marijuana legalization

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Labor Unions Recruiting Marijuana Workers

One in San Jose is first in the nation to organize employees

(Newser) - Dude, that's not just any "bud tender" dispensing legal pot. It's a union bud tender. At least that's the case in San Jose, where a union local has become the first in the nation to organize workers in the ever-expanding field of legal marijuana, reports the San Francisco Chronicle...

Dirt-Cheap Calif. Pot Triggers Grower Panic

'Emerald Triangle' suffering amid glut

(Newser) - Moves towards legalizing marijuana are creating hard times for the marijuana farmers of northern California. The growers—who prospered when government crackdowns sent prices soaring—are suffering from increased competition and consumer preference for indoor-grown marijuana. Pot's wholesale price has plummeted, and many fear the 30-year-boom in California's "Emerald...

DC Council Approves Medical Marijuana

Distribution centers could be running within the year

(Newser) - Happy 4/20 day, America: Legal marijuana could be available in the nation's capital in a matter of months. The city council of Washington DC today approved the sale of medicinal pot from sanctioned distribution centers, the Post reports. People who have HIV, cancer, glaucoma and the ever-vague "chronic and...

America's Top Stoner Cities
 America's Top Stoner Cities 

America's Top Stoner Cities

Daily Beast ranks America's pot-loving locales

(Newser) - In honor of today's date, 4/20—and the pot-steeped lore of those numbers—the Daily Beast has ranked the nation's 40 "highest cities," where weed culture reigns supreme. To read the full list and see how it was compiled, click here . The top 10:
  1. Eureka, California
  2. Tallahassee, Florida

Sorry, Potheads: Majority Still Against Legalizing
 Sorry, Potheads: Majority 
 Still Against Legalizing  
happy 4/20 anyway

Sorry, Potheads: Majority Still Against Legalizing

But majority back medicinal use

(Newser) - Enjoy your 4/20, stoners, but the cold reality is that a majority of Americans believe only sick people should be allowed to smoke (or otherwise ingest) marijauna. In a new AP -CNBC poll, 55% of those surveyed oppose full legalization, while only 33% are in favor. Some 60% favor allowing...

GOPer Backs Legalizing Pot— on Fox News

'GOP Mom' Jessica Corry says it's about more than marijuana

(Newser) - The Easter bunny brought a little treat to advocates of legalizing marijuana yesterday: a Republican who is pushing her party to support the movement spouted her stuff on...Fox News. Introduced as "GOP Mom," mother-of-two/attorney/political consultant Jessica Corry explains that "this really about more than pot,"...

If California Legalizes Marijuana...
If California Legalizes Marijuana...
behind the ballot

If California Legalizes Marijuana...'ll be able to carry an ounce, grow 25 square feet of it

(Newser) - California's ballot initiative to be considered this November would legalize use and sale of marijuana—but exactly how much pot are we talking? If the initiative passes, adults over 21 will be allowed to possess up to an ounce for personal use, and each residence would be able to grow...

Legalizing Pot Likely to Make California Ballot
Legalizing Pot Likely to
Make California Ballot
petition deadline today

Legalizing Pot Likely to Make California Ballot

Expect an all-out campaign brawl that could make history

(Newser) - A proposition to legalize pot in California is all but certain to garner enough signatures to appear on the ballot in November by today’s deadline. Supporters and opponents are already gearing up for the campaign, the LA Times reports. Proponents believe that California’s new, promiscuous medical marijuana culture...

Kids Prescribed Pot for ADHD
 Kids Prescribed Pot for ADHD 

Kids Prescribed Pot for ADHD

Schools' zero-tolerance policies go up in smoke

(Newser) - Schools with a zero tolerance drug policy are running smack dab into the smoldering roach of marijuana legally prescribed to their students. "It does put us in an awkward position," said a principal in Oregon, one of 14 states where medical marijuana is now legal. Hard as it...

Fla. Man to Smoke 115,000th Joint

Feat earns him world record for cannabis consumption

(Newser) - He set the bar high and smoked the competition. Irvin Rosenfeld, a 56-year-old stockbroker from Fort Lauderdale, will toke his way into the record books today by smoking his 115,000th joint. The best part: It's completely legal. "Yep, provided by Uncle Sam," Rosenfeld told NBC Miami . "...

