Mitt Romney

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Obama to Romney: Let's Make a Deal on Tax Returns

Romney to Obama: Let's not, thanks

(Newser) - By now, Mitt Romney is probably beyond sick of hearing about his tax returns, so the Obama campaign is offering him a deal: If he releases just five years' worth of them, they won't blast him for not releasing any more. Campaign manager Jim Messina made the offer to...

Romney on Taxes: I Pay At Least 13%

Says he finds the whole issue 'very small-minded'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney still won't release his tax returns, but today he told us a little more about what was in them. "I just have to say given the challenges that America faces … the fascination with taxes I paid I find to be very small-minded," he said...

Dems Finally 'Giving as Good as They Get'

Dana Milbank: GOP cries foul as own tactics are used against it

(Newser) - Yes, this campaign has been an "ugly" one, as Republicans have carped about of late. But it's been this ugly before: Remember John Kerry's "Swift Boating" and Obama "palling around with terrorists?" The difference is that now "Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics...

Ron Paul Supporter Hawking

'This site, much like Mitt Romney himself, is for sale to the highest bidder'

(Newser) - Surf over to , and you'll pretty quickly realize that it's not a Romney campaign site. It features a link to Romney's tax returns, a link to a list of his top contributors, and the message, "This site, much like Mitt Romney himself, is for...

Band to Romney: Hands Off Our Song

Silversun Pickups tell campaign to drop use of 'Panic Switch'

(Newser) - Once again, a band is accusing a campaign of hijacking its tune. Alternative rockers Silversun Pickups have told the Romney campaign to unhand their hit "Panic Switch," TMZ reports. "We don't like people going behind our backs, using our music without asking, and we don't...

Romney Gets No Bounce in Polls From Ryan Pick

McCain and Obama didn't do so well, either, in 2008

(Newser) - For all the hullaboo over Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, voters seem to have greeted the news with a shrug. The Gallup Daily tracking poll finds that Romney's support among registered voters edged up all of one point in the four days after the announcement. Romney was...

90M Won't Vote— and They Back Obama 2 to 1

They're disenchanted—or simply too busy to hit polls

(Newser) - President Obama could get a big leg up in a close election, without having to win people over—if only he could get them to the polls. Some 80 million eligible voters didn't vote in 2008, and this year, the number is poised to reach 90 million, USA Today...

Boehner: Let's Play 'Offense' on Medicare

He has conference call to ease concerns on Paul Ryan pick

(Newser) - House GOP leader John Boehner orchestrated a conference call last night to settle the nerves of members of his party worried over a recent barrage of Democratic attacks tying them to Paul Ryan's controversial plan to reshape Medicare, reports Politico . Boehner told his colleagues that Democrats were already planning...

Obama 2008 Co-Chair Hits Trail ... for Mitt

Artur Davis will campaign in Virginia today

(Newser) - The man who seconded Barack Obama's presidential nomination at the DNC in 2008 is now campaigning against the president. Artur Davis was co-chair of Obama's first campaign, but he'll today campaign in Virginia in support of Mitt Romney, a Romney campaign aide tells CNN . Davis served four...

No More Mr. Nice Mitt: Obama Is 'Angry, Desperate'

Ratchets up attacks in Ohio

(Newser) - At a campaign stop in Ohio last night, Mitt Romney turned up the heat on President Obama. Reflecting on Joe Biden's "chains" remark in Virginia, Romney told 5,000 listeners, "This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like." He went on to call Obama'...

Devo to Record Ode to Romney&#39;s Dog
Devo to Record
Ode to Romney's Dog
audio link

Devo to Record Ode to Romney's Dog

'Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Remember Seamus)' is out this month

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's infamous decision to strap the family dog to the roof of the car on a vacation trip will be immortalized in song. Devo will release "Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Remember Seamus)" on Aug. 25, reports Rolling Stone . (You can listen here , via a Huffington...

Obama: Romney, Ryan Push 'Trickle-Down Fairy Dust'

Slams rivals' 'vision' at Chicago fundraisers

(Newser) - Speaking to a young crowd in Chicago yesterday, President Obama made his first public comments on Team Romney-Ryan since the latter became part of that equation. His take? His rivals' economic policies are little more than "trickle-down fairy dust." Such plans have been tried before, and "guess...

Ryan Pick Drives Big Bucks to Romney Campaign

$3.5M donated online in first 24 hours after announcement

(Newser) - Thanks for Paul Ryan's enthusiastic fan base among fiscal conservatives, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is enjoying an energetic resurgence, with crowds noticeably larger and louder, reports the Wall Street Journal . Perhaps just as importantly, that enthusiasm is also bringing in money, with $3.5 million pouring in from...

Palin Won't Speak at GOP Convention

Says she's looking forward to 'hearing other voices'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will not have a turn at the mic at this month's Republican National Convention in Florida, Reuters reports. Word comes from Palin herself, who added in a statement: "This year is a good opportunity for other voices to speak at the convention and I'm excited...

WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick
 WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick 

WSJ: My, What a Smart Pick

Journal calls Ryan pick 'serious'; Krugman says 'dishonest'

(Newser) - Last week, the Wall Street Journal called on Mitt Romney to pick Paul Ryan for his vice presidential runningmate. Now who's crowing about the pick? Why, the Wall Street Journal . The Journal isn't taking credit for the pick, but its editors do view it as a sign of...

Biggest Loser This Election? The Truth

Inaccurate ads abound, despite fact-checking

(Newser) - Maybe George Washington couldn’t tell a lie, but today’s candidates sure can. Among the latest “facts” in campaign advertising: Bain Capital’s merger of a steel mill ensured that a woman would die of cancer, and President Obama plans to gut work requirements from welfare. Despite the...

All Signs Point to Ryan as Vice President Pick
 Romney Picks Paul Ryan 

Romney Picks Paul Ryan

Wisconsin congressman is vice presidential running mate

(Newser) - No more rumors: The Romney campaign told supporters today via phone app that Paul Ryan will indeed be Mitt Romney's running mate, reports AP . Romney will announce it himself at 9 Eastern in Norfolk, Va., and later the two will take off on a four-day bus tour. Earlier, just...

Romney to Unveil VP Pick Saturday

Speculation ends about 9am Eastern

(Newser) - Place your bets. Ryan? Pawlenty? Portman? Rubio? Condi? Christie? Maybe even Petraeus ? The endless speculation ends Saturday morning. Mitt Romney will announce his vice presidential pick at 9am Eastern in Norfolk, Va., reports Politico . So here's one last bit of speculation to wrap things up: Bill Kristol and...

Now Obama Ad Gets in on 'Taxless Mitt' Narrative

Plus, ad discusses Romney role in huge tax avoidance scheme

(Newser) - Did Mitt Romney pay no taxes for 10 years, as Harry Reid has been alleging ? Well, the Obama campaign doesn't know, but it certainly implies that's a possibility in its latest ad. "Did Romney pay 10% in taxes? Five percent? Zero? We don't know,"...

Reid Aide: Source on Taxless Mitt Is Bain Investor

Jose Parra initially calls source Republican, then backtracks

(Newser) - An aide to Harry Reid made waves when he gave a KTLK radio host details on Wednesday on Reid's source for his claim that Mitt Romney went a decade without paying taxes—but Jose Parra has since backtracked a bit. Parra initially told Mario Solis-Marich , "This person is...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>