
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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Russian Opposition Leader Blinded With Toxic Green Dye

Assailant threw 'weapon of choice' on Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny in Moscow

(Newser) - Russia may soon have a president with a "stylish white eye." Not Vladimir Putin, but Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader who made the joke after a not-so-funny incident last week that may leave him partially blind. The New York Times reports Navalny was attacked Thursday in Moscow...

Trump Up Late Railing on Hillary via Twitter

Tuesday night's tweets centered on James Comey and Clinton's 'many bad deeds'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton spoke at a Women for Women event Tuesday and took "absolute personal responsibility" for mistakes that may have led to her 2016 election loss to Donald Trump, though she says her political demise was helped along by misogyny, Russia's WikiLeaks interference, and James Comey's ill-timed...

In the '80s, He Feared Russia. Now, He Sees Kindred Spirit

WaPo reports Republican right is warming to some in Russia

(Newser) - "My assessment is that it’s definitely part of something bigger." Such is the pronouncement from the man who spent 30 years leading the CIA's Russian operations in a Washington Post article about some American conservatives' new ally: Russians. The article opens with an anecdote about the...

Flynn May Now Face Criminal Prosecution

Leaders of House panel say he didn't get permission for work in Russia, Turkey

(Newser) - Michael Flynn's Russia headache just got worse: The two heads of the House Oversight Committee say the erstwhile national security adviser probably broke the law in regard to his foreign business dealings, reports the Washington Post . GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz and Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings say they reviewed classified...

Trump Administration Says Exxon Can't Drill in Russia

Treasury Department denies waiver from Russian sanctions

(Newser) - The US government won't be granting Exxon Mobil a waiver from Russian sanctions, Politico reports. It had been reported this week that the oil and gas company was seeking a waiver to allow it to drill in the Black Sea. The refusal of that waiver came Friday in the...

Russian Supreme Court Bans Jehovah&#39;s Witnesses
Russia Bans
Jehovah's Witnesses

Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses

The religious group plans to appeal

(Newser) - Russia's Supreme Court on Thursday banned Jehovah's Witnesses from operating anywhere in the country, accepting a request from the justice ministry that the religious organization be considered an extremist group, the AP reports. The court ordered the closure of the group's Russian headquarters and its 395 local...

Russian Bombers 'Show Their Teeth' in Alaska Fly-By

US Air Force intercepted them with F-22 fighter jets Monday evening

(Newser) - "Nothing to see here," was US military officials' reaction to an incident this week involving Russia off the coast of Alaska—even though the Air Force sent two F-22 fighter jets and an early-warning plane to address the situation. A spokeswoman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command...

Tillerson Says US Relationship With Russia at &#39;Low Point&#39;
Russia Vetoes UN Resolution
on Syrian Chemical Attack
The Rundown

Russia Vetoes UN Resolution on Syrian Chemical Attack

And Rex Tillerson says US-Russia relations are at a 'low point'

(Newser) - The US—along with France and the UK—had sought to pass a resolution condemning the use of chemical weapons in Syria and calling for a full probe into last week's attack only to have it vetoed by Russia during a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday,...

FBI Was Investigating Trump Advisers; Now There's a Name

'Washington Post' reports on court order to monitor communications of Carter Page

(Newser) - Lots of stories of late have reported that the FBI was investigating ties between "Trump associates" and Russia, and now there's a definitive name: Carter Page. He served as a foreign policy adviser to the campaign, and the Washington Post reports that the FBI obtained a secret court...

White House: Russia Lying About Syrian Chemical Attack

Officials say Russia is spreading 'false narratives' to protect Syrian government

(Newser) - Russia is running a "disinformation campaign" to confuse responsibility for last week's chemical attack in Syria and protect the Syrian government, according to White House officials. In a declassified report released Tuesday, the US government concludes Syrian forces used sarin gas during the attack, the New York Times...

Kremlin: Tillerson Meeting 'Not in Putin's Diary'

Snub believed to be result of Syria tensions

(Newser) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson travels to Russia Tuesday—but, unlike when he visited Moscow as CEO of ExxonMobil, he will not be meeting Vladimir Putin. A Putin spokesman said Monday that they have not announced "any such meetings and right now there is no meeting with Tillerson in...

Trump Officials Take Hard Line on Russia
Trump Administration
Gets Tough With Russia

Trump Administration Gets Tough With Russia

Iran, Russia warn US not to cross 'red lines'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Moscow on Tuesday, and the visit is highly unlikely to be the love-in that some predicted in the Trump administration's earlier days. Tillerson talked tough on Russia in interviews Sunday, calling for the country to end its support of Syria's...

Russia: 'Extremely Serious' Consequences for US Strike

Airstrike in Syria has dealt 'significant blow' to US-Russia relationship

(Newser) - Things are getting tense between the US and Russia following the US missile strike on a Syrian air base. Vladimir Putin's office says the attack dealt a "significant blow" to the relationship between the two countries, the New York Times reports. And according to Reuters , Russia's deputy...

Dangerous Syria Fallout? Moscow Ditches Hotline With US

Russia pulls out of communication link designed to keep pilots from colliding

(Newser) - One potentially dangerous consequence from the US strike on Syria : A hotline of sorts between Russia and the US is kaput. In the wake of the strike, Moscow says it will no longer participate in what is known as a "deconfliction line," reports the AP . The premise was...

Clinton: This Is Why I Lost to Trump

She says misogyny definitely played a role

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton gave her first public post-election interview at the Women in the World Summit in New York City Thursday—and the election was one of the main topics. Clinton, who was interviewed by Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times after being introduced by Samantha Bee from Full Frontal,...

Russia: US Strike on Syria an &#39;Act of Aggression&#39;
Russia: US Strike on Syria
an 'Act of Aggression'

Russia: US Strike on Syria an 'Act of Aggression'

Pentagon says Russian forces were warned

(Newser) - The US hit a Syrian air base with almost 60 Tomahawk missiles early Friday in what President Trump says was a response to a chemical attack on civilians—and what Russia and Syria say was an act of aggression. A spokesman for Vladimir Putin told reporters Friday that Putin considers...

Russia: Image of Putin in Makeup Is Illegal

But it's unclear exactly which of many such images is banned

(Newser) - A list of "extremist" materials banned by the Russian justice ministry recently got its 4,071st entry: a Photoshopped image of Vladimir Putin wearing makeup, the Guardian reports. According to CNN , a simple retweet of the image could net the sharer 15 days in prison or a $53 fine....

Devin Nunes Steps Aside From House's Russia Inquiry

Republican chair of the intelligence panel recuses himself

(Newser) - Devin Nunes is removing himself from the House's investigation into possible ties between Russia and President Trump's team, reports Politico . The California Republican chairs the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Russian tampering in the presidential election, but Nunes has been accused of being too close to the...

Haley on Syria: How Many More Kids Have to Die, Russia?

UN ambassador, other US pols say Putin may be protecting Assad on chemical attack

(Newser) - Scores were killed in Syria's Idlib province on Tuesday in what the New York Times calls "the worst chemical attack in years" in the war-torn country. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime is saying it had nothing to do with it, and Syrian ally Russia is also...

Post: Blackwater Founder Met With Russian on Trump's Behalf

Sources say he was trying to set up unofficial communications channel

(Newser) - Is Blackwater founder Erik Prince secretly doing outreach for the Trump administration? According to a Washington Post report that an administration official calls "ridiculous," Prince met a Russian official close to Vladimir Putin in the Seychelles days before Trump took office in an effort to set up a...

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