Nation's First Marijuana Cafe Opens in Portland

It welcomes those licensed to smoke it legally

(Newser) - A cafe in Portland, Oregon, made a little history yesterday when it became the first in the nation to legally open its doors to pot smokers. The Cannabis Cafe welcomes those who are licensed by the state to smoke marijuana for medical reasons. It doesn't sell pot to members—that's...

Hard-Up Calif. Town Out of Joint Over Pot Influx

Green gold rattles community

(Newser) - A hard-scrabble northern California town has been turned topsy-turvy since the folks with tokes moved in. Thousands of pungent marijuana plants pack fields and yards in tiny Hayfork, population 1,900, where a quarter of the residents are poor. The local Timberjacks football team recently moved its halftime huddle to...

Calif. Holds Hearings on Legalizing Pot

Hopes high as 3 measures head for ballot next year

(Newser) - The push to legalize—and, especially appealing at the moment, tax—marijuana is picking up momentum in California, with legislators holding hearings today on what would be the first such law in the nation. Organizers are currently collecting signatures to put three separate pot legalization initiatives on the ballot next...

Drug Policy Hypocrisy: Hero Lance Is Selling Beer
Drug Policy Hypocrisy:
Hero Lance Is Selling Beer
david sirota

Drug Policy Hypocrisy: Hero Lance Is Selling Beer

And yet Phelps is vilified for smoking pot

(Newser) - Michael Phelps smokes a bong at a private party and becomes Public Enemy No. 1. Lance Armstrong signs a deal to hawk beer for Anheuser-Busch and—nothing. Therein lies a lesson about our nation's "absurd drug policy," writes David Sirota. Alcohol is the demonstrably more dangerous drug, yet...

Legalizing Pot May Be Women's Work
 Legalizing Pot 
 May Be Women's Work 
Kathleen parker

Legalizing Pot May Be Women's Work

Today's users don't fit the stoner stereotype: Parker

(Newser) - Good for AG Eric Holder for announcing that the Justice Department will let medical marijuana laws stand, writes Kathleen Parker—at last, the 14 states that give cannabis to the chronically ill won't face further raids by the feds. But it's not enough: 44% of Americans favor full legalization, and...

Life Not Groovy for Licensed Pot Sellers

New Mexicans left fearing both feds and criminals

(Newser) - New Mexico has started handing out licenses to nonprofit medical marijuana producers and distributors in an effort to avoid the kind of dispensary free-for-all seen in California—but that's not making those involved sleep any easier. Marijuana is still illegal under federal law, meaning growers, distributors and users—fearing both...

Help Wanted: Pot Critic
 Help Wanted: Pot Critic 

Help Wanted: Pot Critic

As pot grows semi-legal, connoisseurs wanted

(Newser) - In the midst of media layoffs, one Colorado newspaper is actually hiring: It’s looking for a pot critic. The number of medical marijuana dispensaries in Denver has exploded to more than 100 this year, and the alt-weekly Westword wants someone with a legit medical need to evaluate which are...

Argentina Court Rules Pot Prosecution Unconstitutional

Decriminalization of personal use growing trend in Latin America

(Newser) - The Argentine supreme court yesterday ruled against punishing personal use of marijuana, calling such laws unconstitutional, the BBC reports. Argentina joins a growing wave of Latin American countries supporting decriminalizing personal use of the drug, a marked contrast to US-backed drug war policy. Perhaps hoping to deflect criticism from churches...

Pot Backlash Grows in Mendocino

Culture is changing in a way that locals don't like

(Newser) - Hey, man, things aren't so cool anymore with marijuana farming in Mendocino County. Sure, it was great for years while "steel-haired" California hippies tended their crops, but things are getting out of hand, reports the Washington Post. Little kids started coming to school reeking of pot, while outsiders, some...

Calif. Stoked About Pot Profits
 Calif. Stoked About Pot Profits 

Calif. Stoked About Pot Profits

Some call for legalization; others say it makes no difference

(Newser) - Even if they’re not legal without a doctor’s recommendation, marijuana sales are far from clandestine in California, and some say the state should finish what it started and just legalize pot for everyone, the AP reports. “The culture has gone so far beyond the law,” says...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>