John Boehner

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House Votes on Bailout Package Today

Compromise deal still faces rough fight

(Newser) - The House votes today on the nation's largest government bailout, followed by the Senate as soon as Wednesday, the Washington Post reports. The bipartisan compromise would grant Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson broad latitude to purchase assets at any price from any firm. Free-market Republicans have dropped their opposition, but the...

The GOP Plan: Less Regulation, Private Funding

Bush, Paulson, Dems reject conservative counterproposal

(Newser) - When John Boehner scuppered the nearly-sealed bailout deal at yesterday's meeting, the House minority leader proposed an alternative plan: a bank-financed insurance system that would rescue individual mortgages. Under the GOP proposal, the government would not buy up the toxic mortgage-backed securities at the heart of the crisis but instead...

GOP Energy-Bill Protest Could Overlap With Dem Convention

Letter turns up heat on Pelosi to reconvene

(Newser) - Republicans say their measures to suspend the House’s August recess and force a vote on a national energy bill could continue until just before the Democratic National Convention—or beyond, the Hill reports. “Republicans will not rest until we have an honest, up-or-down vote on the American Energy...

Party Leaders in House Reach Deal on War Funds

Bipartisan agreement allocates $163B for Iraq, Afghanistan through early 2009

(Newser) - A two-year fight between the White House and Democrats over war funding has been resolved, the New York Times reports. House leaders reached a deal to allocate $163 billion for combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan through early next year. The measure, expected to be approved by the full House...

GOP Worries Mount That Boehner Lacks 'Killer Instinct'

Signs point to ugly November, and House minority leader may well bear brunt

(Newser) - After three stunning special-election losses, Republicans foresee and ugly November—and John Boehner is taking the heat. The House minority leader refused to push aside National Republican Congressional Committee chair Tom Cole, and many worry it’s too late for the impassive Boehner to change the game anyway, Politico reports....

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet
 6 Ways the GOP
 Can Get Back on Its Feet 

6 Ways the GOP Can Get Back on Its Feet

Insiders speak as GOP prepares for a losing November

(Newser) - Six months before an election in which some estimate Republicans could lose 20 seats in the House and five in the Senate, insiders tell Politico how the GOP can pick itself up:
  • Write some policy. “It’s critical that our candidates have a very clear set of principles,”

GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low
 GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low 

GOP Support Hits 20-Year Low

But support for McCain remains strong

(Newser) - Voters are poised to embrace John McCain on a personal level even though their regard for the Republican Party has plummeted to an all-time low, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll. Only 27% of the electorate have positive views of the GOP—the lowest level in the poll's...

Get Off 'Dead Asses' and Raise Cash, Rep. Tells GOP

Boehner decries efforts that have Republicans short of goals—and Dems

(Newser) - House Minority Leader John Boehner yesterday told Republican colleagues to get off their “dead asses” and raise money for the fall election, Politico reports. Ahead of a March 12 dinner, only 15 representatives have met fundraising goals, 42 members have failed—and 142 haven’t even set goals. The...

Renzi Should Step Down, House GOP Leader Says

GOP doesn't want to weather another scandal

(Newser) - House Minority Leader John Boehner is pressuring Rep. Rick Renzi, indicted yesterday for extortion, money laundering, and fraud in connection with an Arizona land deal, to step down, urging his fellow Republican "to seriously consider whether he can continue to effectively represent his constituents under these circumstances.” Boehner...

House GOP Steps Up for McCain
House GOP Steps Up for McCain

House GOP Steps Up for McCain

Republican leaders set aside doubts

(Newser) - The top three GOP leaders in the House embraced  frontrunner John McCain in a feel-good meeting with House colleagues yesterday aimed at settling lingering doubts about his candidacy. McCain also got three standing ovations, praise for his commitment, and only one question about immigration—the issue on which many of...

Bush Favors Tax Rebates for Stimulus

Congress considers refunds of up to $800 as recession fears grow

(Newser) - President Bush's plan to give the economy a temporary lift favors tax rebates of up to $800 for individuals and tax breaks for businesses, the AP reports. Bush met privately with lawmakers today and will outline his plan tomorrow. Congress hopes to act quickly as fears of a recession grow....

Boehner Angry About Dems' Cafe Standards

Peeved about 'shaved persimmon;' prefers pronounceable foods

(Newser) - Democrats have been in charge of Congress for a year, but only now have they begun to force leftist foods down GOP throats—and the ranking House Republican’s not hungry. Said John Boehner of the new outfit running congressional cafeterias, “I like real food. … Food that I...

House Page Program Under Fire Again
House Page Program Under Fire Again

House Page Program Under Fire Again

Bipartisan support for probe into charges about teen pages

(Newser) - House leaders called for an independent investigation yesterday into “allegations” related to teenage pages after two Republican resignations from the House Page Board. The Republicans faulted House Clerk Lorraine Miller, a page program administrator, for not “immediately” alerting them to misbehavior. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, who resigned, said four...

Congressman Draws Fire for Sniping at Bush

Calif. lawmaker refuses to back off jab about 'president's amusement'

(Newser) - Rep. Pete Stark introduced President Bush's foreign policy into yesterday's SCHIP debate, setting off a raging controversy. The California Democrat’s reference to "kids" going to war to "get their heads blown off for the president's amusement" enraged some and inspired others. House Republicans called the speech “...

Ohio Congressman Found Dead
Ohio Congressman Found Dead

Ohio Congressman Found Dead

Republican Gillmor's cause of death not yet known: authorities

(Newser) - An Ohio congressman was found dead today in his Washington apartment, the AP reports. Authorities are not sure what killed Paul Gillmor, whose aides found him after he failed to show up for work. The 68-year-old Republican, a member of Congress since 1988, represented Ohio’s Fifth District and was...

GOP Heads to Brand Rehab
GOP Heads to Brand Rehab

GOP Heads to Brand Rehab

Republicans look to private sector for pointers on revitalizing party's image

(Newser) - As the Republican Party continues to languish in the polls, leaders are hoping that the GOP can be reintroduced to Americans with a bit of corporate-style rebranding. House minority leader John Boehner has convened an ad hoc committee to develop a new pitch for the party as one of small...

Secret Ruling: Fed Wiretap Plan Illegal

Judge halted key overseas eavesdropping months ago

(Newser) - In a secret decision earlier this year a federal intelligence court judge ruled that a key element of the White House's massive wiretapping program was illegal, the Washington Post reports. The decision blocked NSA information collection from a large number of phone calls and emails that pass through two locations...

Stories 481 - 497 | << Prev