Donald Trump 2016

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RNC Holds 'Emergency Conference Call'

But the results are not what you may have predicted

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee held an "emergency conference call" Monday, Politico reports, and though the call was scheduled amid speculation that the RNC might abandon Trump or at least divert its resources to down-ballot candidates after Trump's 2005 comments about women became public, the end result was less...

Pence: I&#39;m Not Going Anywhere
Pence: I'm Not
Going Anywhere

Pence: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Rumors he's leaving the ticket 'absolutely false'

(Newser) - Mike Pence may not be able to defend Donald Trump's 2005 comments about women, but he won't be stepping down as Trump's running mate. Rumors of him dropping off the ticket are "absolutely false," the Indiana governor said Monday, per Politico . Pence insisted during an...

Buffett to Trump: You're Wrong About My Taxes

'I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944, when I was 13'

(Newser) - Donald Trump defended his avoidance of taxes during Sunday night's debate and said that many of Hillary Clinton's big donors—including Warren Buffett—used the same technique. On Monday, however, Buffett fired back that Trump doesn't know what he's talking about. "I have paid federal...

Ryan to GOP Lawmakers: I 'Won't Defend Trump'

But speaker isn't rescinding his endorsement—for now, anyway

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain has dropped his endorsement for Donald Trump, as have several dozen other prominent GOPers , in the wake of Trump's "hot mic" 2005 tape that leaked Friday. But House Speaker Paul Ryan is still hanging in there, though he now says Trump can't count on...

Who Won/Lost the Debate
Who Won/Lost the Debate

Who Won/Lost the Debate

One consensus: Trump survives a knockout blow

(Newser) - It was, says Politico , "the ugliest debate in American history." But who actually won the insult-filled affair ? Some assessments:
  • Chris Cillizza, Washington Post : He's got Clinton in his "winners" category because "she went into this debate with massive momentum in the race—much of

Trump: It&#39;s Just &#39;Locker Room Talk&#39;
Trump: It's Just
'Locker Room Talk'
presidential debate

Trump: It's Just 'Locker Room Talk'

Clinton calls him unfit for presidency

(Newser) - It took no time at all for Donald Trump's hot mic scandal to surface at Sunday night's debate—a nasty affair that got underway without a traditional handshake. Trump flatly rejected the suggestion that his comments amounted to a description of "sexual assault," in the words...

Today Suspends Billy Bush Over Trump Tape

He was the other voice on the Trump tape

(Newser) - Donald Trump's hot mic scandal is now taking a toll on NBC's Billy Bush. The Today show has suspended the co-host in the wake of his role in the now infamous recording, reports CNN . Bush could be heard on the tape egging Trump on as the GOP nominee...

What to Expect in Tonight&#39;s Debate
What to Expect in 
Tonight's Debate
the rundown

What to Expect in Tonight's Debate

Can Donald Trump overcome his new scandal?

(Newser) - Sunday night's presidential debate could hardly come at a more interesting time, with Donald Trump's hot mic trouble and Hillary Clinton's speech-transcript trouble. The town-hall-style debate at 9pm Eastern won't feature podiums but will have instead have the candidates on a stage answering questions from undecided...

Trump: &#39;Zero Chance&#39; I&#39;ll Quit
Trump: 'Zero Chance' I'll Quit

Trump: 'Zero Chance' I'll Quit

'I'm not quitting this race'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a message for those calling on him to drop out of the race after his videotape scandal : There is "zero chance I'll quit," he tells the Wall Street Journal . He expresses a similar sentiment to the Washington Post : “I’d never withdraw. I’...

Trump: I&#39;ll Dump 70% of Federal Regulations
Trump: I'll Dump 70%
of Federal Regulations

Trump: I'll Dump 70% of Federal Regulations

He says Clinton is 'resting,' not prepping for debate

(Newser) - Donald Trump wants to more than merely decimate federal regulations: He told a town hall event in New Hampshire on Thursday night that he wants to wipe out a full 70% of them. "We are cutting the regulation at a tremendous clip. I would say 70% of regulations can...

