
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Working More Than 8 Hours Could Kill You

...but so could unemployment

(Newser) - Should you need another reason to call it quits at 4:59pm today: A new study has found that people who clock 11 or more hours of work a day are 67% more likely to have or die from a heart attack over a 12-year period. A group of 7,...

Unemployment Falls to 2-Year Low: 8.8%

It's fallen full point over past four months, the sharpest drop since 1983

(Newser) - The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8% in March and companies added workers at the fastest two-month pace since before the recession began. The Labor Department says the economy added 216,000 new jobs last month, offsetting layoffs at local governments. Factories, retailers, education, health care,...

Michigan: Now Home to Stingiest Jobless Benefits

Governor Rick Snyder lops six weeks off of benefits

(Newser) - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law yesterday that will chop six weeks off the amount of time state workers can collect unemployment next year—making Michigan the only state in the country to give its workers less than 26 weeks of benefits, the New York Times reports. Republicans quietly...

Paul Krugman: Barack Obama, Congress Have Abandoned the Unemployed
 Washington Has 
 Abandoned the 
paul krugman

Washington Has Abandoned the Unemployed

Krugman: Why are we obsessed with the deficit when millions need jobs?

(Newser) - One-sixth of American workers can’t find full-time jobs, and things aren’t getting any better for them: There are nearly five times more jobless people than there are job openings, and the "average unemployed worker has been jobless for 37 weeks." Yet all we hear about from...

Lousy Job 'Worse for Mental Health Than No Job'

Health benefits of becoming employed depend on job quality: study

(Newser) - Studies have found that unemployment is bad for a person's mental health, but new research has discovered that having a lousy job can be as bad or worse. The researchers studied thousands of people of working age and found that while getting a good job after a period of unemployment...

Mitt Romney: Today's Job Fairs Are Like the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression
 Obama Has  
 His Very Own 
mitt romney

Obama Has His Very Own 'Hoovervilles'

Mitt Romney: Today's job fairs call to mind Depression-era misery

(Newser) - Mitt Romney welcomes Obama to Boston today with an op-ed in the Herald that blames the president's economic policies for bringing back scenes reminiscent of the Great Depression. Romney rehashes what he's been calling the Obama Misery Index : Unlike Jimmy Carter's misery index of the '70s, which combined unemployment and...

Paul Krugman: GOP Budget Cuts Would Destroy Recovery
 GOP Cuts Would 
 Destroy Recovery  

paul krugman

GOP Cuts Would Destroy Recovery

House Republicans relying on 'Confidence Fairy' with job-killing measures

(Newser) - We’re finally clawing our way up from the bottom of the very deep hole that is the recession: Unemployment has dipped amid a "virtuous circle of rising incomes and improving finances." Yet House Republicans are pushing spending cuts that would send us right back down again, writes...

Unemployment Dips to 8.9%, Nearly a Two-Year Low
 Unemployment Dips to 8.9% 

Unemployment Dips to 8.9%

That's nearly a two-year low

(Newser) - More good news in February : The unemployment rate dipped to 8.9%—a nearly two-year low—as employers hired at the fastest pace in nearly a year. The economy tacked on 192,000 jobs last month, with factories, professional and business services, education, and health care among those expanding employment....

Census: 1 in 4 US Counties 'Dying'
 1 in 4 US Counties 'Dying' 
says census

1 in 4 US Counties 'Dying'

More deaths than births recorded in rising number of areas: census

(Newser) - Almost a quarter of America's 3,142 counties are slowly dying, according to the US Census Bureau. Some 760 counties are now recording more deaths than births, census figures show, and what demographers call "natural decrease" is accelerating as the downturn pushes birth rates down and forces young people...

Unemployment High, but Layoffs Rarer

Those with jobs have good odds of keeping them

(Newser) - The US labor force has been split into two groups: the relieved and the desperate. Those who have a job are less likely to lose it than at any point in at least 14 years, while those who are unemployed are in trouble: The jobless are staying so for longer...

Unemployment Falls to 9%
 Unemployment Falls to 9% 

Unemployment Falls to 9%

But that's partially because many have stopped looking

(Newser) - The unemployment rate dropped sharply last month to 9%, the lowest level in nearly two years. But the economy added only 36,000 new jobs, the fewest in four months. The unemployment rate has fallen by eight-tenths of a percentage point in the past two months; that's the steepest two-month...

CBO: Deficit to Hit Record $1.5T

Thanks to tax cut, unemployment extensions

(Newser) - New budget estimates released today predict the government's deficit will hit almost $1.5 trillion this year, a new record. The daunting numbers mean that the government will have to borrow 40 cents for every dollar it spends. The latest figures are up from previous estimates because of bipartisan legislation...

US Sees Rosiest Jobs Outlook Since 1998
 US Sees Rosiest 
 Jobs Outlook 
 Since 1998 
survey says

US Sees Rosiest Jobs Outlook Since 1998

42% of respondents expect to be hiring in next 6 months

(Newser) - US firms' employment expectations are the best they’ve been in more than a decade, a survey finds: Some 42% of companies who responded expect to boost hiring in the next 6 months, up from 39% in October; just 7% planned to shrink payrolls, compared to 11% in October. Some...

Recession Over for US Firms, Not Workers

US jobless rate higher than competitors despite soaring profits

(Newser) - The US recession is over—at least, for businesses. US workers are still mired in it. Unlike its economic competitors, America's profits have bounced back to above 2007 levels, but the unemployment rate is higher than in Britain or Russia and much higher than in Germany, Japan, or China, notes...

Feds Hit States With Interest on Unemployment Loans

Tax-free provision ended with first stimulus

(Newser) - With most states already swinging in the recessionary winds, more bad news—many will have to start paying interest on the money they borrow to pay unemployment benefits. When jobless levels hit the unthinkable, with some states seeing 14%-15%, many had to go cap in hand to the feds to...

Wages Falling Fast— and Might Not Come Back

This consequence of the recession hearkens back to Depression

(Newser) - More bad news for the unemployed: You may very well return to the workforce, but it will likely be at a significantly lower wage than you were earning before. The Wall Street Journal offers up the stories of workers who went, in one case, from a $150,000-per-year money manager...

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%
Unemployment Rate
Falls to 9.4%
breaking news

Unemployment Rate Falls to 9.4%

But that's party because some people stopped looking for jobs

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% last month, its lowest level in 19 months. That was because more people found jobs, but also because some people gave up on their job searches. The Labor Department says employers added 103,000 jobs in December, an improvement from November's revised...

For Returning Troops, an Even Worse Job Reality

They're grappling with 10% employment; non-vets at 9.1%

(Newser) - The job market is obviously bleak—but it's even worse when it comes to troops returning from war. The Washington Post takes a look at the 2 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, who spent as much as 10 years, on and off, in desolate war zones, racking...

These Predictions for 2010 Were Way Off

They said iPads wouldn't make it, but Google Wave would

(Newser) - The media gave us plenty of predictions for 2010, and plenty of them simply didn’t come true. AOL News lists some of the most glaring:
  • Job growth will begin again. Newsweek predicted it unemployment would fall “below 9%,” but it was never less than 9.5%.
  • Republicans

Why We Love to Think the Jobless Are Lazy
Why We Love to Think
the Jobless Are Lazy

Why We Love to Think the Jobless Are Lazy

Mythology, narcissism, and 'raw fear' drive conceit

(Newser) - In America, we like to think that the unemployed are to blame for their joblessness—that, in the words of Ben Stein, they’re “people with poor work habits and poor personalities." But any economist will tell you that’s not true, writes David Sirota in Salon . The...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>