John Boehner

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Obama, DC Elite Are NCAA Washouts

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be a gifted politician, but a gifted bracketologist he is not. NCAA brackets across the nation’s capital were shredded this weekend, the Hill reports, as a slew of upsets took down all but one of the tournament’s top seeds. Just one member of the president’...

'Alternative Budget' Splits GOP Leaders

Boehner, aiming for damage control, reins in Cantor, Ryan

(Newser) - Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan argued against the alternative budget “blueprint” announced yesterday, but party leaders ordered them to back the plan as a way of refuting the Democratic charge that the GOP is the "party of no," Politico reports. Ryan, the top Republican on the budget...

Budget Debate Devolves Into Verbal Slugfest

(Newser) - The White House today ridiculed a budget proposal laid out by House Republicans, but the GOP gave as good as it got, the Hill reports. Spokesman Robert Gibbs said the GOP document included a “picture of a windmill” but no substantive numbers. “It took me several minutes to...

AIG Bonus Vote Splits GOP Honchos
 AIG Bonus Vote 
 Splits GOP Honchos 

AIG Bonus Vote Splits GOP Honchos

Insider Boehner and publicity-hungry Cantor go opposite ways

(Newser) - The vote to tax AIG bonuses split the House’s top two Republicans, and illustrates the differences in their strategies, reports Politico. Minority Leader John Boehner voted against, calling it “a bad bill with bad consequences.” Boehner’s No. 2, rising star Eric Cantor, supported it, calling it...

GOP Must Rethink 'Totally Misguided' Stance: Brooks

Obstructionist strategy seems lame

(Newser) - The Republican response to the fiscal crisis is “totally misguided,” David Brooks writes in the New York Times. Republicans are opposing everything out of a belated sense of fiscal discipline, “at the one moment in the past 70 years when it is completely inappropriate,” he sighs....

McCain to Obama: Veto Stimulus Bill
 McCain to Obama: 
 Veto Stimulus Bill 

McCain to Obama: Veto Stimulus Bill

Rush isn't GOP's leader: Gingrich; Stem-cell reversals a 'distraction:' Cantor

(Newser) - Now that the battle over the stimulus bill is over, John McCain has one request for President Obama: Veto it. “We fought a good fight,” the Arizona senator conceded on Fox News Sunday, saying the $410 billion bill would likely pass the Senate despite those efforts. McCain also...

Boehner: Rush Is a Democrat Diversion
Boehner: Rush Is a Democrat Diversion

Boehner: Rush Is a Democrat Diversion

Obama wants to change the subject from spending

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s desperate attempt to throw the spotlight on Rush Limbaugh “is the oldest trick in Washington’s book,” writes House Minority Leader John Boehner in the Washington Post. Obama and congressional Democrats have already spent more than the combined costs of Hurricane Katrina and the Iraq...

GOP Shifts Focus of Attacks Onto Obama

After targeting Pelosi, Reid, party aims at president on spending

(Newser) - For 6 weeks the Republicans have steered clear of criticizing Barack Obama, attacking the House and Senate leadership, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, while giving the popular president a free pass. But now, reports CQPolitics, the GOP is changing direction with a new campaign linking Obama with federal spending that...

Palin Ducks GOP Retreat for Swanky Dinner

Ex-VP candidate claims she can't leave Alaska, then heads to DC

(Newser) - Sarah Palin snubbed Republican leaders who asked her to speak at a congressional retreat this weekend, ABC News reports. Palin told organizers that pressing state business made it impossible for her to leave Alaska for the Hot Springs, Va. conference. Where was Palin this weekend? At a swanky Washington dinner,...

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh
Fires Back
at Limbaugh

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh

Ga. congressman defends leadership, blasts talking heads

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is in hot water with an unexpected critic: A Republican congressman who doesn't appreciate the radio blowhard's take on his party's leaders. Limbaugh and President Obama have traded barbs this week, but Limbaugh's dragging Mitch McConnell and John Boehner into the spat was too much for Phil Gingrey...

Boehner Rejects Stimulus as Obama Heads to Hill

Minority whip gets in line ahead of tomorrow's vote

(Newser) - President Obama is headed to the Capitol today to chat up House Republicans on the stimulus bill, but they may be tough to sway: House Republican Leader John Boehner has told them to vote against Obama’s pet package tomorrow, Politico reports. Minority whip Eric Cantor seconded the motion in...

Obama Tells GOP Foes on Stimulus: 'I Won'

(Newser) - President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus plan today, then calmly reminded them that "I won," Politico reports. The GOP is seeking more middle-class tax cuts, among other things, and says the spending package is too large. Further negotiations are planned, but Dems appear to be...

$800B Stimulus Too Much for GOP, Too Little for Dems

Adding to already-enormous debt worries Republicans; excess of caution has other side jumpy

(Newser) - The GOP responded today to Barack Obama’s calls for immediate action on the economy, cautioning that too bold a move could have dire consequences, the Hill reports. “Let’s not use the obvious need as a way to make the problem worse,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch...

Weyrich, Who Coined 'Moral Majority,' Dead at 66

Conservative thinker gave name to movement key in GOP rise

(Newser) - Paul Weyrich, the influential conservative who co-founded the Heritage Foundation and coined the term “moral majority,” died today at 66, the Washington Post reports, after years of poor health. A reporter, Weyrich got his Washington entree in 1967 as press secretary for a Colorado senator. At a 1979...

Arrest Will Ripple Beyond Illinois Politics

Will Blagojevich still appoint Obama replacement?

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich’s arrest will reverberate well beyond Illinois, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post. Most immediately, it drastically reshapes the race to fill Barack Obama’s Senate seat, which the Illinois governor still has power to fill. If he even makes a pick, it’ll have to be...

Emanuel Agrees to Become Obama's Chief of Staff

House GOP leader Boehner critical of choice

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel will be Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff, CNN reports. The Democratic congressman accepted Obama’s offer this afternoon, aides said. Emanuel, whose aggressive, take-no-prisoners political style has earned him the nickname “Rahmbo,” has been close to his fellow Chicagoan since Obama arrived in...

Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip
Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip

Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip

Missourian weary of cajoling an unwilling Republican membership

(Newser) - House Minority Whip Roy Blunt is giving up his place in the Republican leadership, CQPolitics reports. Blunt, who’s held the post since 2002, said today he’s weary of “asking members to do something they don’t want to do.” He endorsed his deputy, Eric Cantor, as...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Stimulus Bill

Democrats say bipartisan, White House support crucial to measure

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she hopes to quickly push through a $61 billion economic stimulus package but will need the support of President Bush and the current crop of Senate Republicans, Reuters reports. Pelosi said a "lame duck session" could come as early as Nov. 16. "It depends on...

Boehner Speaks Softly, Forgets the Stick

Minority leader is unable to deliver GOP votes on bailout

(Newser) - House Republican leader John Boehner was one of the biggest losers in yesterday's rout of the Wall Street bailout bill; his inability to deliver his party’s votes reveals the weakness of his position in the caucus, reports Politico. Boehner was unable to switch votes by leaning on wavering members,...

Shocked Legislators Weigh Next Move
 Shocked Legislators 
 Weigh Next Move 

Shocked Legislators Weigh Next Move

Discontent on both sides moved House to kill bailout

(Newser) - The efforts of Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner were not enough to quell a revolt within their parties that killed the financial bailout bill today. The bipartisan opposition to the bill reflected in the 228-205 vote—95 Democrats and 133 Republicans dissented—reflects liberal representatives’ unease with rescuing highly paid...

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