
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Senate Passes Jobs Bill 70-28
 Senate Passes Jobs Bill 70-28 
Tax Breaks for New Hires

Senate Passes Jobs Bill 70-28

Bill to create 250K jobs wins bipartisan support

(Newser) - The Senate has passed a bill aimed at boosting job growth by giving tax breaks to businesses that hire the unemployed. Economists say the tax breaks could create perhaps 250,000 jobs. The jobs legislation would also extend highway and mass transit programs through the end of the year and...

Brown Ripped for Vote on Jobs Bill

Senator mounts defense as Facebook friends mutiny

(Newser) - Scott Brown is getting flack from all sides for his decision to cross the aisle and vote to end debate on the Senate's $15 billion jobs legislation. The Drudge Report splashed the story on its homepage and tinted a photo of the Massachusetts senator an incriminating red. Far more vociferous...

Almost 20% of US Underemployed
 Almost 20% of US 
Poll Numbers

Almost 20% of US Underemployed

Actual job picture much worse than official statistics indicate

(Newser) - Roughly 30 million Americans, almost 20% of the workforce, are either unemployed or able to find only part-time work, according to a new poll. The Gallup survey, which tallied 20,000 respondents and has a 1% margin of error, paints a far darker picture of the economic landscape than official...

Jobless Will Stay That Way—for Years

Recovery robust enough to pull 15M off unemployment rolls unlikely

(Newser) - "Jobless recovery" is no mere catchphrase to the millions of Americans that the middle class has shed from its ranks. Many have been out of work for so long that they've exhausted unemployment benefits as the systems strains under what one expert says is "the reality of long-term...

1 Year In, Stimulus Has Saved 2M Jobs
 1 Year In, 
 Has Saved 
 2M Jobs 


1 Year In, Stimulus Has Saved 2M Jobs

Critics who say it's failed are off base: David Leonhardt

(Newser) - It may not “yet feel like much of a recovery” to jobless Americans, President Obama concedes, but it’s thanks to the massive economic stimulus package passed a year ago “that a second depression is no longer a possibility.” Obama celebrated the anniversary of the recovery act...

We Need to Fend Off the Recession's Social Blows
We Need to Fend Off the Recession's Social Blows

We Need to Fend Off the Recession's Social Blows

Men have been hit hardest by high unemployment, writes David Brooks

(Newser) - America is facing a period of prolonged high unemployment that will require a strong response to stop the bonds of society from breaking, writes David Brooks. The recession's biggest impact has been on men, Brooks writes, noting that the gap between male and female unemployment is at its highest since...

Jobless, Bored Guy Builds Massive Igloo
 Jobless, Bored Guy 
 Builds Massive Igloo 
Beer never gets warm

Jobless, Bored Guy Builds Massive Igloo

The beer never gets warm in 4-room structure, and there's even a TV

(Newser) - It's quite the man cave. Jimmy Grey has been out of work for almost a year and needed a project to stay busy. So the 25-year-old laborer took advantage of the heavy snowfall this winter and built an extreme igloo in the yard of his family's Cleveland-area house. His four-room...

One Quarter of Jobs Lost Are Gone for Good

Recession changing America's mix of employers

(Newser) - One quarter of the jobs lost since the beginning of the recession won't be coming back. Instead, the estimated 8.4 million goner gigs will be replaced with different jobs in growing industries, finds a Wall Street Journal forecast. "Displaced workers won't be rehired unless we have double the...

Dow Up 12 as Stocks Claw Back From Abyss

Dow off 170 midday on European credit woes

(Newser) - Stocks regained their opening levels after severe losses that saw the Dow off 170 points at midday today. Despite better-than-expected US employment figures, worries about the creditworthiness of some troubled European nations exerted downward pressure on stocks, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow Jones closed up 10.05 points

Unemployment Falls to 9.7%
 Unemployment Falls to 9.7% 

Unemployment Falls to 9.7%

It's the first time it's been under 10% in 4 months

(Newser) - The nation's unemployment rate fell unexpectedly to 9.7% in January, the Labor Department said today. The drop from 10% comes even as US employers cut another 20,000 jobs. The rate dropped because a survey of households found the number of employed Americans rose by 541,000. Overall, however,...

