
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

US Fugitive Spent Decades in Portuguese Village

George Wright became handyman Jorge Santos

(Newser) - George Wright, murderer, hijacker, and American fugitive, was known as Jorge Santos, easygoing immigrant from Guinea-Bissau during the decades he hid in a Portuguese village. The 68-year-old, who was recaptured earlier this week , married a local woman and raised two children, now in their early 20s, after settling down in...

US Fugitive Caught After 41 Years in Portugal

Killer, hijacker George Wright fighting extradition

(Newser) - This might be the end of the road for fugitive George Wright, but what a road it's been. Authorities arrested the 68-year-old in Portugal yesterday after 41 years on the lam. Even the bare bones of his rap sheet nearly defy belief, as CNN and AP recount: In 1962,...

Fugitive Sister: 'I Deserved to Get Shot'

Lee Grace Dougherty admits pointing gun at officer

(Newser) - The female member of the fugitive siblings glorified as the Dougherty Gang doesn't sound too upset she caught a bullet in the thigh: "I pointed the gun at the cop," Lee Grace Dougherty told authorities, according to KMGH in Denver. "I deserved to get shot. The...

Renters Flock to Whitey Bulger's Santa Monica Digs

Residents to want live where a fugitive escaped a decade-long manhunt

(Newser) - The simple Santa Monica apartment where James "Whitey" Bulger hid from the FBI for more than a decade could soon be one of the hotter properties in the city's rental market. The door to unit 303 remains sealed with police tape as FBI agents continue to pick the...

Whitey Bulger's Brother Failed Morally at Every Turn

William Bulger put murderous brother first

(Newser) - Deciding whether to protect or persecute a murderous brother can’t be easy, but “please, spare me any misplaced sympathy for William M. Bulger,” writes Scot Lehigh of the Boston Globe . Faced with that moral test, Bulger “failed it at each and every turn.” The former...

Inside Whitey Bulger's Life on the Lam With Catherine Greig
 Inside Bulger's Life on the Lam 

Inside Bulger's Life on the Lam

Bulger, Greig often crossed border for prescription drugs

(Newser) - Despite the fact that he’s accused of murdering 19 people, Whitey Bulger’s capture caused a “momentary twinge of regret” in Tim Rutten. After all, there’s something romantic about the idea of 16 years on the run, Rutten writes in the Los Angeles Times ; perhaps we have...

Whitey Bulger Has Confessed
 Whitey Bulger Has Confessed 

Whitey Bulger Has Confessed

And more details on how they nabbed the famous fugitive

(Newser) - James “Whitey” Bulger has confessed, one anonymous official tells the Boston Globe . Authorities found plenty of guns and cash in the Santa Monica apartment where they nabbed Bulger and longtime Girl Friday Catherine Greig, but the two went quietly, the official said, noting that Bulger seemed to be in...

Robber Busted 28 Years After Huge Bank Heist

Norberto Gonzalez Claudio spent decades on the run

(Newser) - A Puerto Rican militant has been arrested 28 years after he allegedly took part in one of the biggest bank robberies in American history. Norberto Gonzalez Claudio, 65, is accused of participating in the $7 million armed robbery of a Wells Fargo truck in Connecticut in 1983, AP reports. Claudio,...

Mobster Found Hiding in Idaho Town

'I’ve always thought there was something different about Jay'

(Newser) - Stunned residents of the small Idaho town of Marsing have just learned that the man they knew as Jay Shaw was actually Enrico Ponzo, a fugitive mobster from Boston. Ponzo, who had been on the lam for 17 years, was arrested this week for a long list of charges including...

Convict's Suicide Plan: 'Be Bear Food'

Fugitive Tracy Province aimed to overdose on heroin, get eaten

(Newser) - An escaped convict wanted to end his life in a less-than-usual way: by overdosing on heroin in Yellowstone National Park and then letting bears eat him. But before he injected the drug, a voice told him not to do it. Instead, he tried to hitchhike to Indiana to visit family,...

