illegal immigration

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Arizona Ruling Will Help GOP&mdash;in the Short Run
Arizona Ruling Will Help GOP—in the Short Run
eugene robinson

Arizona Ruling Will Help GOP—in the Short Run

But Republicans are hurting their party's future

(Newser) - The judge's decision to block key parts of Arizona's immigration law will likely help Republicans in the midterm elections, writes Eugene Robinson. They can argue that the "big bad federal government" interfered with the state's right to kick out people who shouldn't be there in the first place. Robinson...

Palin: Obama Should Be at Border, Not on View

Prez has time to chat but not help at 'porous' border, Palin complains

(Newser) - President Obama has "lotso" time to chat it up on The View but no time to visit the US-Mexican border? Outrageous, complains Sarah Palin, who slammed the president on Twitter for failing to "offer help to those risking life to secure us" at the "porous" border. She...

Protests Flare in Arizona Over New Law

Dozens busted as protesters surround Phoenix jail

(Newser) - The ruling blocking key parts of Arizona's immigration law hasn't cooled tempers in the state. Dozens of people were arrested in Phoenix yesterday as protesters gathered to demonstrate against the law. Protesters surrounded a downtown jail and the office of controversial sheriff Joe Arpaio, who vowed that the protests won't...

Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform
Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform

Judge's Ruling Killed State Immigration Reform

Signals efforts will have to come at federal level

(Newser) - Judge Susan Bolton’s decision to fence off much of Arizona’s immigration law could also put a stop to hundreds of similar attempts to combat illegal immigration in other states. Though Bolton hasn’t finished hearing the case yet, stopping the law sent a pretty clear message that she...

Gutted Arizona Immigration Law Goes Into Effect

Ruling blocking key parts of bill actually a victory, its author says

(Newser) - Arizona's new immigration law goes into effect today, minus the key parts of it blocked by yesterday's federal ruling . Police won't be required to question suspects' immigration status and it's still not a crime to be found without immigration registration papers, but provisions making it a crime to pick up...

Desert Deaths Soar Among Arizona Immigrants

Heat wave, crackdown blamed for death spike

(Newser) - The Arizona morgue in Pima County is overflowing with bodies that will probably never be identified. The bodies of 57 suspected illegal immigrants found dead in the desert have been brought in so far this month, the highest number in 5 years. "We keep hoping we have seen the...

Judge Blocks Key Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

Police won't have to check immigration status

(Newser) - A federal judge today blocked the most controversial parts of Arizona's immigration law from taking effect, delivering a last-minute victory to opponents of the measure. The overall law will still take effect tomorrow, but without the provisions that angered opponents—including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration...

Arizona County Deported 26K—Without the New Law

A quarter of the national total

(Newser) - Since 2007, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has deported or forced the departure of a whopping 26,146 immigrants through a federal-local partnership program. That's a quarter of the national total, without the benefit of the new Arizona law that legalizes checking papers of anyone who looks to law enforcement...

Neb. City Suspends Law That Bans Renting to Illegals

Fremont law on hold until court challenges resolved

(Newser) - A law banning residents from hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants has been suspended by the city council of Fremont, Neb., days before it was to take effect. Council members voted 8-0 to suspend the controversial, voter-approved law until lawsuits challenging it are resolved, to save the city money...

Feds Push Fingerprint 'Dragnet' for Illegal Immigrants

Obama administration moves to expand program

(Newser) - The federal government is quietly expanding a program that could have a bigger impact on immigrants' rights than the controversial Arizona law that goes into effect this week. Under the program, the fingerprints of everyone who is booked into jail for any crime—whether or not they are convicted—are...

Obama Deporting More Illegals Than Bush

And he's punishing more businesses that hire them

(Newser) - Enemies may paint Barack Obama as soft on immigration, but his administration is actually deporting illegal immigrants in record numbers, according to the Washington Post . Immigration and Customs Enforcement estimates that it will deport 400,000 people this fiscal year, 10% more than George W. Bush sent packing in 2008...

Illegal Immigrants Aren't Really Criminals
Illegal Immigrants Aren't
Really Criminals
Francis Fukuyama

Illegal Immigrants Aren't Really Criminals

They're hard-working poor people who didn't enjoy legal protection at home, either

(Newser) - Illegal Immigration hawks like to paint immigrants as hardened criminals, conflating them with the drug traffickers hopping over the border to sell their wares to a hungry American populace. But in truth the vast majority of illegal immigrants are hardworking people who “come from societies in which legal rules...

Arizona's Immigration Law Goes on Trial

Twin challenges are headed to federal court today

(Newser) - Supporters of Arizona’s controversial new immigration law head to court today, to defend it from both the Justice Department’s challenge and a separate lawsuit. Both cases will be heard by the same judge, Susan Bolton. It's unclear how she'll rule, according to CNN . Bolton heard yet another challenge...

US Troops Headed to Mexican Border

National Guard presence to be especially strong in Arizona

(Newser) - National Guard troops are headed to the Mexican border next month to beef up security along the border fence. As part of President Obama's new border plan, the 1,200 troops will spend a year in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, where they'll help border patrol agents monitor and...

Obama's Secret Weapon on Immigration: Evangelicals

Pro-reform Hispanic evangelicals a growing political force

(Newser) - President Obama's push for immigration reform has brought him some allies he's not likely to partner with on many other issues: evangelical Christian leaders, many of whom embrace a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. Growing evangelical support for immigration reform reflects the recent work of politically active Hispanic pastors,...

Names of Suspected Illegal Immigrants Leak in Utah

State government scrambles to find out who's to blame

(Newser) - An anonymous group has released a list of 1,300 Utah residents who, it alleges, are illegal immigrants. The list, which was sent to media outlets, law enforcement, and lawmakers, includes the names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, and in some cases even Social Security numbers of those suspects, the...

Brewer Is Spreading Lies About Border Violence
Brewer Is Spreading Lies About Border Violence
Dana Milbank

Brewer Is Spreading Lies About Border Violence

Which explains why people support Arizona's immigration law

(Newser) - Arizona has a big problem, writes Dana Milbank—a governor who keeps lying about border violence. Her most recent outrageous claim, that beheaded bodies are being found in the desert, "has not a follicle of evidence" to support it, he writes in the Washington Post . Ditto with her previous...

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona
Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Police there already have a similar immigration policy

(Newser) - It’s odd that the Obama administration is suing Arizona over its immigration law—because Rhode Island cops have been carrying out the same basic procedure for years, writes Andy McCarthy in the National Review . Rhode Island cops routinely check for immigration status during traffic stops, reporting any illegals they...

Angry Latinos Want to Reshape Arizona Politics

Organizers hope for a repeat of what happened in California in '90s

(Newser) - Latino activists are canvassing hard in Arizona, looking to capitalize on anger against the new immigration law through the potentially powerful Hispanic electorate. Latinos account for about 30% of Arizona's population and are the largest growing demographic group. Activists hope an active, organized electorate can change the state's conservative approach...

US Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

It says civil rights abuses could result

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed suit today against Arizona’s controversial new immigration law. The Justice Department is challenging the law's constitutionality, arguing that state laws can’t trump federal ones when it comes to immigration, thanks to the "preemption" doctrine, notes the Washington Post .

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