
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Unemployment Stays at 10%
 Unemployment Stays at 10% 

Unemployment Stays at 10%

Employers cut 85,000 jobs in December, more than expected

(Newser) - The economy lost more jobs in December and the unemployment rate was unchanged, signs that a sluggish economic recovery has yet to revive hiring. The Labor Department says employers cut 85,000 jobs last month, worse than the 8,000 drop analysts expected. A sharp drop in the labor force,...

Your Won't Keep Those Resolutions: Try These Instead

Don't quit smoking, start e-smoking, and other easy outs

(Newser) - Gawker knows you can’t keep those virtuous New Year’s resolutions, so it’s come up with some substitutions. They won’t make you “a better person,” but are at least achievable. Herewith, from Brian Boylan:
  • Lose weight: That's too hard; "we live in a

10 Best Cities to Get a Job
 10 Best Cities to Get a Job 

10 Best Cities to Get a Job

DC tops search engine's list

(Newser) - Washington, DC is the easiest city in the country to land a job, says job-search site Juju.com, which ranked cities by comparing the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ figures on unemployed workers to the number of job postings on Juju itself. The site finds 1.87 “unemployed individuals per...

Jobless Kids Need Tough Love, not Coddling
 Jobless Kids 
 Need Tough Love, 
 not Coddling 

Don't do their laundry

Jobless Kids Need Tough Love, not Coddling

Parents shouldn't let them get too comfortable at home

(Newser) - Parents who want their adult kids to take job-hunting seriously shouldn't make things too comfortable for them at home, the British government warns. In the UK, the graduate unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 12 years, and a quarter of men 25 to 29 live at home, the...

Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; Dow Closes Up 54
 Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; 
 Dow Closes Up 54 

Indexes Hit 2009 Highs; Dow Closes Up 54

Jobless numbers, metals sector spark wide rally

(Newser) - The major stock exchanges hit highs for the year today as traders reacted positively to news that new jobless claims grew less than projected. Health care was the only sector showing broad losses, a reaction to the Senate's passage of the health care bill, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The

How Republicans Won the Economy Argument
How Republicans Won
the Economy Argument

How Republicans Won the Economy Argument

For starters, wrongly blame Obama for unemployment

(Newser) - Republicans have won the political argument over the economy with a "nifty" two-step strategy, writes Jonathan Chait. First, blame President Obama for unemployment by focusing on the simple—make that simplistic—fact that more people are out of work now than when he took office. Second, beat him up...

Unemployment Programs Going Bust in 40 States

States face raising taxes or slashing benefits

(Newser) - The combination of high unemployment and bad planning means that the jobless compensation programs of all but 10 states are on course to go broke by 2011. Some 25 states are already borrowing federal money to issue benefit checks. State lawmakers are coming under intense pressure to either shrink payments...

Temp Hiring Is on the Rise
 Temp Hiring Is on the Rise 

Temp Hiring Is on the Rise

Employers show confidence, but hedged with caution

(Newser) - With the economy on an upswing, employers are feeling a tad more confident—enough to bring on more temporary workers, who can easily be let go if things go south again. Temp hiring has risen for 4 months—longer than the aftermath of previous recessions, when employers started hiring permanent...

House Narrowly OKs $174B Job-Focused Stimulus Bill

Irate GOP calls measure 'son of stimulus'

(Newser) - President Obama's Democratic allies in the House have muscled through a year-end measure—with a price tag of $174 billion—aimed at creating jobs through a second round of stimulus spending. The 217-212 vote reflected considerable uneasiness among Democrats over the prospect of voting for more debt-financed spending as the...

Poll Lays Bare Jobless Toll on Families

Parents are panicked and ashamed, kids are anxious as savings go

(Newser) - Unemployment is taking an alarming toll on the mental health and family life of American workers, a New York Times / CBS poll finds. Some 86% say unemployment has caused a life crisis. Almost half say they've suffered from anxiety and depression, they've argued more with their family and friends...

