Jon Stewart

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Obama 2012: From 'Yes We Can' to 'Whatever'

Maybe it has something to do with his failure to deliver on campaign promises?

(Newser) - President Obama is officially running for reelection , but somehow his campaign slogan has gone from "Yes We Can" to "You Know, Whatever," Jon Stewart complained last night on the Daily Show . Obama's first campaign video features supporters with a disturbing lack of enthusiasm, saying (and Stewart is,...

Stewart Slams Obama's Libya Speech

What was up with the anger—and unanswered questions?

(Newser) - “Ten days after we started bombing Libya, President Obama took to the podium to convince Americans that we should … bomb Libya. Starting 10 days ago,” noted Jon Stewart last night. The speech may have been basically well-received , but not by Stewart: First of all, the president seemed...

Stewart: No Taxes for GE? I Give Up

Worse, President Obama doesn't seem to care, he notes

(Newser) - The GOP often argues that "we're making it harder and harder for good, honest corporate citizens to create jobs here" thanks to a stiff corporate tax rate, Jon Stewart noted last night . "Can you blame a company like GE for not wanting to do business in America when...

Stewart Swipes at Fox vs. CNN War

When reporters, named Nic Robertson and Steve Harrigan, attack

(Newser) - Jon Stewart razzed reporters in a segment last night , kicking things off by poking at Nancy Grace, whose arguments about the radiation threat the US faces from Japan unraveled into an argument about how "there is no such thing as magic." But she is not the media story...

Stewart: Can't Fire Teachers and Tomahawks

Daily Show host slams Libya action

(Newser) - Jon Stewart—dismayed to return from vacation and discover that the world's biggest trouble spots are no longer "Wisconsin and the set of Two and a Half Men"—has a bone to pick with the US bombing of Libya: The name—"Operation Odyssey Dawn"—for starters....

Larry King's Next Gig: The Daily Show?!

CNN legend in talks with Jon Stewart's crew

(Newser) - The Daily Show's in talks to add a new contributor to its stable—and you just might have heard of him. Larry King has talked with Comedy Central about joining Jon Stewart's snarky faux-news show, sources tells the New York Post . "A single conversation has happened," says one....

Daily Show: Abortion Is Just Like Slavery?

Wilmore: If pro-lifers want to help black people, ban Tyler Perry

(Newser) - “The pro-life movement is using the black community to make their point, equating abortion with slavery,” noted Jon Stewart last night. Fortunately for Stewart, the Daily Show has the two perfect people to offer some perspective on the issue: “senior women’s affairs correspondent Kristen Schaal and...

Stewart to CNN: 'You're Not Even News Anchors'

Daily Show host slams network's silliest segments

(Newser) - Jon Stewart showed last night that he's an equal opportunity mocker, taking a break from his usual attacks on Fox News to instead ridicule "the 24-hour network that started it all, most trusted name in news, the gold standard: CNN." "You'd think there'd be some way for...

Jon Stewart Challenges Donald Rumsfeld on Iraq War
 Stewart No Match for Rumsfeld 

Stewart No Match for Rumsfeld

Host comes up empty as Rumsfeld keeps cool

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld appeared on the Daily Show last night to promote his new book—and Jon Stewart had his fists raised, ready to challenge him on the Iraq war. But Stewart seemed unable to land a lethal blow, despite focusing on the administration’s attempts to “sell” the war,...

Daily Show Video: If GOP Wants to Cut Planned Parenthood Funding, Why Not Defund NASA, FAA Too?
 Kill NASA, FAA Funds 
 Over Abortions, Too 
the daily show

Kill NASA, FAA Funds Over Abortions, Too

After all, they could be indirectly involved in abortions

(Newser) - The GOP wants to cut funding for Planned Parenthood , even though, as Jon Stewart pointed out last night, the “vast majority of Planned Parenthood services are not abortion-related.” But, Rep. Mike Pence has argued , by funding its non-abortion services, we’re really just freeing up cash to be...

