Donald Trump 2016

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Ben Carson Thinks We Should Pray for Trump

Carson responds to Trump's attack

(Newser) - Ben Carson responded Friday to Donald Trump's attack Thursday night, and it looks like he's taking the "turn the other cheek" route for now:
  • First, Carson's business manager responded to CNN, per Reuters : "When I spoke with Dr. Carson about this yesterday how we should

Best Lines From the Debate So Far
 Best Lines in the Main Debate 

Best Lines in the Main Debate

Things got testy on a range of subjects

(Newser) - As the eight top GOP candidates looked to make an impression in Tuesday night's debate in Milwaukee, here's a look at some of their lines earning attention, via Politico , CNN , the New York Times , and the AP :
  • Ben Carson: "Thank you for not asking what I said

Big Moments From the GOP Debate

Trump is combative, while Rubio and Paul spar

(Newser) - Here's a look at some of the key moments making headlines in the Republican debate:
  • Kasich vs. Trump on immigration: They got into it after Trump again talked about his plans for a wall and mass deportations, notes Politico . "It’s a silly argument," said Kasich. "

Trump Throws Wrench in GOP Debate Revolt

As Christie, Kasich, Fiorina say they won't back demands

(Newser) - The Republican campaigns' joint effort to change upcoming GOP debates has cracked. After a meeting Sunday, the campaigns issued a three-page letter calling for no "lightning round" and the temperature in debate halls to be "below 67 degrees." But as New York puts it, "the revolt...

GOP Candidates Name Their Big Weakness

Though a few dodged the question

(Newser) - The opening question of Wednesday night's Republican debate was an open-ended one: What's your biggest weakness? Here are the answers, via the New York Times , the Wall Street Journal , the Washington Post , and CNN :
  • Donald Trump: “I trust people too much and … if they let me

Donald Trump: CNBC Is Lying About My Poll Numbers

He complains debate will be 'unfair'

(Newser) - Poor Donald Trump is having a really hard time accepting his new No. 2 spot in the polls . "After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate!" the presidential contender...

Trump to Iowa: 2nd Place &#39;Is Terrible&#39;
 Trump Asks Iowa for a 'Favor' 

Trump Asks Iowa for a 'Favor'

He admits he needs 'to work a little bit harder in Iowa'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is used to spending the first 15 minutes of his campaign speeches boasting about his impressive poll numbers. In Iowa on Tuesday, the GOP candidate had to try a different strategy: "Iowa, will you get your numbers up, please?" Trump asked a crowd of 2,400, per...

There's a New Leader of GOP Pack: Ben Carson

Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump in new national poll

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is probably still shaking his befuddled head after results from the latest national poll showing who's in the lead for the GOP nomination. This time it's Ben Carson on top, per a CBS News/New York Times poll, showing that the retired neurosurgeon has obviously not taken...

Mike Tyson: Run US Like a Business, Vote Trump

Billionaire has the boxer's blessing

(Newser) - Mike Tyson is on Team Trump. "He should be president of the United States," the former fighter said of Donald Trump during an interview with HuffPost Live on Monday. "Let's try something new. Let's run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can...

Graham's Lament: 'How Am I Losing to These People?'

SC senator uses 'SNL' line to show how he feels about Carson, Trump

(Newser) - Ben Carson has admitted he used to "go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers" and that he almost stabbed someone when he was a teen. Donald Trump is … well, Donald Trump . And Lindsey Graham is completely baffled how he's not making inroads...

Trump: Dad Gave Me 'Small Loan' of $1M

'It's not been easy for me'

(Newser) - It's early, but it's a safe bet that Donald Trump already has uttered the line that will get the most attention of all the candidates on Monday: "My father gave me a small loan of $1 million." He made the comment at a town hall event...

Ben Carson: Woman Having Abortion Like a Slave Owner

Presidential candidate appears on 'Meet the Press'

(Newser) - Ben Carson said today that he opposed abortion even in cases of rape and incest—and compared women seeking abortions to slave-owners mistreating their slaves, the New York Times reports. On Meet the Press, discussing women impregnated by rape or incest, Carson referred to "the many stories of people...

Univision Kicked Out of Trump Rally

Candidate reminds supporters not to hurt protesters

(Newser) - A Univision crew was kicked out of a Donald Trump rally in Florida yesterday—and they weren't the only ones to get the boot. The campaign event was being held at the Trump National Doral hotel, near Univision's headquarters in south Florida, and the station says crews from...

Trump Sorry for Iowa Insult
 Trump Sorry 
 for Iowa Insult 

Trump Sorry for Iowa Insult

Although he blames an intern

(Newser) - Donald Trump did not have a good day in regard to Iowa Thursday. First, a new Quinnipiac poll found that Ben Carson had overtaken him in the state for the first time, and by a decent margin to boot—28% to 20%. Hours later, Trump's Twitter account retweeted this...

How Trump Might Destroy Jeb Bush
How Trump Might
Destroy Jeb Bush

How Trump Might Destroy Jeb Bush

Ezra Klein: He's found Jeb's Achilles heel, his brother George

(Newser) - If you followed political headlines over the last few days, you know that Donald Trump has been going after Jeb Bush by attacking his brother. After noting that 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush's watch, Trump boasted that his policies would have prevented the attacks. Essentially blaming Bush for...

Trump: I Would Have Prevented 9/11 Attacks

The Donald inspires new round of sniping

(Newser) - Donald Trump continued his recent attacks on the Bush family by implying today that he would have prevented the 9/11 attacks, CNN reports. The Republican presidential contender said on Fox News Sunday that he's "extremely, extremely tough on immigration," which may have thwarted the 9/11 terrorists. "...

Bush Picks on Trump's Military Prowess in New Video

'Our national security isn't a reality TV show.'

(Newser) - The middle-school-style Bush-Trump smackdown continues, this time with Jeb going on the offensive. After a Twitter squabble that started Friday—in which Trump blamed Jeb's brother George W. for 9/11, Jeb called Donald "pathetic," and Trump made America great again by firing back , "No @JebBush, you'...

CNBC to Trump: OK, You Win
 CNBC to Trump: 
 OK, You Win 

CNBC to Trump: OK, You Win

Network will limit Oct. 28 GOP debate to 2 hours including commercials

(Newser) - It's safe to say CNBC isn't willing to lose Donald Trump or his power to pull in record ratings at the next GOP debate. CNN reports the network has caved to his demands that the Oct. 28 debate in Boulder, Colo., run no more than two hours including...

Trump: Where's My Secret Service Posse?

'They're in no rush because I'm a Republican,' he says

(Newser) - Yes, it's still 2015 and Donald Trump is a presidential candidate and not a president, but he thinks he deserves Secret Service protection, and it hasn't escaped his notice that Barack Obama already had it by this point in the 2008 election cycle. He tells the Hill that...

10 Best Trump Tweets From Debate

'Can anyone imagine Chafee as president?'

(Newser) - Donald Trump wasn't about to let Democrats steal the spotlight Tuesday night. As promised, he live-tweeted the debate, though he was relatively restrained by Trump standards. Some memorable ones:
  • "Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way."
  • "Sorry , there is no STAR on the stage tonight"

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