Illinois Prison Will Take Gitmo Inmates

 Illinois Prison Will 
 Take Gitmo Inmates 

Illinois Prison Will Take Gitmo Inmates

Prison nearly empty, unemployment brutal in rural Thomson

(Newser) - A nearly vacant prison in a western Illinois town where unemployment is over 10% will be the new home of as many as 100 current Guantanamo Bay detainees. An announcement of the president's decision to acquire the 8-year-old jail is expected today, the Chicago Tribune reports. Gov. Pat Quinn and...

Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data
 Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data 

Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data

Oil hits $70.47, a 2-month low

(Newser) - Stocks posted solid gains today following a weekly jobs report that showed a boost in initial unemployment filings but a fall in the number of claims lasting longer than 1 week, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow rose 68.78 points to close at 10,405.83.
  • The Nasdaq

Let Entrepreneurs, Not Uncle Sam Create Jobs

Obama jobs plan will turn the US into France

(Newser) - President Obama paid lip service to America's spirit of entrepreneurship in his jobs proposals this week, but his policies will turn the US into France instead of a 21st century rival to Asia, warns Daniel Henninger. Entrepreneurship involves some people getting extremely rich, and that's something the Democrats just don't...

Obama Pushes Tax Breaks for Small Businesses

President lays out ideas to create jobs

(Newser) - President Obama proposed a series of job-creating ideas today to supplement the original stimulus plan, with an emphasis on helping small businesses through tax breaks and a suspension of their capital gains taxes. He also called for spending on highways and other infrastructure projects as well as the so-called “...

Obama to Tackle Jobs, Deficit

 Obama to Tackle 
 Jobs, Deficit 
speech preview

Obama to Tackle Jobs, Deficit

Pols split on how to use bailout bucks for recovery

(Newser) - President Obama will today outline a new push to tackle the country's surging unemployment and mounting deficit. The speech, at the Brookings Institution, comes as legislators are locked in a debate over how, exactly, to use surplus TARP funds to boost a tepid recovery. Republicans oppose dipping into the surplus,...

Jobs Are Coming Back&mdash;and Soon
 Jobs Are Coming 
 Back—and Soon 
floyd norris

Jobs Are Coming Back—and Soon

Employers laid off so many they'll have to hire

(Newser) - The rosier-than-expected unemployment numbers released today are encouraging, Floyd Norris writes, but it’s actually the very precipitous nature of the original falloff that makes him optimistic about the future. So many jobs were lost, Norris argues, that If employers want to fill any but the most meager of orders,...

Stocks Surge on Jobs News
 Stocks Surge 
 on Jobs News 
Markets open

Stocks Surge on Jobs News

Better-than-expected unemployment news pleases traders

(Newser) - This morning's better-than-expected unemployment figures sent markets up in a hurry at the opening bell. The Dow rose about 130 points in the opening minutes on news that employers shed just 11,000 jobs in November, the fewest since 2007, notes MarketWatch . The figures brought the unemployment rate down to...

Unemployment Drops to 10%
 Unemployment Drops to 10% 

Unemployment Drops to 10%

Jobs put in best showing since 2007

(Newser) - Job losses slowed and the unemployment rate unexpectedly fell in November, the Labor Department announced today, in its most positive jobs report since 2007. Nonfarm payrolls fell by a mere 11,000, while the unemployment rate, which is determined by surveying households rather than companies, fell from 10.2% to...

Obama Rejects Criticism of Black Caucus

It's a 'mistake' to focus on 'particular ethnic segments,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama says he understands the frustrations of the Congressional Black Caucus, but thinks it would be a "mistake" for him to focus too exclusively on the plight of black Americans in the recession. "The most important thing I can do for the African-American community is the same...

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs
 Obama Summit Tackles Jobs 

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs

Event will coincide with the release of November unemployment stats

(Newser) - The Obama administration will hold a much-hyped jobs summit today, bringing 130 guests—including labor leaders and a host of big-name CEOs—to brainstorm ideas for tackling unemployment. The event also just happens to coincide with the release of November’s unemployment figures, which aren’t expected to be pretty—...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>