Camel Eats It for Madison Daily Show Stunt

Hapless beast proves Egypt is nothing like Wisconsin

(Newser) - Pity the poor camel who knows, just like Jon Stewart , that Egypt is nothing like Madison, Wis. The beast slipped, making awful sounds, on the snow and ice of a Madison street as he was being tended to by workers for the Daily Show. But don't worry, the camel is...

Stewart: How the Heck Is Wisconsin Like Egypt?

In Egypt, you could get shot; here, you could get pulled into a drum circle

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is not happy with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to strip unions of their collective bargaining rights (that would be like “telling Craigslist no adult services,” he reasoned. “It really defeats the purpose.”) But nor is he happy with the media’s...

Stewart Debates Rape vs. Rape-Rape

Should taxpayer money really go to women who've only been 'rape-ished'?

(Newser) - The GOP wants to limit federal funding for abortions to cases of “forcible rape” only, and, not surprisingly, Jon Stewart was there last night to heap his scorn on the idea. “All rape is by definition forcible,” he pointed out, but correspondent Kristen Schaal wasn’t convinced....

Jon Stewart Appointed to 9/11 Memorial Board

Advocacy wins funnyman place with Ground Zero foundation

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's push to get Congress to pass a 9/11 first responders health care bill has won him a place on the board of the foundation building the 9/11 museum and memorial at Ground Zero. The foundation's president hailed the Daily Show host's passionate advocacy—which included devoting an entire...

Stewart: Call That a Sputnik Moment?
 Stewart: Call That 
 a Sputnik Moment? 

Stewart: Call That a Sputnik Moment?

Daily Show host offers his take on State of the Union

(Newser) - Jon Stewart found plenty to poke fun at in President Obama's State of the Union address—and the rebuttals. The Daily Show host homed in on Obama's "Night of Too Many Promises," specifically the president's claim that now is a " Sputnik moment ." "I'm with you!...

Stewart Smacks Fox Over Nazi Hypocrisy

Fox News shouldn't be outraged over Nazi comparisons, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - When Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen recently compared his political opponents to Nazis—Joseph Goebbels in particular—no media outlet was more outraged than Fox News. Most notably, host Megyn Kelly argued with her guest, Democratic strategist Richard Socarides, when he pointed out that none other than Fox News often makes...

Stewart to Beck: Come on My Show and I'll Give You...

Daily Show host extends another invitation, likely in vain

(Newser) - Jon Stewart ended Tuesday’s Sarah Palin slapfest by inviting her on the Daily Show—and last night , he extended another invitation to Glenn Beck. Beck told Today Show host Meredith Vieira yesterday that even in light of the Tucson shootings, he doesn’t regret any violent statements he meant...

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy
 Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy 

Stewart Slaps Palin's Hypocrisy

She has a special gift for turning criticism into persecution, he notes

(Newser) - Jon Stewart was so happy to see that a prominent victim of the Tucson shootings has experienced a “miraculous recovery,” he said on last night’s Daily Show . Yes, it’s true, Sarah Palin was up and talking on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show Monday , proving she’...

Stewart Slams Congress' 'Quick Fixes' to Ariz. Shooting

'We must not give in to fear'

(Newser) - Legislators are falling all over themselves to respond to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, and Jon Stewart isn't thrilled with their approach. On last night's Daily Show he blasted the "quick fixes" members were proposing, starting with Peter King's proposal to ban guns within 1,000 feet of a government...

Jon Stewart: Our iPhones Can Make Calls Now!

'Daily Show' spends first segment blasting AT&T

(Newser) - Jon Stewart must really hate AT&T. After Monday’s sobering monologue about Gabrielle Giffords , the Daily Show took on a lighter topic last night, devoting the whole first segment to rejoicing over the Verizon iPhone announcement —and pummeling AT&T. "For the past three or four years,...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>