Mitt Romney

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'Dogs Against Romney' Crashing GOP Convention

Will rally in Tampa ahead of RNC start

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention will be protested by ... dogs. Yes, Dogs Against Romney is planning a Tampa rally Sunday, one day before the convention starts, The Hill reports. "Should we have a president that isn’t even qualified to adopt a pet?" asks the group's founder in a...

Reporter: Mitt Barred Me From Asking About Abortion

Campaign denies it, but Denver TV backs up writer

(Newser) - A Denver reporter assigned to an interview with Mitt Romney was banned by the campaign from asking any questions about abortion or Rep. Todd Akin and his "legitimate rape" comments, reports the Huffington Post . "I had about five minutes with him, and we got through a fair amount...

Gawker: Help Us Decode Bain Files

Site posts cache of financial documents

(Newser) - Gawker is slowly assembling an investigative report on Bain Capital, and it wants your help (though it might help if you're a tax attorney or an accountant). The site has acquired a trove of internal files that "reveal the mind-numbing, maze-like, and deeply opaque complexity" of Mitt Romney'...

Obama, Romney Battle in New iPhone App

'VOTE!!!' is available today

(Newser) - Sure, you can support the presidential candidate of your choice—but wouldn't it be more fun if you could make President Obama and Mitt Romney smack each other around a bit? Download "VOTE!!!" on your Apple device this week and you can do just that. The mobile...

Romney: I'll Make US an Energy 'Superpower'

Candidate tries to shift focus to energy with oil-friendly plan

(Newser) - Mitt Romney will unveil an energy plan today that he says will make the US an "energy superpower," in what the AP sees as an attempt to shift the focus away from issues like rape, abortion, and welfare, and put it back on the economy. Romney's plan...

Romney Win a Sure Thing: Election Model

Model based on economy would have correctly predicted last 8 elections

(Newser) - Forget polls. If you want to know who's going to win in November, it's the economy, stupid. A new prediction model based on state-by-state economic data predicts that Mitt Romney will prevail with 320 electoral votes, snapping up nearly all of the key swing states, to President Obama'...

Number of Blacks Who Support Romney: 0%

Romney ticket 4 points behind Obama's heading to convention

(Newser) - Ever wonder how many black voters support Mitt Romney? The simple answer is: 0% . A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has found that 94% of blacks back President Obama, compared to zilch for Romney. The poll also found that Obama is doing better among Latinos, voters under 35, and women....

Romney Plan Would Bankrupt Medicare By '16

Experts say restoring reimbursements would hasten its decline

(Newser) - Mitt Romney often promises to restore $716 billion in Medicare funding cut by the Affordable Care Act, but many experts say that pledge is, in the words of one economist, "both puzzling and bogus." That's because what Romney would be "restoring" wouldn't be funds but...

Gingrich Finally Tells His Delegates: Back Romney

Releases delegates in letter published on his website

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich exited the race for the GOP nomination on May 2, but it took him another three and a half months to let go of his 142 delegates. The former GOP candidate released his delegates last night via a letter posted to his website, reports the AP . And though...

Mitt Hailed Doctor Behind 'Legit Rape' Theory in 2007

He praised Jack Willke in last campaign

(Newser) - Though Mitt Romney is giving Rep. Todd Akin grief for his " legitimate rape" birth control theory , he once hailed the doctor who cooked up the idea in the first place. Dr. Jack C. Willke, considered the father of the anti-abortion movement, believes the trauma that occurs during a "...

As Deadline Passes, Akin Signals Mitt to Butt Out
 Akin to Romney: Butt Out 

Akin to Romney: Butt Out

'Why couldn’t he run his race and I’ll run mine?'

(Newser) - Todd Akin remained defiant yesterday as the deadline for him to easily withdraw from the US Senate race in Missouri passed. Mitt Romney urged him to pull out of the race but Akin suggested he mind his own business, accusing the presidential candidate of raising a bigger ruckus than necessary...

Romney Says Akin Should Drop Out

He speaks out after Senate candidate vows to stay in

(Newser) - Just hours after Senate hopeful Todd Akin reaffirmed that he's not dropping out over his "legitimate rape" gaffe , he learned that the party is not about to forgive and forget. Mitt Romney just released a statement saying Akin should abandon his run in Missouri against incumbent Claire McCaskill....

Romney&#39;s Cash Edge: $62M
 Romney's Cash Edge: $62M 

Romney's Cash Edge: $62M

Democrats raising less, spending more than Republicans

(Newser) - Mitt Romney widened his financial edge over President Obama last month, raising more and spending less as super PACs did much of his dirty work. The Obama campaign and DNC raised a combined $75 million in July, but spent $91 million, the New York Times reports. About $40 million of...

Obama: Chemical Weapons a 'Red Line' in Syria

He also defends tax return attacks on Romney as 'standard stuff'

(Newser) - President Obama gave perhaps the strongest indication yet today that the US is prepared to use military force in Syria. In a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room, Obama said he has not ordered military action "at this point," but that he hadn't ruled it...

Romney: Akin's Rape Comment 'Inexcusable'

As DNC rushes to bash GOP with the controversy

(Newser) - Democrats rushed today to milk maximum value out of Todd Akin's assertion that some mysterious biological process protected victims of "legitimate rape" from getting pregnant. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement trying to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to Akin. "They've been trying...

GOP Rep: 'Legit Rape' Victims Don't Get Pregnant

Todd Akin now says he 'misspoke'

(Newser) - GOP Missouri Rep. Todd Akin now says he goofed when he insisted "legitimate rape" victims don't get pregnant. Akin, who is running for Senate against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill, had said in an interview yesterday that some kind of biological mechanism protects "legitimate rape" victims from pregnancy,...

Ryan&#39;s 2011 Tax Rate: 20%
 Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20% 

Ryan's 2011 Tax Rate: 20%

VP candidate releases 2 years' worth

(Newser) - Yesterday was Paul Ryan's turn to release his tax returns—just the last two years , of course—and they show that the veep candidate paid 15.9% of his income in taxes in 2010 and 20% last year, according to documents provided to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . Ryan, together...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

Ryan Not Exactly a Cash Cow for Romney

He may have inspired a lot of new donors, but they haven't given much: analysis

(Newser) - The Romney campaign would like you to believe that picking Paul Ryan as the VP candidate has resulted in a flurry of enthusiastic donations to his cause. The campaign today announced that Romney has raised $10,157,947 online since unveiling his running mate, Politico reports. But Alexander Abad-Santos writes...

Obama Ad Focuses on Ryan, Not Romney

Defends president's Medicare record

(Newser) - A new ad from the Obama campaign slams his opponents on Medicare—but it barely mentions Mitt Romney. The ad, called "Facts," defends the president against Team Romney's claims that ObamaCare guts the program to the tune of $700 billion. Meanwhile, it attacks the GOP vision for...

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