
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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Ukraine Dumps Defense Minister

With military in shambles, it seeks public's help

(Newser) - Ukraine's parliament has ousted acting defense minister Ihor Tenyukh without offering an immediate explanation, CNN reports. Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov prompted the move, which saw the country's parliament replace Tenyukh with Col. Gen. Myhaylo Koval. The switch comes as Ukraine's weakened military turns to the country's...

Hot New Petition: Give Alaska Back to Russia

21K have signed in 4 days

(Newser) - Managing to get kicked out of the G8 apparently isn't all that worrisome for at least 21,408 Americans. An anonymous Anchorage resident launched a petition on the White House's "We the People" site Friday titled " Alaska back to Russia ," and that's how many...

Ukrainian Women: Russians Beat and Jailed Us

Three activists say they were kidnapped in Crimea

(Newser) - Three female Ukrainian activists drove into Crimea just before its referendum and ended up kidnapped, beaten, and tossed in the same jail, they tell the Daily Beast . They were driving into Crimea—one on her own, and two together—to spread their views when Cossacks, Russian militia, and Ukrainian "...

Russia Kicked Out of G8
 Russia Kicked 
 Out of G8 

Russia Kicked Out of G8

Industrialized leaders say that's only the beginning

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of other major industrialized countries not only canceled a G8 meeting in Sochi, they effectively kicked Russia right out of the group. Condemning Vladimir Putin's "illegal attempt to annex Crimea," the group said goodbye to Russia after 16 years, CNN reports. The...

Elderly Nun Proves We Have a Nuclear Security Problem

Sophisticated thieves could easily steal highly enriched uranium

(Newser) - In 2009, a gang of masked men landed a helicopter on a Swedish cash depot, blew open its skylight, and made off with millions of dollars in less than 20 minutes, while throwing the police off their scent with a fake bomb and road spikes. What would happen if thieves...

Russians Overrun One of Ukraine's Last Crimea Bases

NATO warns of troop buildup at border

(Newser) - Ukraine has ordered all of its troops to evacuate from Crimea starting at 3pm today, after Russia seized one of its last remaining military installations in the peninsula. Russian forces seized the marine base after attacking from two directions early this morning using armored personnel carriers and stun grenades, a...

Russia's 'Eiffel Tower' May Be Destroyed

Tower is decaying as real estate speculators hungrily eye the spot

(Newser) - It's been hailed as a masterpiece of design and Russia's answer to the Eiffel Tower, but pretty soon the Shabolovka radio tower, also known as the Shukhov Tower, could disappear. Late last month the Russian State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting agreed to dismantle the tower, the...

Russians Seize Base, Ask, Don't You Watch TV?

Another Ukraine outpost in Crimea is gone

(Newser) - The last of the Ukraine troops still on the job in Crimea are packing it in. Pro-Russian forces used armored vehicles to smash through the gate of a military base in Belbek and seize control today, reports AP . Gunfire and explosions could be heard, and two people were taken away...

Putin Officially Finishes Annexing Crimea

As Ukraine signs European Union trade pact

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin officially signed the bills completing Russia's annexation of Crimea today, hailing the move as a "remarkable event," the AP reports. It was one of the day's two auspicious signings; earlier, interim Ukrainian President Arseniy Yatsenyuk signed on to what Reuters refers to as a...

Take That: Russia Bars Boehner, Reid, McCain

After US sanctions, Moscow singles out 9 American officials

(Newser) - Russia got Crimea , but the US is dominating in the sanctions department. After President Obama ramped up strong economic penalties against 20 prominent Russians (but not Vladimir Putin), Moscow fired back by telling nine American officials (but not Obama) that they weren't welcome in Russia, reports the Hill . The...

Obama: No One Wants 'Actual War With Russia'

Meanwhile, Ukrainian commander released after ultimatum

(Newser) - The US won't be sending troops to Crimea anytime soon. President Obama effectively ruled out a military response to Russia's land grab yesterday, USA Today reports. "We do not need to trigger an actual war with Russia," he told KSDK-TV , in an interview ostensibly about raising...

Ukraine Gives Up on Crimea, Pulls Troops

Thousands being relocated to mainland

(Newser) - It looks like Vladimir Putin's swift annexation of Crimea will be a largely peaceful one, too. Ukraine is pulling all of its troops and their families out of the peninsula and relocating them on the mainland, reports the Guardian . The announcement by the government "effectively amounted to a...

South Ossetia a Cautionary Tale for Crimea

South Ossetians starting to get sick of Moscow

(Newser) - The ethnic Russians who make up most of Crimea's population are pretty excited about the reunion with the motherland , but a look at other regions reveals that the love from Moscow may not last long, the New York Times finds. In South Ossetia, recognized as an independent state by...

'Russia's Osama' Dead, Militants Say

Chechen rebel Doku Umarov replaced by Dagestani

(Newser) - The Chechen rebel leader labeled "Russia's Osama" has been declared dead by authorities several times but this time looks like the real deal: A website used as a mouthpiece for Islamic militant groups in southern Russia says Doku Umarov, 49, has joined those "who fulfilled their contract...

Romney: Obama's Timing Is Just Dreadful

In op-ed, former candidate takes on president's foreign policy

(Newser) - Pundits have lately been lining up to second-guess President Obama's foreign policy, and the latest to do so is the guy who wanted Obama's job. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today, Mitt Romney laments that America's hands seem tied everywhere from Crimea to North...

US Calls G7 Crisis Meeting, May Kick Russia Out of G8

While Ukraine decries 'robbery'

(Newser) - Moscow has officially signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia, and the West is not happy. President Obama today called for an emergency meeting of the G7 to decide whether to kick Russia out of the G8, the AP reports. The G7, which consists of the US, Britain, Japan,...

Putin: Crimea Was Always Part of Russia

Blasts West as Kremlin approves annexation treaty

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin opened his mouth and let the West have it today during his fiery formal proposal to annex Crimea, which he claimed "has always been part of Russia"; he likened the annexation to the reunification of East and West Germany. Putin declared the referendum to join Russia "...

Obama Slaps Key Russians With Sanctions Over Crimea

Says US support for Ukraine is 'unwavering'

(Newser) - The White House has responded to Crimea's secession vote by expanding its sanctions to target several Russian officials, people providing "material support" to them, and players in the arms industry, President Obama announced today. In brief remarks, Obama characterized yesterday's referendum as illegal, and said the sanctions...

State-Run TV: Russia Could 'Turn US Into Radioactive Ash'

Anchor Dmitry Kiselyov was hand-picked by Vladimir Putin

(Newser) - The man Vladimir Putin hand-picked to run a new state-run news agency turned a number of heads yesterday when he stood before an image of a mushroom cloud and declared that "Russia is the only country that could really turn the US into radioactive ash." Dmitry Kiselyov then...

Obama: US Will Never Accept Crimea Vote
 Crimea Applies to Join Russia 

Crimea Applies to Join Russia

US, EU says 'costs' will be imposed on Russia

(Newser) - Crimea declared independence from Ukraine today, with officials claiming an overwhelming 96.7% of voters voted to join Russia —but the US and its European allies say the vote in the Ukrainian region was illegal and the results will never be accepted. The White House says President Obama has...

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