John Boehner

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Fellow GOP Congressman Wants Barton Off Panel

Florida lawmaker blasts apology to BP

(Newser) - A fellow Republican has called on Joe Barton to step down from the House Energy Committee for apologizing to BP's CEO. Rep. Jeff Miller, who represents the Pensacola district of Florida—one of the areas most affected by the Gulf oil spill—said Barton's conciliatory comments to Tony Hayward "...

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!
 Memo to Boasting 
 Republicans: Shut Up! 
Ann Coulter

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!

You're raising expectations way too high

(Newser) - Ann Coulter lays off the left for once and instead turns her fire on the right: Republicans are raising such "sky-high expectations" for the midterms that even if they do well, "it will look like a defeat," she writes at Human Events . "John Boehner is ludicrously...

John Boehner's absurd charge about Obama's counterterrorism strategy. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Boehner's Anti-Terror Screed on Obama Is Absurd

Boehner's Anti-Terror Screed on Obama Is Absurd

He's twisting facts to score political points

(Newser) - John Boehner's serious charge that President Obama doesn't have a "comprehensive strategy" to fight terrorists "doesn't deserve a hearing at the adults table," writes John Dickerson. Obama—who's doubled the number of CIA air strikes in Pakistan, tripled the troops in Afghanistan, and given "speeches devoted...

Financial Reform: 'Punks' Take on Plutocrats
 Financial Reform: 
 'Punks' Take on Plutocrats 

Financial Reform: 'Punks' Take on Plutocrats

GOP argument against reform is upside-down, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - With financial reform on deck, Senate Republicans are busily figuring out how many "can get away with claiming that war is peace and regulating big banks is doing those big banks a favor," writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Alabama's Richard Shelby is portraying efforts to...

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America
GOP's Lunatic Streak
Is Bad for America
paul krugman

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America

The US needs 'two rational parties'

(Newser) - Watching right-wingers react to health care reform can be entertaining for a while, writes Paul Krugman, but it's ultimately depressing. It's just not fun seeing "extremists take full control of one our two great political parties." This isn't just fringe activists, either, as evidenced by John Boehner's declaration...

Death Threats Made to Stupak, Others, Their Kids

 Death Threats Made 
 to Stupak, Others, 
 Their Kids 
health reform fallout

Death Threats Made to Stupak, Others, Their Kids

Dems: Threatening our families is going too far

(Newser) - As angry opponents of health care reform smash legislators' office windows, make death threats against Bart Stupak and Louise Slaughter, and vow to send snipers to "kill the children of the members who voted yes,” Democrats are protesting that the rage in the health care debate has gotten...

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers
 Health Care Reform 
 Winners and Losers 

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers

Obama, Pelosi, GOP come out looking good; flip-floppers, not so much

(Newser) - The winners and losers of the health care reform battle will take years to determine, but Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has some early choices. The winners:
  • President Obama: "He ran on doing big things and now will have health care to show for that pledge when he

Boehner to Bankers: Beware Pro-Reform 'Punk Staffers'

Still, House minority leader says bill will take a year to pass

(Newser) - John Boehner gave comfort to an “enthusiastic” gathering of bankers yesterday, telling them that even if the Senate passes financial reform legislation it will languish in the House for many moons. “It’s just as likely that we’ll be talking about the same issue a year from...

Rove: Obama 'Detached,' 'Aloof' on Health Care

 Rove: Obama 
 'Aloof' on 
 Health Care 

Rove: Obama 'Detached,' 'Aloof' on Health Care

President 'outsourced' leadership to Congress

(Newser) - Never a fan of change you can believe in, Karl Rove lit into Barack Obama today, calling the president's lead on health reform "outsourced to Congress," making him appear "aloof and disengaged." And not to put too fine a point on it, but asking the House...

GOP Threatens to Sit Out Obama Health Care Summit

Boehner, Cantor demand Democrats scrap old bill

(Newser) - The House’s Republican leaders are poo-pooing President Obama’s bipartisan health care summit next week, saying they won’t participate unless Democrats agree to scrap their current bill and start over. “If the starting point for this meeting is the job-killing bills the American people have already soundly...

Hoyer: US Must Raise Debt Ceiling $1.8T

Not until we have a solution, say moderate Dems and GOP

(Newser) - House Democrats are attempting to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion to pay for loans coming due next year, despite strong opposition from Blue Dogs, their brethren in the Senate, and the GOP. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said today the move is necessary, and Nancy Pelosi...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

Rush: Obama Doesn't Care About War in Afghanistan

Furthermore, prez is intentionally killing economy, says Limbaugh

(Newser) - Ever-reticent talking head Rush Limbaugh took to the airwaves today, telling Fox News Sunday that President Obama "doesn't care much about" the war in Afghanistan, and his recent salute of slain soldiers "was a photo op precisely because he’s having big time trouble on this Afghanistan dithering...

GOP Takes Down Tweet Linking Pelosi, Hitler

Link to doctored video from NRCC 'an error,' pulled after DCCC outrage

(Newser) - Turns out linking a genocidal dictator with the speaker of the House might be a little over the top, as the National Republican Congressional Committee found itself today taking down a tweet with a link to a video comparing Nancy Pelosi to Adolf Hitler. A broadside from the Democratic Congressional...

GOP to Steele: We Set Policy, Not You

(Newser) - Congressional GOP leaders met with RNC chairman Michael Steele late last month to assert their authority when it comes to policymaking, and while those involved said the get-together in House Minority Leader John Boehner’s office was routine, Politico's sources described it as heated. Of particular concern was Steele’s...

House Admonishes Wilson for 'You Lie!'

(Newser) - The House formally admonished Joe Wilson today for his "You lie" outburst during President Obama's speech. The vote was 240-179, with 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voting against party lines. "At issue," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during debate, "is whether we are able to...

Boehner's No. 1 in Obama's Online Suggestion Box

GOP leader plays along with new tool

(Newser) - House Minority Leader John Boehner didn’t like how the House Democrats were operating, so where did he appeal? The White House, of course. More specifically, reports Politico, Boehner used the White House online suggestion box to ask the president to back a 72-hour review period before any spending bill...

Obama Courts GOP Moderates, but Quietly

President seeks support on health care

(Newser) - President Obama would love to have a few Republicans in his corner on health care, but he’s keeping courting efforts low-key, Politico reports. Last week, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel invited a dozen moderate House Republicans to a casual White House meeting, and the president stopped by to chat....

Steele Dodges Torture Question
 Steele Dodges 
 Torture Question 

Steele Dodges Torture Question

ACLU slams Obama; Liz Cheney: 'fantasies' spread about dad

(Newser) - Michael Steele has “a personal opinion” on whether the CIA’s interrogation techniques amounted to torture, but he refused to share it with David Gregory on Meet the Press today. “That’s not appropriate,” the RNC chairman said. But Steele did defend Dick Cheney and said Nancy...

Obama Policies Make Boehner 'Want to Throw Up'

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s policies on national security, spending, and the law make John Boehner almost physically ill, the House minority leader tells the Washington Times. Democratic hate-crime legislation in particular, which Boehner says could be used against religious leaders who don’t support the gay agenda, makes him “...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>