Beware of Deficit Hysteria
 Beware of Deficit Hysteria 

Beware of Deficit Hysteria

GOP's fiscal fear-mongering hurts jobless

(Newser) - The "deficit hysteria" spreading throughout Washington and the media reminds Paul Krugman of the fear-mongering about weapons of mass destruction ahead of the Iraq war. Assertions that the deficit will doom the economic recovery and undermine America's place in the world are being tossed about as if they're facts,...

As Jobs Dry Up, Self Employment On the Rise

More Americans set out on their own, often in real estate

(Newser) - The number of hours worked by the self-employed jumped 8.5% in the last three months of 2009, as more unemployed people decided to try being their own bosses and those already self-employed buckled down, according to new figures from the Labor Department. “Firms aren’t hiring, so people...

Reid Promises Vote on Jobs Bill Next Week

But so far, not one Republican senator is on board

(Newser) - Harry Reid plans to bring the first of several Democratic bills aimed at creating jobs to the Senate floor on Monday, with the goal of passing the measure by the end of next week. “For Senate Democrats, creating jobs is job number one,” the majority leader said. “...

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama
 'Let's Seize the Moment, 
 Start Anew': Obama 

'Let's Seize the Moment, Start Anew': Obama

President focuses on health, jobs, ugly politics

(Newser) - In his first State of the Union address, President Obama waded directly into the financial crisis and the partisan mire of Capitol Hill in tonight’s wide-ranging speech. Obama said the US economy is still struggling, but “the worst of the storm has passed.” And, he urged the...

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington
Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

Obama Will Target Health, Jobs, 'Corrosive' Washington

'Despite our hardships, our union is strong,' speech says

(Newser) - The White House has released excerpts of President Obama’s State of the Union address scheduled for 9 EST tonight. Some highlights, via the Wall Street Journal :
  • “Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. We don’t allow fear or

Panicky Dems Switch Tack
 Panicky Dems 
 Switch Tack 
It's the Economy, Stupid

Panicky Dems Switch Tack

Party prepares to dig in for brutal midterm battles

(Newser) - Democrats shaken by the Massachusetts defeat are scrambling to find a strategy to avoid being swept out of office on a wave of populist anger this fall. Lawmakers agree that the party should switch its focus to jobs and the economy—but there's little consensus on the particulars. "Every...

Record 6.4 People Compete for Each Job Opening

Competition for work reaches new high in US

(Newser) - The competition for jobs is intensifying as companies are reluctant to hire new workers, leaving millions of unemployed Americans chasing fewer job openings. There were nearly 6.4 unemployed workers, on average, for each available job at the end of November, the Labor Department reports. That's up from 6.1...

For Gay Marriage to Pass, Economy Must Bounce Back

Prosperity will translate into more open-mindedness

(Newser) - New Jersey's senate voted down gay marriage less than a day before conservative Portugal's parliament gave it the thumbs-up, and that got Alex Balk thinking: What will it take for same-sex marriage to fly in the US? The answer, counterintuitive though it may seem: economic recovery. "Legislators are not...

Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report
 Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report 

Dow Up 11 Despite Jobs Report

Stocks make gains for first trading week of 2010

(Newser) - Stocks spent most of the day down modestly but pulled up sharply at the close, as traders proved relatively unmoved by disappointing December unemployment figures, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow rose 11.33 points to close at 10,618.19.
  • The Nasdaq added 17.12, closing at 2,

1 in 5 US Men Unemployed
 1 in 5 US Men Unemployed 

1 in 5 US Men Unemployed

Recession has been especially hard on traditionally male jobs

(Newser) - Male unemployment has hit an all-time high, with a whopping 1 of every 5 working-age American men jobless, according to the latest government figures. The economic downturn has been especially brutal on traditionally male-dominated fields like construction and manufacturing, the Huffington Post explains, leading some to label it a “...

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