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Trump on Special Prosecutor: Biggest 'Witch Hunt' Ever in US

The president weighs in via Twitter

(Newser) - "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!" That was President Trump's Thursday morning tweet following news that a special prosecutor had been appointed to investigate whether Trump's campaign had ties to Russian tampering with the presidential election. He followed that...

Bad Joke or Trump Scoop? Post Has a New Recording

Kevin McCarthy spoke of candidate Trump being on Putin's payroll: 'Washington Post'

(Newser) - The Washington Post has another front-pager on President Trump in regard to Russia: It dug up a recording from June 2016, a month before Trump clinched the nomination, in which House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy tells a few fellow House members he thinks Trump is on Vladimir Putin's payroll....

Special Counsel Appointed to Trump-Russia Investigation

Robert Mueller is a former FBI director

(Newser) - The Justice Department has appointed a special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election, the New York Times reports. According to the Washington Post , Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has tasked Robert Mueller with investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government...

Putin: 'Political Schizophrenia' Gripping US

Defends Trump, says he'll hand over transcript of the White House meeting

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin says President Trump did not reveal classified information during his White House meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and that a transcript can prove it, reports the Hill . The Russian president said Wednesday that he would be willing to provide the transcript of the meeting to Congress...

Sources: Info Trump Gave to Russia Came From Israeli Spy

And those sources say the intelligence wasn't supposed to be shared

(Newser) - President Trump won't be in Israel until next week, but he may have already angered his hosts: The classified information that he shared with Russian diplomats was provided by Israel, which is unlikely to be thrilled about information gathered by its spy network being given to a country with...

McMaster: The Real Problem Isn't What Trump Said

It's the leak, says the national security adviser

(Newser) - National Security Adviser HR McMaster stepped up his defense of President Trump Tuesday and sought to change the narrative of the classified-info flap : The problem isn't what Trump said, he argued, it's the leak. In a White House briefing, McMaster said that what Trump told visiting Russian diplomats...

Colbert to Trump on Russia Leak: 'Please Resign'

Late-night hosts Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah also weigh in

(Newser) - A high-profile Washington Post story Monday alleged President Trump leaked classified info to the Russian officials who visited the Oval Office last week, sending DC, the internet, and late-night TV into a new tizzy. Highlights from Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, and Stephen Colbert, via the Week , the New York Daily ...

In 2 Tweets, Trump Defends Sharing Info With Russians

President says he gave details to Russians to help fight ISIS

(Newser) - President Trump on Tuesday defended his decision to share information with two visiting Russian diplomats, asserting that he has the "absolute right" to do so. Trump did not address allegations that the information he shared was classified , though as president he has the power to declassify anything he wants....

GOP Senator on Alleged Leak: Trump in 'Downward Spiral'

Story claiming Trump disclosed classified info to Russians leads to a dramatic night

(Newser) - The news that President Trump had allegedly shared highly classified information with Russian officials led to a dramatic night in Washington, DC, Monday, with lawmakers from both parties expressing shock and White House officials issuing denials. In what the AP calls one of the most bizarre moments, National Security Adviser...

Washington Post: Trump Leaked Classified Info to Russia

HR McMaster says the story as reported is 'false'

(Newser) - The Washington Post is out with what it's calling a bombshell Monday night: According to anonymous officials, President Trump revealed highly classified information during his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak last week. The officials say the information had to do with an ISIS...

Only 29% Approve of Comey Dismissal

Trump’s Comey
Dismissal Not
a Popular Move
new poll

Trump’s Comey Dismissal Not a Popular Move

Only 29% in new poll approve of Trump's firing of FBI director

(Newser) - A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows unfavorable views of President Trump’s move to dismiss FBI Director James Comey. The poll, conducted among 800 adults, found that only 29% of Americans approve of Comey’s dismissal, though Trump’s overall approval dropped only one point from last month’s...

Trump Lawyers&#39; Letter on Russia Income Draws Snickers
'With Few Exceptions' Surges
as Latest Trump Meme
the rundown

'With Few Exceptions' Surges as Latest Trump Meme

His lawyers say 10 years of returns show no Russian income, mostly

(Newser) - Lawyers for President Trump said Friday that a review of his last 10 years of tax returns do not reflect "any income of any type from Russian sources," with some exceptions. It's the latest attempt by the president to tamp down concerns about any Russian ties amid...

Blogger Played Pokemon Go in Church, Is Convicted for It

Russia's Ruslan Sokolovsky convicted of inciting religious hatred

(Newser) - A Russian blogger was convicted Thursday of inciting religious hatred for playing Pokemon Go in a church and given a 3.5-year suspended sentence. Ruslan Sokolovsky's offense is the same one that sent two women from Pussy Riot to prison in 2012. Sokolovsky posted a video on his blog...

This White House Photo Is Causing a Controversy

Photographer from Russia's state news agency took it, but US media was shut out

(Newser) - It's an otherwise unremarkable image of the photo-op variety, showing President Trump shaking hands with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the Oval Office on Wednesday. But it's causing a fuss because of how it came to be. The meeting was closed to the media, but Russia's...

New Revelation on Comey Gives Ammo to Trump Critics
New Revelation on Comey
Gives Ammo to Trump Critics
the rundown

New Revelation on Comey Gives Ammo to Trump Critics

FBI chief reportedly asked for more resources to expand Russia inquiry

(Newser) - The White House says President Trump fired the FBI's James Comey over his handling of Hillary Clinton's email trouble. Critics, however, think it's fishy that Trump just happened to get rid of the man leading the investigation into Russian meddling in the election. Now, a new report...

'You're Kidding!': Russian Minister on Comey Firing

Sergey Lavrov seemed to react sarcastically to Comey question at DC presser

(Newser) - US News says he "appeared to get irritated," while Politico and NBC note he was being sarcastic, but if Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov didn't know about President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey before Wednesday morning's presser at the State Department, he does now....

Pence: Comey's Firing Had Nothing to Do With Russia

VP shoots down allegations from some Democrats

(Newser) - Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday that President Trump's firing of James Comey had nothing to do with the fact that the former FBI director was in charge of the bureau's investigation into whether Trump's campaign team colluded with Russia to interfere with the 2016 US presidential...

McConnell: There Will Be No Special Prosecutor

He says it would just disrupt the Senate's own Russia investigation

(Newser) - Amid the uproar following James Comey's surprise firing, many have called for a special prosecutor to take up the probe into Russian interference with the 2016 US presidential election—but those people are going to be disappointed. A new investigation would "only serve to impede the current work...

After Comey Firing, Lawmakers Call for Independent Russia Probe
Comey Heard
the News,
Thought It
Was a Joke

Comey Heard the News, Thought It Was a Joke

Democrats call for independent Russia investigation

(Newser) - President Trump's firing of James Comey was so unexpected that the FBI director initially thought it was a joke, sources tell the New York Times . Comey was addressing FBI employees in Los Angeles when news of his firing flashed on a TV screen, insiders say. He said he thought...

Key Moments From the Sally Yates Hearing
Key Moments From 
the Sally Yates Hearing

Key Moments From the Sally Yates Hearing

After warning, it took 18 days to fire Flynn

(Newser) - Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday testified before a Senate subcommittee looking into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia, and analysts say she provided some key information about the departure of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn—and raised some new questions for the White House. A...

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