
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Jobless Man Sends Senator Angry Emails, Gets Arrested

Faces felony charges over notes to Bunning

(Newser) - When Sen. Jim Bunning single-handedly blocked an expansion of unemployment benefits—and complained that he'd had to miss a Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game to do it—unemployed Philadelphia man Bruce Shore did what any furious voter would do: he sent Bunning an email. “ARE you'all insane?” it read. “...

Welcome to the Real World; It Stinks
 Welcome to the 
 Real World; 
 It Stinks 
joe queenan

Welcome to the Real World; It Stinks

Class of 2010 has dim prospects and unrealistic expectations

(Newser) - A meeting with a childhood friend of his twentysomething son—an Ivy League grad making $250 a week as an intern with a street fair—got Joe Queenan thinking. His inescapable conclusion: the millennials are screwed. "With the obvious exception of youngsters born during the Great Depression," Queenan...

Job Creation Up, but So Is Jobless Rate

Unemployment at 9.9% as job seekers re-enter market

(Newser) - Employers stepped up job creation in April, expanding payrolls by 290,000, the most in four years, the AP reports. The jobless rate also rose, to 9.9%, as people resumed their searches for work. The hiring of 66,000 temporary government workers to conduct the census helped overall payroll...

Job Market Rough on Baby Boomers
Job Market Rough
on Baby Boomers

Job Market Rough on Baby Boomers

Unemployment for 55-and-older set highest since WWII

(Newser) - The economy may be showing signs of recovery, but the job prospects for out-of-work baby boomers remain troubling, reports NPR . The unemployment rate among the 55-and-older set hit 7.2%, the highest since the end of World War II. And while that may be lower than the overall rate, older...

Jobs Surge Back for Techies
 Jobs Surge Back 
 for Techies 

Jobs Surge Back for Techies

Google hired 786 employees in Q1

(Newser) - If you went to MIT, the economy shouldn’t look half bad. Tech companies are hiring again, often even fighting over top recruits, the Wall Street Journal reports. Yesterday, Google announced that it had hired 786 employees in the first quarter, and said it expected to “continue hiring aggressively...

Employers Add Jobs in March
 Employers Add Jobs in March 

Employers Add Jobs in March

Increase of 162K keeps unemployment rate at 9.7%

(Newser) - The Labor Department delivered expected good news on the jobs front this morning: Employers added 162,000 jobs in March, the biggest monthly increase in 3 years. The gain, however, wasn't big enough to change the unemployment rate, which remained at 9.7% for the third straight month.

Jobs Returning to Wall St. (if Not Main St.)

Banks and brokerages make with the hiring

(Newser) - Who says the job market’s in trouble? Not Wall Street, which after nearly two years of layoffs is in the middle of a bona fide hiring boom. Though the number of financial employees in New York fell by 2,800 in February, that loss comes after two straight months...

More Sexual Harassment Claims Being Filed—by Men

Recession pushes laid-off guys to sue

(Newser) - A growing number of men are filing sexual harassment claims, probably thanks in part to a recession that has hit men especially hard. Roughly 16.4% of all sexual harassment claims now come from men, compared to 15.4% in 2006, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Most of...

American Dream Believers Plummeting
 American Dream 
 Believers Plummeting 

American Dream Believers Plummeting

Hopeful responses to Zogby poll fall off dramatically from last year

(Newser) - Just 57% of Americans think the “American Dream” is achievable today, down 10 points from around a year ago and from 76% in July of 2001, pollster John Zogby writes. He splits “American Dreamers” into four categories: Traditional Materialists, Secular Spiritualists, Deferred Dreamers, and Dreamless Dead. Over the...

More Americans Living With Mom and/or Dad

Struggling economy leads kids back to empty nest, and retirees to kids

(Newser) - Even President Obama is in on this trend: A record number of Americans are living in multigenerational households as the recession forces young adults and retirees alike to move in with family. After 40 years of such households declining—from 25% in 1940 to just 12% in 1980—they’re...

