
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Labor Dept Has a New Site for Jobless
 Labor Dept Has a 
 New Site for Jobless 

Labor Dept Has a New Site for Jobless

Unemployment? Still there.

(Newser) - For those who wish they were working this holiday weekend, the Labor Department has a new website aimed at helping out-of-work Americans land a job. Called My Skills, My Future, the site allows job-seekers to punch in their skills, search for jobs, and obtain training, reports Huffington Post.

'Household Misery Index' Hovering Near 30-Year High

Economic fear still rampant, new measure shows

(Newser) - An update of the "Misery Index" from the '70s shows that economic anxiety remains at a high level—just below the all-time high set in December 1982, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Misery, as measured by the blog Paper Economy 's "Household Misery Index," dropped in June...

Middle Class Morphs Into 'New Poor'

Ever more Americans heading downward

(Newser) - At first, it seemed the financial crisis wouldn't leave the US deeply scarred, that's we'd ultimately emerge from it with renewed energy—until Americans stopped to look around and realized that somewhere along the way the middle-class had atrophied, leaving a small super-rich elite and swelling ranks of the poor....

10 Weird Reasons to Get Fired
 10 Weird Reasons to Get Fired 

10 Weird Reasons to Get Fired

Capital letters, cancer haircuts, and other odd offenses

(Newser) - There is no nice way to lose your job, especially during a recession. But, not every "you're fired" is created equal. Here, courtesy of Oddee , are some of the worst—and weirdest—job-loss stories out there:
  • Waitress canned for cancer cut: After losing her father to cancer, a Canadian

Jobless Claims Hit 9-Month High

Reach 500K mark as employers again cut back

(Newser) - New applications for unemployment insurance reached the half-million mark last week for the first time since November, a sign that employers are likely cutting jobs again as the economy slows. The Labor Department said today that initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 last week to 500,000,...

Greece Simmers as Austerity Plan Backfires

Unrest predicted as unemployment soars

(Newser) - The Greeks are still broke and they're getting angrier about it. An austerity plan meant to put the country back on the road to economic health has plunged Greece into a depression, with the unemployment rate approaching 70% in some areas. Almost a fifth of stores in Athens have declared...

Bernanke, Please Heed Your Own Advice
Bernanke, Please Heed
Your Own Advice
paul krugman

Bernanke, Please Heed Your Own Advice

Your dithering is keeping Americans unemployed

(Newser) - If only Ben Bernanke would listen to himself—or at least the self that blasted Japan's government in the '90s for passively allowing the economy to wither, writes Paul Krugman. Back then, he urged Japan to "abandon its excessive caution" and accused economic officials of using flimsy technical excuses...

House Approves $26B in Jobs Aid

Republicans criticize it as another bailout

(Newser) - The House today approved $26 billion in emergency funding intended to protect the jobs of teachers and other government employees across the country, the Washington Post reports. Nancy Pelosi called the House back from August recess for a 1-day session to approve the bill, which she thinks will save 300,...

US Workers Stretched Thin
 US Workers Stretched Thin  
Hirings Ahead?

US Workers Stretched Thin

With productivity decreasing, companies may need to hire

(Newser) - The employed portion of the US workforce is feeling burnt out. According to new numbers from the Labor Department, productivity fell 0.9% this quarter, as the time workers spent on the job rose faster than the economic output they produced. That means companies could soon be forced to hire...

Why My Company Isn't Hiring
 Why My Company Isn't Hiring 

Why My Company Isn't Hiring

Taxes are driving up unemployment

(Newser) - Why is unemployment so high? Blame the government, writes Michael Fleischer in the Wall Street Journal . Using the employee who has his company's median salary as an example, the head of Bogen Communications explains that though she makes $59,000 on paper, she actually takes home only $44,000 after...

