marijuana legalization

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Prop 19 Backers Banking on 2012

Legal pot poised to win next time, they say

(Newser) - Proposition 19 may have lost at the polls , but relax, dude: Its backers are more convinced than ever that a similar measure will pass in 2012. A post-election poll shows that Californians actually do favor legalization 49% to 41%, so now it’s just a matter of getting the young...

Why Proposition 19 Failed
 Why Proposition 19 Failed 
OPINION roundup

Why Proposition 19 Failed

Little funding, lack of young voter turnout, and other factors

(Newser) - Proposition 19 , California’s marijuana legalization measure, went up in smoke yesterday—but why? A few opinions:
  • Pot is already legal: The campaign for Prop 19 was “centered on the injustice and waste of law enforcement resources involved in treating cannabis smokers like criminals,” a point that

Tea Partiers Stoked About Legal Pot

Libertarianism trumping Reagan-era attitudes in California

(Newser) - Smaller government, lower taxes ... and legal marijuana? Tea Partiers aren't generally associated with toking, but Californians backing Proposition 19 say a surprisingly large share of the movement is planning to vote to legalize pot. Tea Partiers— as well as many Republicans in general —have a strong libertarian streak and...

Blacks Smoke Less Pot, But Get Arrested More
Blacks Smoke Less Pot,
But Get Arrested More

Blacks Smoke Less Pot, But Get Arrested More

LA Times: This 'unequal enforcement' must end

(Newser) - White people smoke pot at a higher rate than black people, says the government, but you'd never guess that from police reports. In California, blacks are arrested far more frequently for marijuana possession than whites—at 13 times the rate in some areas, notes the Los Angeles Times editorial board....

Why We Need to Legalize Pot
 Why We Need to Legalize Pot 
george soros

Why We Need to Legalize Pot

Our war on marijuana does more harm than good

(Newser) - What will happen if we legalize marijuana? Simple: Police will be able to “focus on serious crime instead,” writes George Soros in the Wall Street Journal . The liberal billionaire and philanthropist outlines his reasons for supporting California’s Prop 19 , with the bottom line being that “our...

Marijuana's Newest, Unlikeliest Fans: Republicans

A surprising number of conservatives are all for legalization

(Newser) - The GOP may or may not be the Party of No, but it's the Party of Yeahhhhh, Man, when it comes to legalizing pot: Nancy Pelosi’s challenger, Ronald Reagan’s speechwriter, and even Glenn Beck are just a few of the Republican faithful who have spoken up in favor...

Prop 19 on Legal Pot Is in Trouble

Bid to legalize marijuana is suddenly trailing in the polls

(Newser) - Proposition 19 may have captured a lot of media attention, but the ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in California is suddenly in jeopardy. It's trailing 51% to 39% in a new Los Angeles Times poll after leading much of the way until now. The problem, apparently, is that supporters haven't...

Holder: Feds Won't Ease Up on Pot Arrests

It's still against federal law, no matter what California decides

(Newser) - Eric Holder would like to remind Californians that marijuana will still be illegal under federal law no matter the outcome of next month's ballot initiative. And the attorney general promised to "vigorously enforce" that federal law. Holder slammed Prop 19 as something that "will greatly complicate federal drug...

Legalizing Pot in California Won't Hurt Cartels

Mexican gangs will still make plenty off the rest of the country

(Newser) - Fans of California’s Proposition 19 like to argue that it would be a major blow to Mexican drug runners, but that’s just not true, according to a group of drug policy researchers. A new report from the nonpartisan Rand Corp. finds that even if legal marijuana displaced the...

Facebook Bigwigs: Legalize Pot!

Dustin Moskowitz, Sean Parker for it, but ads with pot leaves still banned from site

(Newser) - Ads with images of marijuana leaves have been banned from Facebook but two of the site's movers and shakers have made hefty donations to the same cause backed by the ads. Co-founder Dustin Moskowitz has donated $50,000 to support legalizing marijuana in California, and Sean Parker, Facebook's first president,...

