John Boehner

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Obama Playing Hardball on Taxes

He plans to seek $1.6TR extra from wealthy, corporations

(Newser) - President Obama is telling GOP leaders to read his lips: Some new taxes. The president plans to play hardball in budget negotiations with an opening figure of $1.6 trillion in tax hikes for corporations and the wealthy, the Wall Street Journal reports. The figure is far more than Republicans...

Obama Will Take Budget Pitch to the People

Will attempt to rally public support for his compromise

(Newser) - President Obama learned some hard lessons during last year's debt ceiling talks, and he's heading into the new round to avoid the fiscal cliff determined to take his case to the people. Rather than "hunkering down" with congressional leaders behind closed doors for weeks—a strategy that...

Boehner to Republicans: Play Ball This Time

House speaker gets on the phone with his colleagues

(Newser) - John Boehner gave fellow congressional Republicans the news in a conference call this week: No more bitter, tooth-and-nail battles with President Obama. And, unlike last year, several voices supported the House speaker—even if those voices were "subdued and dark," reports the New York Times . After Republicans lost...

Possible Fiscal Cliff Savior: Semantics

Wealthy can pay more, even if tax rates don't rise

(Newser) - It sure sounds like President Obama and John Boehner are at loggerheads when it comes to a deal to avert the fiscal cliff: Obama insists the richest Americans must pay more in taxes, while Boehner says the House will never approve a rate increase. But therein lies the wiggle room:...

Obama: Wealthy Must Pay More in Taxes

But he wants to extend tax cuts for everyone else

(Newser) - President Obama laid out the broad outlines of his plan for a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff today, and he struck two familiar themes: He wants lawmakers to freeze tax rates for the middle class and below, but he thinks the Bush tax cuts should expire for the wealthiest...

Forget the &#39;Grand Bargain&#39;
 Forget the 'Grand Bargain' 
Paul Krugman

Forget the 'Grand Bargain'

Paul Krugman doesn't think it's time for Obama to give in to GOP blackmail

(Newser) - Republicans still hold the House (even though Democrats appear to have gotten more votes in this election), so everyone is now wondering how far the triumphant President Obama should go to placate them and avoid the fiscal cliff. "My answer is, not far at all," writes Paul Krugman...

Boehner: ObamaCare Is 'Law of the Land'

But he still wants #fullrepeal

(Newser) - A single sentence has been garnering much attention: John Boehner told ABC News yesterday that "ObamaCare is the law of the land," prompting many to wonder whether the Republicans' tone on health-care reform was changing. Not so fast, it looks like. The Boehner camp released a statement soon...

Boehner to Obama: Let's Make a Deal

He's willing to accept 'new revenue' but not higher tax rates

(Newser) - It seems like a start anyway. John Boehner and the White House are at least talking about talking in regard to a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff , reports the Wall Street Journal .
  • Boehner: “For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re

Looming Challenge: 'Avert the Cliff'

But is anyone willing to compromise?

(Newser) - Election 2012, check. Next up: the "fiscal cliff." We're fewer than 60 days away from what could be one of the largest tax hikes in US history—as the clock ticks down, will anyone in Washington be willing to compromise? As the Washington Post explains, Democrats may...

3 States to Feds: You Can't 'Unmarry' Gay Marriages

DOMA is gone, but fights over law's provisions continue

(Newser) - The Defense of Marriage Act was deemed unconstitutional by a federal judge in February, but that ruling did not touch on the most controversial aspect of DOMA, the federalist test—that is, whether gay marriages have to be legally recognized in other states or by the federal government. With a...

Boehner: Let's Play 'Offense' on Medicare

He has conference call to ease concerns on Paul Ryan pick

(Newser) - House GOP leader John Boehner orchestrated a conference call last night to settle the nerves of members of his party worried over a recent barrage of Democratic attacks tying them to Paul Ryan's controversial plan to reshape Medicare, reports Politico . Boehner told his colleagues that Democrats were already planning...

No Shutdown This Year: Reid, Boehner Strike Deal

Move will keep government running into early 2013

(Newser) - Neither party apparently wanted to throw a government showdown into the November election mix. Harry Reid and John Boehner said today they'd struck a deal to keep the government running into March of next year, reports Politico . President Obama has given his blessing as well to the deal, which...

Harry Reid: We Don't Have Time for Gun Control

Meanwhile, lawmakers decide to punt on budget

(Newser) - Don't expect Congress to tackle gun control in the wake of the Aurora shooting; Harry Reid told reporters today that the Senate's schedule was simply too packed to take on the issue, according to the AP . Reid said he agreed with President Obama's remarks last night, but...

Coming From Massachusetts: Hill's First Gay Republican?

Richard Tisei thinks his sexuality could actually be an advantage

(Newser) - Richard Tisei is hoping to become Capitol Hill's first openly gay Republican this November—and he thinks his sexuality might actually help. Being gay is a "non-issue" in Tisei's left-leaning district, he tells the Hill ; indeed, he thinks being pro-gay-marriage and pro-choice will be marks in his...

Boehner Slams Bachmann's Muslim Conspiracy

Calls accusations 'pretty dangerous'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and the other House Republicans who want an investigation into the alleged infiltration of US government by Muslim extremists have already been smacked by Anderson Cooper and John McCain —now add two more prominent names to the mix. John Boehner noted today, "I think accusations like...

Jimmy Kimmel's New Toy: Bawling 'Boehner Baby'

'Everything makes him cry'

(Newser) - John Boehner wept again at yesterday's Congressional Gold Medal ceremony for Italian artist Constantino Brumidi—a man who, as Jimmy Kimmel points out, died more than 100 years ago. That didn't stop Boehner's tears, which have inspired a brand-new doll: the Boehner Baby, which Kimmel advertised in...

Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be &#39;Ripped Out&#39;
 Has to Be 
 'Ripped Out' 


Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be 'Ripped Out'

Dems dodge calling penalty a 'tax'

(Newser) - To call the ObamaCare penalty a tax or not was the question dominating the talk show airwaves today, with John Boehner leading the charge with the dreaded T-word. "The American people ... do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how...

Boehner Is Burying Today's Contempt Vote for Holder

Steve Kornacki: No accident it takes place on ObamaCare day

(Newser) - Oh, by the way, the House of Representatives will make history later today by holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. Why schedule the vote on a day when it's sure to be buried amid ObamaCare headlines? At Salon , Steve Kornacki thinks it's an intentional move by John...

Talks Fail, House GOP Moves on Holder's Contempt Vote

John Boehner says House will move forward with vote

(Newser) - The White House's last-ditch effort to avoid a contempt of Congress vote against Eric Holder has failed and John Boehner says the House will move forward with the vote, the AP reports. The Obama administration had offered to show congressional investigators some of the documents related to Fast and...

Anti-Incumbent Fever May Give Dems a Shot at House

Unlikely, says Silver, but House hard to analyze

(Newser) - Stats guru Nate Silver may have President Obama slightly favored to win re-election in November, and the battle for Senate in a tossup, but what does he think about the House? In his latest blog post in the New York Times , Silver calls Republicans "reasonably clear favorites" to keep...

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