
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Web Copyright Lawsuit Could Cripple the Freedom to Link

Community outlet says big papers siphon off page views with mere snippets of info

(Newser) - A local newspaper chain is suing the New York Times Company for pilfering its online content, and the case could dramatically change how news sites link, Danny Sanchez writes on Journalistopia. GateHouse Media says readers can glean enough information from the snippets linked by the Boston Globe and therefore don’...

Love to Fans: I'm 'Not Suicidal'

Singer regrets blog post about death

(Newser) - After alarming fans in a recent MySpace blog post about death, Courtney Love reassures everyone: “No, I am not suicidal,” Us magazine reports. The musician, whose husband, Kurt Cobain, committed suicide, posted a follow-up to explain: “Occasionally, like all of us, I get depressed.” She said...

Jury Selection Turns to Facebook, Blogs, Data

Experts mine online profiles for background on jurors' views

(Newser) - Get called for jury duty these days, and you can expect attorneys to know a lot more about you than they let on. Trial consultants who used to specialize in legwork—visiting neighbors and friends to gather clues to potential jurors' views—are now expert Web surfers, tracing things like...

Blogger's Pursuit of Paternity Issue Verges on Vendetta

Atlantic 's Sullivan engaging in 'Rove-style politics,' critics charge

(Newser) - Andrew Sullivan, blogger for the Atlantic, has come under fire for hammering John McCain’s campaign on an issue everyone else seems to have gotten over: whether or not Sarah Palin or her teen daughter Bristol is the mother of 4-month-old Trig Palin, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post....

Bloggers Ready to Roll at GOP Convention

(Newser) - Watch out, mainstream media: Bloggers have claimed a space of their own at this year’s Republican National Convention. All they got 4 years ago was a folding table for a dozen huddled writers; now more than 200 have credentials and an area to work in. Big-name anchors like Katie...

Liberal Bloggers Get Their Wish... or Do They?

Contemplating victory, onetime outsiders may feel disoriented

(Newser) - Barack Obama's frontrunner status has liberal bloggers wondering whether they should have been careful what they wished for. “The way it’s looking, we might actually win this thing,” said Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitas. The "Netroots" movement began as a response to a Republican-dominated Washington; the...

LA Times Insider Launches Anti-Zell Blog

Anonymous journo bashes paper's owner as heads keep rolling

(Newser) - Heads continue to roll at the Tribune Company, but one staffer is aiming to prove the pen is mightier than Sam Zell's ax, reports the New York Times, with new blog The site is airing the gripes of Tribune's disgruntled journalists, and is finding plenty of fodder—from...

Peterson Blog Sparks Outrage
 Peterson Blog Sparks Outrage 

Peterson Blog Sparks Outrage

Infrequent posts discuss his 'wrongful conviction' and support

(Newser) - Scott Peterson has a blog—of sorts. The death row inmate, convicted for the murder of his wife Laci and the fetus she carried, is posting his thoughts on a website set up by a Canadian anti-death penalty group, Radar reports. The occasional postings concern his appeal, his "wrongful...

Blogger Keeps Quake in Focus
 Blogger Keeps Quake in Focus 

Blogger Keeps Quake in Focus

Chinese graphic novelist tells stories from the disaster zone

(Newser) - A Chinese graphic novelist determined to keep the aftermath of last month's earthquake on the front burner is using her new blog to get the message out, and fellow citizen journalists on the other side of the world are catching on. "We love you, Coco Wang," a blogger...

AP Waffles on Blog Policies
AP Waffles on Blog Policies

AP Waffles on Blog Policies

News organization sends mixed signals over what citizen journos can lift

(Newser) - The Associated Press is struggling to hash out its policies toward bloggers who excerpt the organization's coverage, notes. The news agency attacked a liberal blog that posted snippets from its stories, but an AP exec later told the New York Times he regretted such a "heavy-handed" approach....

