Donald Trump 2016

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Donald Trump Hosting SNL Next Month

Yep, really

(Newser) - Yes, this is really happening: Donald Trump is hosting Saturday Night Live on Nov. 7, reports NBC , which notes that the gig falls almost exactly one year before the presidential election on Nov. 8, 2016. Trump last hosted the show in April 2004; this time around, the musical guest will...

Donald Trump: We Should Have Executed Bergdahl

'30 years ago, he would have been shot'

(Newser) - Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan. "We're tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who's a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed," the Republican presidential front-runner said to cheers at a rowdy rally...

Losing the Grammar Race: Trump Backers

Democrats' supporters make fewer grammatical errors: study

(Newser) - Can you guess which 2016 campaign supporters have the best grammar? Grammarly conducted a study on the comments left by supporters on the candidates’ official Facebook pages—seriously—analyzing them for grammatical mistakes. It turns out Donald Trump's supporters aren't making English great again: They made the most...

Trump Has Spent Surprisingly Little on His Campaign

$2M is peanuts compared to his rivals

(Newser) - Donald Trump has been the GOP front-runner for months and by his standards, it's barely cost him a dime. He has only spent around $2 million from June to September, reports MSNBC , which reports that rivals like Ted Cruz and Ben Carson spent more than $5 million just through...

Trump Trolls Rubio With Gift for His 'Sweating'

Rubio's response: 'I only sweat when it's hot'

(Newser) - You probably remember Marco Rubio's infamous water break during the Republican State of the Union response a few years back. So, apparently, does Donald Trump. Continuing his favorite pastime of picking on Rubio for his supposed frequent and heavy perspiration, Trump sent the fellow presidential candidate a care package...

The Donald's Tax Plan Has Arrived

Promises to simplify tax code, cut income taxes to zero for lowest earners

(Newser) - Slowly but surely, Donald Trump is bulking up the position statements on his website. His immigration and gun rights platforms have now been joined by his new tax plan , which he announced Monday in a press conference from NYC's Trump Tower, CNBC reports. "Too few Americans are working,...

Uh Oh, Donald: Carson&#39;s Star Is Rising
 Uh Oh, Donald: 
 Carson's Star Is Rising 

Uh Oh, Donald: Carson's Star Is Rising

Neurosurgeon's support is almost even with Trump's

(Newser) - The rival Donald Trump might not want to prematurely brand as a loser is Ben Carson, currently breathing down the Donald's neck in the latest Wall Street Journal /NBC News poll that puts them at 21% and 20%, respectively. Carly Fiorina is seeing a dizzying surge at 11%, where...

Donald Trump to Evangelicals: 'I'm One of You'

The Donald makes promises to evangelical crowd

(Newser) - With his poll numbers lagging a bit , Donald Trump assured evangelicals last night that he and the Lord have found each other. His revelation came at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Dinner, Politico reports. "I'm one of you," says Trump. "Just remember that. I brought...

Trump Fires Back: I'm Not 'Obligated' to Defend Obama

First time I'm in trouble for 'NOT saying something,' he complains

(Newser) - When Donald Trump initially took flak for not challenging a questioner's assertion that President Obama is a non-American Muslim, his campaign explained that he hadn't heard that part of the question. This morning, however, Trump himself took to Twitter in a far more defiant tone: "Am I...

Trump Skips Big GOP Event Amid Birther Flap

Campaign says it's unrelated as rivals pounce

(Newser) - More trouble in camp Trump? After a debate performance seen as less-than-stellar , Trump's failure to correct a man's public assertion that President Obama is a non-American Muslim continues to resonate. Amid the backlash from both fellow Republicans and Democrats, Trump skipped a major forum for GOP candidates last...

Trump: I'll Be President for Free

He's not the only candidate who can afford to give up salary

(Newser) - Donald Trump doesn't want your $400,000 a year, America: At a town hall event in New Hampshire last night, he told a questioner that he would reject the presidential salary if he was elected, Reuters reports. "The first thing I'm going to do is tell you...

Why Trump Should Be Worried After Debate
Why Trump Should Be Worried After Debate

Why Trump Should Be Worried After Debate

Pundits think his dominance of the campaign is poised to fade

(Newser) - As the political analysts assess the winners and losers of last night's CNN debate, one theme seems to be emerging, maybe best summed up in a headline at Politico that asks, "Is the summer of Trump over?" It may not necessarily translate into an immediate drop in the...

11 Candidates, 11 Lines: Debate's Standout Remarks

Including one about turning the TV off

(Newser) - Eleven candidates and three hours of debate: Which lines made an impression? A standout statement from each of tonight's GOP hopefuls, via CNN , the New York Times , and the Washington Post :
  • Donald Trump: "I would get along with [Assad]. I would get along with a lot of the

Fiorina Gets Huge Applause in Response to Trump Slam

Women all over the US 'heard very clearly' what he said about her face

(Newser) - The prime-time debate has been heavy on policy, but the biggest applause line of the night has gone to Carly Fiorina after she was asked to respond to Donald Trump's insult about her face . "I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,...

Tom Brady Endorses Donald Trump, Sort Of

'There would be a putting green on the White House lawn, I can tell you that'

(Newser) - New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady threw his support behind presidential candidate Donald Trump today, hours before the second Republican debate. The Super Bowl MVP, whose four-game suspension for using deflated footballs was recently overturned by a judge, says he thinks his golf partner can win. "I hope so,...

Why Conservatives Are Taking the First Shot at Trump

Club for Growth sees billionaire as too close to the left

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign may be about to hit its first big test. Club for Growth will drop $1 million on anti-Trump ads in Iowa, to begin airing tomorrow, reports the Wall Street Journal . The anti-tax, anti-spending group has already aired one ad that attacks Trump's "very liberal"...

Trump Makes Emily Blunt Reconsider US Citizenship

'This was a terrible mistake. What have I done?'

(Newser) - Donald Trump might actually be able to follow through on his promise to reduce immigration as he's already made British actress Emily Blunt regret her new US citizenship. "I became an American citizen recently," Blunt told the Hollywood Reporter when asked about Trump. "That night we...

Fiorina Ad Lobs Trump Insult in His Face

One take on super PAC's spin: It's 'perfect comeback' to Trump's 'look at that face'

(Newser) - Donald Trump dissed Carly Fiorina in Rolling Stone with his now-famous "Look at that face!" comment , and a Fiorina super PAC is throwing it back in his face with a new ad capitalizing on his own words. Released yesterday by the Carly for America Committee, "Faces" kicks...

Trump Fans to Protesters: 'Clean My Hotel Room'

It was biggest Dallas rally since Obama in 2008

(Newser) - Donald Trump spoke to 15,000 fans at a Dallas arena last night in what the Dallas Morning News reports was the biggest political event in the city since Obama attracted 17,000 people to a rally in 2008. There was also a large crowd of protesters outside the American...

Trump on Tonight Show: If I'm Ever Wrong, I'll Apologize

Fallon impersonates Trump for interview

(Newser) - Donald Trump clarified, sort of, a long-standing question about his personality during a Tonight Show appearance last night. Host Jimmy Fallon asked Trump if he had ever apologized for anything. "I fully think apologizing is a great thing," Trump replied before winning applause by adding: "But you...

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