Cops Nab Fugitive After 30 Years on Run

Canadian dope smuggler had been living in Pennsylvania for decades

(Newser) - Thirty years after faking a heart attack to escape prison, a 71-year-old alleged dope smuggler has landed back in custody, reports CNN . Ian Jackson MacDonald escaped from a Miami-Dade prison hospital in 1980, after convincing a guard to unshackle his legs so he could take a shower. MacDonald had been...

'Bonnie and Clyde' Couple Charged With Murder

Escapees, accomplice accused of carjacking, killing Okla. couple

(Newser) - Two Arizona prison escapees and their alleged accomplice kidnapped and murdered an elderly couple so they could steal their camping trailer, prosecutors charge. John McCluskey and his fiancée Casslyn Welch—who were captured last week after weeks on the run—have been charged with murder and carjacking in New...

'Bonnie and Clyde' Couple Captured in Arizona

McCluskey, Welch nabbed at campground

(Newser) - An armed and dangerous Arizona couple have been captured after weeks on the run. Prison escapee John McCluskey and his fiancee Casslyn Welch were arrested at a campground in northeast Arizona after a forest ranger spotted their vehicle hidden in the trees, the AP reports. Police say Welch brandished a...

Murderous Cons Hiding Out in Yellowstone

Two fugitives, fiancee may be heading to Canada

(Newser) - The remaining two murderous cons who escaped from an Arizona prison and their female accomplice are hiding out in Yellowstone Park, police believe. The trio likely fled to the area after one of the escapees murdered an older couple in New Mexico and stole their pickup truck, according to law...

Barefoot Bandit Pleads Guilty, Will Be Deported

Harris-Moore smiles after being charged with minor offense in Bahamas

(Newser) - The teenage fugitive police have dubbed the "Barefoot Bandit" pleaded guilty to a minor offense in the Bahamas today and is expected to be deported soon to the US to face prosecution. Colton Harris-Moore pleaded guilty to illegal entry into the country at his first court appearance in the...

Barefoot Bandit Put a Gun to His Head

Weapon charge could complicate his case in the Bahamas

(Newser) - As cops shot out the engine on his getaway boat and the noose tightened on his 2-year crime spree, Colton Harris-Moore desperately chucked his laptop and iPhone into the water—and put a gun to his own head, reports the LA Times. "He was saying he was going to...

'Barefoot Bandit' Was Shoeless When Busted

Colton Harris-Moore arrives in Nassau after capture, faces extradition to US

(Newser) - The teenage "Barefoot Bandit" who allegedly stole cars, boats, and airplanes to dodge US law enforcement was nabbed today as he tried to make a water escape, then brought handcuffed—and shoeless—to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, to face justice. Colton Harris-Moore was arrested before dawn in...

'Barefoot Bandit' Reported Nabbed in Bahamas

Cops say they're taking Colton Harris-Moore to capital

(Newser) - Police in the Bahamas say they have caught the teen fugitive known as the "Barefoot Bandit." A police official says 19-year-old Colton Harris-Moore was arrested this morning on the northern island of Eleuthera. The official said police expect to fly Harris-Moore within hours from Eleuthera to Nassau, the...

'Barefoot Bandit' Linked to Bahamas Crash

Teen fugitive goes international

(Newser) - After all those years in the rainy Pacific Northwest, maybe Colton Harris-Moore was looking for a tropical vacation. The theft of a plane from Indiana over the weekend and its crash landing in the Bahamas a few hours later look like the work of the notorious teen "Barefoot Bandit,...

Brazen Teen 'Barefoot Bandit' Now Linked to Boat Thefts

Cult hero's list of escapades grows

(Newser) - Add two stolen boats and another burglary to the feats of the bold teen "'Barefoot Bandit," who has evaded police for 2 years and amassed a cult fan following. Colton Harris-Moore, 18, has terrorized islands in the Pacific Northwest, where he is suspected in dozens of burglaries and...

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