Dems Look to Light Up Stoner Vote in 2012

Ballot measures to legalize pot could motivate youth, dude

(Newser) - Democratic strategists think they might be able to float to victory in 2012 on a cloud of Mary Jane. If California’s Proposition 19—the ballot initiative to legalize pot in the state—does a decent job of driving liberal young stoners to the polls, expect to see similar initiatives...

Why California Loosened Its Pot Law

Schwarzenegger is trying to Kill Prop 19 ... or he just likes to toke

(Newser) - Getting caught with up to an ounce of pot (enough for about 30 joints) in California will get you in about as much trouble as driving a little too fast. What's behind Schwarzenegger's decision to decriminalize recreational pot? The Week takes a look at 5 theories.
  1. He's actually trying to

In California, Pot Possession Is Now Like a Traffic Ticket

Having less than an ounce is just an infraction

(Newser) - California residents caught holding small amounts of marijuana are now barely criminals in the eyes of the law. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into effect a measure that downgrades possession of less than an ounce from a misdemeanor to a lowly infraction, on par with a speeding ticket, the San Francisco Chronicle...

Schwarzenegger Opposes Pot Legalization
Schwarzenegger Opposes Pot Legalization

Schwarzenegger Opposes Pot Legalization

Prop 19 would make state a 'laughingstock,' Governator writes

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger, who just last year called for debate on legalizing pot, has come out against Proposition 19, a ballot initiative that would do just that. “Any patrol officer, judge or district attorney will tell you that Proposition 19 is a flawed initiative that would bring about a host...

Pot Growers Join Teamsters Union

It's unclear how unionizing will help though

(Newser) - Medical marijuana growers have officially joined the ranks of organized labor—as part of the Teamsters. Almost 40 growers jointed the labor union earlier this month, the AP reports. All of them work for Marjyn Investments, an Oakland business that contracts out pot growth for patients. Thanks to their newly-negotiated...

Facebook Bans Pot Leaf in Ads
 Facebook Bans Pot Leaf in Ads 

Facebook Bans Pot Leaf in Ads

Dubs image 'illegal content'

(Newser) - You might think Facebook, a site that got its start catering to college kids, would be marijuana-friendly—but you’d be wrong. The social networking giant has rejected an advertisement from the “Just Say Now” legalization campaign, explaining that it contained the image of a marijuana leaf, and thus...

Blacks Oppose Legalizing Pot? Maybe Not
Blacks Oppose Legalizing Pot? Maybe Not
Nate Silver

Blacks Oppose Legalizing Pot? Maybe Not

Polls show new variation on Bradley effect

(Newser) - If you look at the six available polls on the prospects for California's Proposition 19, which would legalize and tax pot, a funny thing emerges. Funny to Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight , anyway. The three automated polls show legalization passing by double-digit margins, and the three that used human operators show...

Calif. Pot Battle Splits Black Community

NAACP for Prop 19, many black pastors against it

(Newser) - The president of the California NAACP vocally supports Proposition 19, and many of the state's black religious leaders oppose it just as vocally. As the ballot measure to tax and regulate marijuana grows closer, both sides are increasingly viewing black voters as the swing bloc that will determine the proposition's...

Duuuude: California Pot Goes Designer

Madison Ave gets ready for Golden State to legalize weed

(Newser) - Seems California can sex up anything from starlets to, well, anything, so why not something as basic as pot? With marijuana legalization drifting toward a ballot measure this fall, weed is becoming less hippie stoner and taking on more of a designer sheen, reports NPR. Some strands are being marketed—...

LA Shuts Down 439 Medical Marijuana Shops

City down to roughly 135 dispensaries

(Newser) - Yesterday was a bummer of a day for LA's potheads, as the city ordered 439 medical marijuana dispensaries to close. “As of today, they should have their boxes packed and their closed signs up,” Assistant Attorney General Asha Greenberg tells Reuters . The city voted to close the shops...

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