illegal immigration

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Arizona Candidate: Cut Off Illegals' Electricity

Barry Wong insists he's serious

(Newser) - If you thought Arizona couldn't get any less hospitable to Hispanic people—er, illegal immigrants—think again. Barry Wong, who's running for the state's Corporation Commission, is pushing a plan to cut off electricity to any building suspected of harboring illegal immigrants. He'd have the power to do that, he...

Obama Calls Out GOP on Immigration Reform

He reiterates his opposition to Arizona's law

(Newser) - President Obama culminated a seemingly out-of-the-blue push this week on immigration reform with a speech today criticizing Republicans for "political posturing" on the issue. "Under the pressures of partisanship and election-year politics, many of the 11 (Republicans) who have voted for reform in past have backed away,"...

Florida GOP Crafting Arizona-Like Law

It would crack down on illegal immigrants

(Newser) - The controversy over Arizona's immigration law may be coming to the East Coast. Florida Republicans are writing a law based on Arizona's that would give police expanded authority to demand proof of residence from suspects, reports the Miami Herald . "We have significant components from the Arizona bill that I...

Jan Brewer: Most Illegals Running Drugs

And most Arizona governors are racist, say critics

(Newser) - While "a lot" of illegals hopping over Mexico's border into Arizona are looking for work, most are running drugs for cartels, says Gov. Jan Brewer in comments yesterday that elicited a chorus of critics who slammed her for everything from political posturing to racism. "I believe today, that...

AWOL Afghan Soldiers Turn Up on Facebook

They're apparently in Toronto...and fans of hip-hop, Paris Hilton

(Newser) - Remember that report warning that 17 Afghan soldiers had gone missing from a Texas Air Force base? Well, you can find 11 of them in the same place you can find pretty much anyone these days: Facebook. Fox News easily tracked down the deserters, who've done little or nothing to...

Bloomberg Enters Fight on Immigration

Be tough on illegals, but help legal immigrants get here

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is jumping into the immigration debate, arguing for a policy that makes it easier for legal immigrants to enter the country and the workforce, but harder for illegal ones to do so. Hizzoner will announce a coalition of mayors and business leaders backing his push today, the Wall ...

Napolitano: The Border Is More Secure Than Ever

And crime is down in border states, too

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano pushed back against immigration alarmists yesterday, even as she touted the the White House's latest efforts to secure the border. The Obama administration will deploy an unmanned aerial drone in Texas, and allow local police communities to temporarily “deploy” to assist the National Guard along the border,...

Obama Asks Congress for $600M Border Security Boost

Calls funds for staffing, fence repairs an 'emergency'

(Newser) - With Arizona's controversial new anti-illegal-immigrant law being blamed on weak federal enforcement, Barack Obama has formally asked Nancy Pelosi for $600 million to beef up security along the US/Mexico border. The president says the request will address “urgent and essential needs” and should be considered an emergency. The money...

Mexico Joins Arizona Immigration Lawsuit

Mexican government backs ACLU challenge to immigration law

(Newser) - The latest party jumping on the Arizona anti-illegal immigration lawsuit bandwagon? The Mexican government. Joining the Obama administration, the ACLU, and several other organizations' legal challenges to the yet-to-be-enacted law, the Mexican government submitted papers in US federal court as a "friend of the court" in support of the...

Nebraska Town Bans Renting to Illegals

Fremont passes tough new immigration law

(Newser) - Residents of Fremont, Nebraska have voted for a law aimed at driving illegal immigrants out of town. The law, which bans hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants, passed a referendum of the town's 25,000 people 57% to 43%. The ACLU has promised an immediate challenge to the law,...

Nebraska Town Votes on Tough Immigration Law

Ballot measure would ban employing or renting to illegals

(Newser) - Angered by an influx of Hispanic workers drawn by jobs at local meatpacking plants, voters in the eastern Nebraska city of Fremont will decide today whether to ban hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants.The vote will be the culmination of a two-year fight that saw proponents collect enough...

17 Afghan Soldiers Have Gone AWOL in Texas

Some have security access badges

(Newser) - A nationwide alert has gone out warning that 17 Afghan military members have gone AWOL while training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The men were training to be pilots, know some English, and have security badges granting access to any Defense Department installation, according to a bulletin entitled...

Ariz. Gov. Slams Clinton Over Immigration Suit

Brewer 'stunned' to learn of court action

(Newser) - Arizona's governor says she was outraged to learn through an interview Hillary Clinton gave to an Ecuadorean TV station that the Justice Department is suing the state over its new immigration law. President Obama "thinks that the federal government should be determining immigration policy," Clinton told the interviewer....

Undocumented Harvard Student May Be Deported

Teen crossed border 15 years ago, says he'll fight to stay

(Newser) - A Harvard undergraduate who entered the US illegally as a 4-year-old is facing deportation after being detained at a Texas airport last week following a visit to his mother. "I’m very worried, to be honest," Eric Balderas, who just finished his freshman year and says he lost...

Why Texans Don't Want This Film to Get Taxpayer Money

Message about illegal immigration doesn't sit well with some

(Newser) - When Texas decided to deliver taxpayer subsidies to films shot in the state, it probably didn’t expect to be subsidizing a film with a controversial message about illegal immigration. Now, hundreds of Texans are asking the governor’s office not to give any money to Robert Rodriguez’s Machete,...

Boycotts Taking Toll on Arizona

Hotels suffer from immigration law protests

(Newser) - Fewer visitors are heading to Arizona, but not the way state lawmakers envisioned when they crafted their controversial immigration law. Arizona businesses, especially those in the tourism and hospitality trades, are starting to feel the pain of boycotts launched to protest the law. So many conventions have been canceled that...

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP
 Turns Latinos 
 Against GOP 
New Poll

Immigration Turns Latinos Against GOP

Poll shows wide racial divide over immigration

(Newser) - You know that Latino blowback Republicans have been bracing for regarding immigration? It's here. According to a new NBC/Telemundo poll , only 22% of Latinos have a favorable view of the Grand Old Party, compared to 37% of whites. You can chalk that divide up in part to the immigration debate,...

Police Chiefs, Holder Talk Immigration

Cops worry Arizona law will turn communities against them

(Newser) - Eric Holder will meet with police chiefs from about a dozen cities, including Phoenix and Tuscon, to listen to their concerns about Arizona's controversial immigration law. The chiefs are worried that the law will “drive a wedge” between police and their communities, eradicating trust they've worked to build “...

Dora the Explorer: Illegal Immigrant?

Nickelodeon star had better avoid Arizona, to be safe

(Newser) - In her police mug shot, the doe-eyed cartoon heroine with the bowl haircut has a black eye, battered lip, and bloody nose. Dora the Explorer's alleged crime? "Illegal Border Crossing Resisting Arrest." It's just one of the doctored images of the Nickelodeon star floating around online, questioning her...

Cuba Denounces Arizona Immigration Law

Reminding us that the state itself was 'stolen from the noble Mexican people'

(Newser) - Cuba is getting in on the outrage over Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown. A declaration from the Cuban Parliament today declared solidarity with “those who're facing the brutal violation of their human rights” at the hands of “a law of deep racist and xenophobic nature,” according to the...

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