Cluttered? '100 Thing Challenge' Awaits

If your life is 'littered with unfulfilled promises,' purge, blogger challenges

(Newser) - A crusading blogger is inspiring citizens to take on a predicament of modern life: clutter. Dave Bruno launched the 100 Thing Challenge in an effort to free himself from his stuff, and he's down to just 97 belongings, Time reports. And while Bruno is a strict constructionist, some of his...

House of Lords Fishes Where the Fish Are: YouTube

UK legislators launch effort to appeal to youth

(Newser) - The House of Lords is vaulting into the 21st century, hosting a YouTube channel dedicated to dispelling its upper-crust image. The appointed branch of Parliament rolled out several videos today, full of legislators explaining to clueless young people how the system works, the AP reports. "We hope that they...

My Search Term, Myself
 My Search Term, Myself 

My Search Term, Myself

Blogger ponders path Web surfers take to his threshold

(Newser) - Freud would have a field day studying Google searches, posits a blogger who tracked the terms visitors to his web page used and found a window into man's pathologies. John Kelly, a columnist on leave from the Washington Post, writes in the Guardian about "how the fetishes, pathologies and...

Blogs Vent China's Anti-West Ire

Chinese see outcry over Tibet, torch as effort to sap newfound strength

(Newser) - The Chinese Internet is aflame with vitriol at Western governments and news organizations for “insults” over Tibet and recent Olympic torch incidents, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Chinese authorities, usually quick to censor the Web, have let the sentiment flow, believing "the West is trying to humiliate them...

You Hate Me, You Really Hate Me!

The web's 10 most despised people

(Newser) - Critics in cyberspace can stay incognito, which makes them especially nasty. Radar lists the 10 most-scorned players on the web:
  1. Lori Drew: Her comments on a MySpace account drove a 13-year-old girl to suicide.
  2. John Fitzgerald Page: An online dater whose cruel remarks got world-wide coverage.
  3. Julia Allison: A sassy

Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs
 Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs 

Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs

Wonkette, Idolator and Gridskipper become casualties of economic belt-tightening

(Newser) - Gawker Media is cutting loose three of its blogs, CNET reports: Wonkette, Idolator and Gridskipper. “To be blunt," explained Gawker founder Nick Denton in an internal email, "they each had their editorial successes; but someone else will have better luck selling the advertising than we did."...

'White People' Is Model of Right Time, Right Place

Offensive site points up how blogs can serve as book proposals

(Newser) - The skyrocket success of blog “Stuff White People Like” has shown anew how quickly (and lucratively) a zeitgeist-capturing blog can become a mass-market success story. Only three months young, the site—which skewers the posturing of liberal bourgeois Caucasians—has earned its creator a massive readership and a six-figure...

Wal-Mart Blog Lets Buyers Post Real Reviews

Some suppliers vexed, but site 'puts real personality out there'

(Newser) - Wal-Mart is letting its buyers blast or hail store products on a new blog, and do so freely—a shift for the once-strict corporate culture. Posts have so far panned Microsoft's Vista and a "Star Wars" movie, all while revealing favorite books, Bible quotes, and pets. "It puts...

Blogs Find Their Audio Outlet
Blogs Find Their Audio Outlet

Blogs Find Their Audio Outlet gives just about anyone a platform, claims 2M listeners

(Newser) - It's no NPR yet, but the latest radio phenomenon is gathering steam—and it's not even really radio, Portfolio reports. The 18-month-old lets anyone with a broadcasting itch host a show for free; users select a time slot, genre, topic and start gabbing—the audio blog even comes...

Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?
Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?

Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?

Celebrity blogger is in a deal with Warner Music to start his own imprint

(Newser) - “Madonna’s leaving, Perez is coming.” Those words are straight from the mouth of the music industry's most unlikely new player, gossip blogger Perez Hilton. He has parlayed posts praising unknown and upcoming acts on his website into a possible deal doing the same for Warner Brothers Records,...

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