Hipster Defends Using Food Stamps

 Hipster Defends 
 Using Food Stamps 

Hipster Defends Using Food Stamps

Why the backlash over access to healthy food?

(Newser) - There's been quite the backlash against hipsters buying fancy organic fare with their food stamps, but one such hipster argues that “cheap food is the real extravagance.” Gerry Mak—a subject of the recent Salon article —points out that "a whole rabbit at Lexington Market is...

Senate Passes $18B Jobs Bill
 Senate Passes $18B Jobs Bill 

Senate Passes $18B Jobs Bill

Proponents hope measure will create 250K jobs

(Newser) - US companies that hire unemployed workers will get a temporary payroll tax holiday under a bill that easily won final congressional approval today. The 68-29 Senate vote sends the legislation to the White House, where President Obama has promised to sign it into law. Optimistic estimates predict the tax break...

Hipster Foodies Turn to Food Stamps

Stimulus package makes more young people eligible for benefits

(Newser) - Food stamps are for the poor, no matter if you’re a single mother or a destitute hipster. Salon checks in on the growing number of young, unemployed, college-educated foodies who qualify for stamps and use them for organic delicacies along with staples. One UChicago grad says he “used...

Battered Middle Class Reports Struggling, Stalling
Battered Middle Class Reports Struggling, Stalling
Poll Numbers

Battered Middle Class Reports Struggling, Stalling

Those with college educations doing far better than others

(Newser) - The middle class is feeling the pinch. Of the 45% of Americans who consider themselves middle class—a fraction that's pretty much held steady for 4 decades—four in 10 say they’re struggling to remain there, according to a new ABC News poll. The biggest factor: education. Among those...

Obama's Economics Are Working
 Are Working 

Obama's Economics Are Working

Ignore the political crowd, the president's been great for business

(Newser) - President Obama doesn't get much political credit for it, but the numbers show his economic policies have been a resounding success. Since he took office, the S&P 500 is up 41%, credit spreads have narrowed, commodity prices have surged, and housing prices have stabilized, writes Mike Dorning of Bloomberg...

Critics Warn Jobless Benefits Becoming Welfare

Extensions up to 99 weeks too much, they say

(Newser) - The unemployment benefit program designed to help workers in the short term is turning into an expensive form of welfare as extensions continue, complain critics in Congress and elsewhere. Workers in the hardest-hit states can now claim benefits for 99 weeks, the longest period since the program began in the...

Unemployed Professionals Vie for Census Jobs

Applicant pool for 2010 temp jobs is unusually qualified

(Newser) - For the Census Bureau, the recession is good news: With unemployment near 10%, professionals with advanced degrees are applying for temporary census jobs in droves. The bureau will hire at least 700,000 people in the spring and summer to make house calls on census laggards and perform organizational tasks....

Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report
 Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report 

Dow Up 122 on Jobs Report

Unemployment rate holds at 9.7%

(Newser) - A better-than-expected jobs report fueled a rally in stocks to close out the week. Nonfarm payrolls fell by 36,000 in February, far less than the predicted level of 75,000, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow gained 122.06 points to close at 10,566.20.
  • The Nasdaq

Unemployment Holds at 9.7%
 Unemployment Holds at 9.7% 

Unemployment Holds at 9.7%

Employers shed 36,000 jobs, fewer than expected

(Newser) - The unemployment rate held at 9.7% in February as employers shed fewer jobs than expected. The Labor Department said employers cut 36,000 jobs, below analysts' estimates of 50,000. They had predicted the jobless rate would rise to 9.8%. The severe snowstorms that hammered the East Coast...

DC Consensus: Obama Should've Listened to Rahm

As big ticket failures abound, Emanuel's practicality could have helped

(Newser) - From health care reform to unemployment to Guantanamo Bay, many Washington insiders think President Obama would be much better off today had he listened to his brash-but-practical chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel. Top staffers like David Axelrod have a “strong view of the historic character Obama is supposed to...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>