Tips for Online Job Hunters
 Tips for Online Job Hunters 

Tips for Online Job Hunters

For starters, be careful about anything you post

(Newser) - Online job hunters make common mistakes, writes Elizabeth Garone in the Wall Street Journal. Things to keep in mind:
  • Mind your manners: This applies to your tweets, blogs, even your Facebook postings. Most hiring managers review your online presence, and most have rejected people because of something inappropriate they dug

Bernanke: Unemployment Will Be High for Years

Financial picture is 'unusually uncertain'

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke isn't exactly spreading good tidings in his semiannual report to Congress. Two of the lowlights, from the New York Times :
  • Unemployment: Expect it to remain high, as in well above 7%, through the end of President Obama's first term. Bernanke said it will take "a significant amount

Reasons to Bet Against a Double-Dip Recession
Reasons to Bet Against
a Double-Dip Recession

Reasons to Bet Against a Double-Dip Recession

Data don't support hysterical headlines

(Newser) - Fears of a double-dip recession is running high, but economic data suggest that they are unfounded. Writing in the Wall Street Journal , Milton Ezrati of the money management firm Lord Abbett explains:
  1. The consumer is regaining strength: A 1.4% decline in retail sales for May gave rise to double-dip

Voters Support Helping Jobless, Despite Deficit

Polls show support for extending benefits

(Newser) - Most voters are in favor of helping the unemployed even if it means adding to the deficit, writes Arthur Delaney at the Huffington Post , who rounds up recent polls:
  • A CBS survey found that 52% of respondents—including 35% of Republicans—supported extending unemployment benefits at the cost of increasing

Companies Raking in Cash &mdash;Hoarding, Not Hiring
Companies Raking in Cash —Hoarding, Not Hiring
sorry, unemployed

Companies Raking in Cash —Hoarding, Not Hiring

Chamber of Commerce blames Obama administration

(Newser) - US corporations have been reporting impressive earnings, and piling up loads of cash—but they’re not actually spending that cash to hire anyone. Nonfinancial companies have about $1.8 trillion in cash on hand, which is roughly 25% more than at the start of the recession, the Washington Post...

Jobless Flood Suicide Hotlines

Calls spike 18% from January to May

(Newser) - Calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline have spiked precipitously this year, likely indicating a surge in actual suicides. The official suicide rate always lags by several years, but the Lifeline says calls jumped 18% from January to May, reaching an all-time high of 59,500. It’s possible that’...

Hey, Stimulus Backers, Don't Be So Arrogant
 Hey, Stimulus Backers, 
 Don't Be So Arrogant 
david brooks

Hey, Stimulus Backers, Don't Be So Arrogant

At least concede the possibility you're wrong

(Newser) - David Brooks sounds a bit fed up with all the economists— Paul Krugman , he's looking at you—loudly demanding another stimulus. Among the shots in today's New York Times column:
  • "The Demand Siders are brilliant, but they write as if changing fiscal policy were as easy as adjusting the

Jobless Masses a Boon for Employers
Jobless Masses a Boon
for Employers

Jobless Masses a Boon for Employers

Companies can hire better workers, pay less

(Newser) - High unemployment isn’t bad for everyone. Many companies are taking advantage of the jobless masses, hiring extremely motivated workers at discount rates, Bloomberg reports. “Companies are getting higher-productivity employees for the same or lower wage rate they were paying a marginal employee,” explains one investment strategist. “...

It's the Anti-Stimulus We Should Be Worried About

State budget cuts are wiping out the effects of the stimulus

(Newser) - The success of the Obama stimulus in creating jobs has been broadly, and furiously, debated—and will continue to be as the election season nears. But Ezra Klein argues today that in the end it's the "anti-stimulus"—the massive constriction of state budgets—that will decide our economic...

Private Hiring Weaker Than Expected

 Private Hiring 
 Weaker Than 
unemployment at 9.7%

Private Hiring Weaker Than Expected

Temporary census jobs account for nearly all the growth

(Newser) - The nation's payroll grew by 431,000 last month—almost all because of a burst of temporary census hiring by the government. Private payrolls grew at the slowest pace since the start of the year—economists had expected more than 500,000 total new jobs. The unemployment rate dipped to...

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