Vladimir Putin's official bio described him as a married man. Today, however, the bio has no more mention of his wife of three decades, Lyudmila, and a Kremlin spokesman confirms that their divorce is final, reports AFP . But that doesn't necessarily man he's...

Friedman: To Defeat Putin, Kick Him in the Wallet

Globalization can be used to our advantage: op-ed

(Newser) - Some may argue that Vladimir Putin's actions in Crimea prove globalization isn't all that it's cracked up to be; Cold War-style politics haven't been wiped out forever. But Thomas Friedman argues that in order to stop Putin, we need to view him in the context of...

Russia Jacks Ukraine's Gas Price 40%

And NATO boss says Russia hasn't moved troops yet

(Newser) - Russia's state-owned energy giant Gazprom is increasing the price of the natural gas it sells to Ukraine by 40%, it announced today, in what Reuters sees as an attempt to increase economic pressure on Kiev. But Gazprom didn't explain the move in terms of geopolitics; the company said...

Kerry: Russia Agrees to Seek Diplomatic Solution

Russian troops on Ukraine's border aren't helping, Kerry adds

(Newser) - John Kerry said today the United States and Russia agree on the need for a diplomatic solution for Ukraine, which would have to be at the table for negotiations. He also said the Russian troop buildup along the border is creating a climate of fear and intimidation in Ukraine, even...

Russia: We're Not Interested in Invading Ukraine

Foreign Minister Lavrov insists before meeting with John Kerry

(Newser) - The rhetoric from Russia continues to ease up a bit: "We have absolutely no intention of—or interest in—crossing Ukraine's borders," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Russian TV, reports the BBC . He spoke a day before a scheduled meeting with John Kerry about defusing tensions...

Putin Calls Obama to Talk Diplomatic Resolution

Envoys from two countries will meet soon

(Newser) - Given that Russia has been massing troops at the Ukraine border, this seems like a relatively hopeful development: Vladimir Putin called President Obama today to talk about finding a diplomatic resolution, reports the BBC . The two leaders discussed a proposal put forth by John Kerry to Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov...

Putin Could Be Like Stalin &mdash;but With Nukes
Putin Could Be Like Stalin
 —but With Nukes

Putin Could Be Like Stalin —but With Nukes

Leon Aron worries about return of 'personality-driven dictatorship'

(Newser) - The US is right to be wary of what Vladimir Putin might be planning next, writes Leon Aron in the Los Angeles Times . He sees troubling signs that a "personality-driven dictatorship" is becoming the new normal in Russia, as evidenced by the chants and ovations Putin received when he...

US Fears Russia Has Invasion Force Ready

Troops near Ukrainian border are concealing their positions

(Newser) - Is Russia planning to follow up its annexation of Crimea with an invasion of eastern Ukraine? American officials say they're not sure what Vladimir Putin's next move will be, but Moscow appears to have everything in place for a potential long-term deployment, the Wall Street Journal finds. At...

Coroner Leaves Russian Exile's Death Unexplained

Can't say after inquest whether Berezovsky killed himself or was murdered

(Newser) - Boris Berezovsky's death will remain officially unexplained. A British coroner said today it wasn't possible to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt whether the self-exiled Russian tycoon and opponent of Vladimir Putin was killed or committed suicide. The 67-year-old Berezovsky was found on a bathroom floor of his ex-wife'...

Fearing US Spies, Top Russians Dump iPad

Government officials swap for Samsung tablets

(Newser) - Apple just lost some high-ranking customers: Russian government officials have admitted they've dumped their iPads due to security concerns after they were spotted yesterday without them in tow, the AFP reports. Minister Nikolai Nikiforov said he read "American special services... will significantly increase the volume of information they...

Russia Hijacks Ukraine's Spy Dolphins

'Combat dolphins' to change sides

(Newser) - Another humiliation for Ukraine: Russia, which now controls all military installations in Crimea, has also taken control of the country's military dolphin program. The secretive program, started in Soviet times, is based in the Crimean city of Sevastopol and has long been rumored to include training the mammals to...

Obama Defends Iraq War in Criticizing Russia

US didn't annex land, tried to 'work within the international system'

(Newser) - President Obama gave the big speech of his four-day overseas trip while in Belgium today, and it focused as expected on condemnation of Russia's moves in Crimea, reports Politico . At one point, Obama rejected the idea that US is hypocritical for criticizing Vladimir Putin given the invasion of Iraq....

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