Giuliani's Daughter: 'I Love Hillary'

She's not joining dad on the Trump train

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is one of Donald Trump's leading surrogates, but his daughter has made it very clear that she won't be joining him on the Trump train. "I can confirm that I do support Hillary Clinton for president. Enthusiastically," Caroline Giuliani tells the New York Daily ...

Trump: Remarks About Women Part of Reality TV Biz

'You say things differently for a reason.'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has faced lots of criticism during the campaign over his history of off-color remarks about women . Now, in an interview with KSNV of Las Vegas, the candidate offers an explanation for some of them: entertainment value. When asked, as the father of two grown women, if he understands...

Clinton Buys $63K in Weather Channel Ads Pre-Hurricane

This could be a smart buy in battleground state of Florida—or it could backfire

(Newser) - One wouldn't think buying commercial spots on the Weather Channel would be the obvious media choice for presidential candidates vying for votes, but with Hurricane Matthew barreling toward the battleground states of Florida and North Carolina just a month before Election Day, that's exactly what Hillary Clinton's...

Trump Just Gave Clinton the Perfect &#39;3AM&#39; Ad
Trump Just Gave Clinton
the Perfect '3AM' Ad

Trump Just Gave Clinton the Perfect '3AM' Ad

His late tweets are a little troubling, writes Washington Post columnist

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made the idea of a president receiving a 3am phone call famous in her 2008 race against Barack Obama, and now columnist Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post thinks she should resurrect a slightly different version for Donald Trump. Except "the question now may be: Do you...

UN News Arm Scrubs Tweet Asking People to Stop Trump

It was a mistaken message to 8 million expats

(Newser) - First the US Army sent out an embarrassing anti-Trump tweet in error. Now the United Nations' official news agency has scrubbed a similar online offensive against the GOP nominee, also claiming it was a mistake, Politico reports. The now-vanished tweet, which posted at 9:14pm EDT Thursday and called for...

Trump Accuses 'Disgusting' Pageant Winner of Sex Tape

But isn't convinced

(Newser) - Donald Trump is doubling down in his criticism of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, calling her "disgusting," accusing her of making a sex tape, and saying that Hillary Clinton made a big mistake in referencing her during Monday's debate. As for the sex tape, myth-busting site Snopes...

Donald Conducted Illegal Business in Cuba: Newsweek

Report says Trump's secret business venture in Havana in late '90s broke trade embargo

(Newser) - First Kurt Eichenwald dove into Donald Trump's business ties abroad . Now, in a new éxposé for Newsweek , the writer reveals Trump's company secretly conducted business in Cuba in the late '90s, even though such dealings were illegal under the American trade embargo. Based on interviews with...

Advisers Know How to Prep Trump for Next Debate

They just don't know if he'll agree to do it: 'NYT' report

(Newser) - Donald Trump was pretty pleased with his performance against Hillary Clinton at Monday's debate, even though scientific polls —not the easily manipulated online polls that Trump is citing —show most Americans pick Clinton as the clear victor. Even some of his own campaign advisers don't feel...

Chelsea Clinton Has Words for Donald Trump

After Trump was proud he didn't bring up Bill's 'indiscretions' in front of her

(Newser) - After Monday's debate, Donald Trump noted that "everything I wanted to say I got out, except for the transgressions of Bill [Clinton]." He explained that he didn't want to bring up Gennifer Flowers or Monica Lewinsky "with Chelsea in the room," and that he...

Trump: Pageant Winner's Weight Was a 'Real Problem'

Alicia Machado 'gained a massive amount' after win, he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's treatment of a former beauty pageant winner became campaign fodder during Monday night's debate, and Trump wasn't feeling very apologetic Tuesday morning. "I know that person," Trump said on Fox and Friends, referring to former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. "And she was...

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