
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

In This Crappy Economy, Corporate Profits Soar

There's a disconnect between profitability and jobs

(Newser) - There's a whole lot of evidence that the US' economic recovery isn’t going well—unemployment remains too high, consumer lending too low, and consumer confidence in shambles—but one place you won’t find that evidence is on corporate balance sheets. US companies are poised to post big...

Bachmann to Obama: I'll Find You a Job

... after I take yours

(Newser) - In between taking potshots at ObamaCare and the economy, Michele Bachmann had some words of comfort for President Obama yesterday: Not to worry, because after she kicks him to the curb next year, he won't have to join the ranks of the unemployed. "I want you to know,...

Consumer Confidence Hits Seven-Month Low

People antsy about unemployment rate

(Newser) - US consumer confidence plunged to a seven-month low in June on continuing worries about high unemployment and stagnating wages. A reading of 90 indicates a healthy economy on the index; the June score was 58.5, a six-point drop from May. The Conference Board's Consumer Confidence Index measures how...

Dow Plummets Below 12K
 Dow Plummets Below 12K 

Dow Plummets Below 12K

Unemployment claims, oil prices lead to drop

(Newser) - The number of unemployment claims jumped to 429,000 last week, an unexpected rise that led the Dow Jones industrial average to fall below 12,000. Falling oil prices—they decreased 5% today—also drove US stocks lower, the AP reports. The Dow was down recently more than 215 points,...

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

 Scott Walker 
 Big on Slogans, 
 So-So on Jobs 
Dana Milbank

Scott Walker Big on Slogans, So-So on Jobs

Dana Milbank says the governor has proved he has no silver bullet

(Newser) - Scott Walker loves talking about his “powerful” job-creating policies. “The very first day I was elected, I put up a sign that said, ‘Wisconsin is open for business,’” Walker said at a US Chamber of Commerce summit yesterday, waving a bumper sticker bearing the same...

Unemployment Rate for African-Americans: 16.2%

It's even higher for black males, black teens

(Newser) - CBS News reports on the jobless rate for African-Americans, and the figures aren't pretty: While the national unemployment rate hovers around 9.1%, for blacks it stands at 16.2%. For black males the rate is even higher, at 17.5%. Things get even worse in NYC, where...

Unemployment Worsens for US Veterans

Rate now at 30% for the young

(Newser) - The job market isn’t friendly territory in general these days, but it’s looking especially brutal for veterans. Unemployment payments to veterans have doubled since 2008, with the military doling out $882 million in benefits last year, USA Today reports—and this year is looking even worse. Joblessness among...

Democrats Blast Romney Joke: 'I'm Also Unemployed'

Aides say Mitt was mocking himself, got laughs

(Newser) - Discussing unemployment at a Florida coffee shop, Mitt Romney said he felt the pain of his jobless listeners: “I should tell my story, I’m also unemployed,” he said, according to the New York Times . "I'm networking," he added. “I have my sight on...

Obama: Economy 'Going to Take Time'

President pleads for patience in weekly address

(Newser) - President Obama today sought the public's patience with a slowing economy and said training workers for manufacturing jobs despite declines in that sector will help put the economy on a path toward growth. "We didn't get into this mess overnight. And we won't get out of...

Sarah Palin: President Obama Wants to 'Go Down With This Sinking Ship'
 Palin: Maybe 
 Obama Wants 
 to Go Down 
 With Ship 


Palin: Maybe Obama Wants to Go Down With Ship

She'd rather start 'plugging the hole,' not 'go way of Titanic'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin surveyed this week's grim economic reports and declared them "not a bump in the road," but rather a "brick wall." Palin then went into full nautical mode on Fox News to describe the economy, calling it "noble" of President Obama "to...

Only McDonald's Saved Us From Losing Jobs

Depressing: That one-day hiring binge kept us in the black

(Newser) - Just how lousy were today's unemployment numbers ? Employers created a meager 54,000 jobs, way under expectations. Alex Goldmark at Good points out that if not for McDonald's one-day hiring binge of 62,000 jobs, the nation would have had a net loss. "That's what...

Unemployment Rate Rises to 9.1%

And fewer new jobs than expected were created

(Newser) - Employers hired only 54,000 new workers in May, the fewest in eight months, and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1%. The Labor Department report offers startling evidence that the US economy is slowing, hampered by high gas prices and natural disasters in Japan that have hurt US manufacturers....

Inspired by Arab Spring, Spanish Protesters Defy Ban

Young demonstrators angry over lack of jobs

(Newser) - Because regional elections take place in Spain tomorrow, today is supposed to be a national "day of reflection," with no protests or public gatherings. Try explaining that to the tens of thousands of demonstrators who continue to pack city squares in Madrid, Barcelona, and other major cities. Police...

David Brooks: Health Care Spending Choking Jobs Spending
Our Real Problem: One-Fifth of Men Are Sitting Idle
David Brooks

Our Real Problem: One-Fifth of Men Are Sitting Idle

David Brooks thinks we need to spend on jobs, not health care

(Newser) - America has a big problem: Its men aren’t working. “There are probably more idle men now than at any time since the Great Depression,” writes David Brooks of the New York Times , and the problem is structural. While there are a decent number of jobs for college...

Unemployment Rises to 9%, but Hiring Is Up

As more rejoin the job search, unemployment rate goes up

(Newser) - Employers added more than 200,000 jobs in April for the third straight month, the biggest hiring spree in five years. But the unemployment rate rose to 9% in part because some people resumed looking for work. The Labor Department says the economy added 244,000 jobs last month. Private...

We Depend on Uncle Sam's Cash More Than Ever

Wages lagging as source of income

(Newser) - Americans relied on government programs for more of their personal income last year than at any previous time in history. According to a USA Today analysis of federal data, Social Security, unemployment, Medicare, and food stamps made up 18.3% of the national income last year, while wages accounted for...

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High
American Pessimism
Hits 2-Year High
poll numbers

American Pessimism Hits 2-Year High

70% feel country headed down wrong path

(Newser) - It's springtime—and despair is in the air, according to the latest New York Times /CBS poll. Americans are more pessimistic about the economy and the direction the nation is headed than at any time since the start of the Obama administration, when the country was deep in recession,...

Plan for Florida's Jobless: Let Them Wear Capes

Shockingly, jobless not impressed with the $14K move

(Newser) - File under "questionable ways to tackle the topic of unemployment": A Florida group wants to fight crushing unemployment with a "Cape-A-Bility Challenge" that would bestow 6,000 red superhero capes on the area's jobless. Unfortunately, would-be recipients aren't thrilled with the idea of Workforce Central Florida...

iPad Kills Jobs: Jesse Jackson Jr.

'Why do you need to go to Borders anymore?' asks congressman

(Newser) - The real culprit behind American unemployment? The iPad, says congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.: It’s “probably responsible for eliminating thousands of American jobs.” Just look at Borders' bankruptcy, he noted on the House floor on Friday: “Why do you need to go to Borders anymore? Why do...

67% of Men Had Jobs in 2010—a New Low

Overall percentage of working Americans is down to 45.4%

(Newser) - A mere 45.4% of Americans were working in 2010, the lowest rate since women started flooding into the workforce in the 1980s, according to a new analysis from USA Today . The figure, down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000, indicates that a combination of a bad economy...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>