Barack Obama

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Stories 1981 - 2000 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Makes Backstage Push for Public Option

Despite public retreat, president plying Senate moderates

(Newser) - Though Barack Obama has publicly backed off in his support for the public option, behind the scenes he’s campaigning hard to make it happen. He’s spent a lot of time in recent weeks calling moderate senators like Olympia Snowe, Ben Nelson, and Maria Cantwell, armed with polls showing...

'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Returns With Same Cast

But Clinton thinks forces aren't as strong as those he faced

(Newser) - Americans may be "less receptive" to right-wing messages than they were in the days of Bill Clinton, but as the former president put it last week on Meet the Press, the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that threatened to destroy his presidency is making an encore appearance—and it's surely...

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away
 Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away 

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away

Move seen as an effort to avoid annoying the Chinese

(Newser) - In a move seemingly designed to appease China, US officials have asked the Dalai Lama not to meet with President Obama when he visits Washington this week. Typically, the Lama “drops in” on the White House whenever he’s in the capital, but Obama doesn’t want to meet...

Petraeus Goes Quiet, for Good or Ill
Petraeus Goes Quiet, for
Good or Ill

Petraeus Goes Quiet, for Good or Ill

Face of Iraq surge disappears in Afghanistan debate

(Newser) - By the end of George W. Bush's second term David Petraeus was the country's most famous military man, carpeting the media with interviews and pressing the flesh on Capitol Hill. The general who personified the Iraq troop surge is still around, and spoke up in strategy sessions with Barack Obama...

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt
 Obamas Have Dinner, 
 Racists Erupt 

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt

Response shows ugly nature of American mood: Silva

(Newser) - This weekend Chicago Tribune reporter Mark Silva wrote up a pool report about Barack and Michelle Obama's quiet anniversary dinner—and quickly found it flooded, on a Sunday, with hundreds of angry comments. Many focused on the first couple's use of a motorcade, which every president has used, but several...

Obamas Celebrate 17th Anniversary

First couple has low-key dinner out in DC for first anniversary in White House

(Newser) - There was no trip to New York and no fancy outing as the Obamas celebrated their first wedding anniversary since they moved to the White House. Instead they kept it simple, with a dinner out last night at an elegant, American-fare restaurant near Georgetown. President Obama stayed in all...

Olympics Defeat: How Much Does It Hurt Obama?

(Newser) - It's a big disappointment for Chicago, but how big a hit was yesterday's Olympic Committee put-down of the US's 2016 bid for the president, who stuck his neck out to go to bat for it? Of course Rush Limbaugh said it was huge, the "worst day" of Obama's presidency,...

Chicago's Loss Casts Light on Anti-US Sentiment
Chicago's Loss Casts Light on Anti-US Sentiment
2016 olympics

Chicago's Loss Casts Light on Anti-US Sentiment

IOC shows us the world still likes to thumb its nose at American power

(Newser) - The first-round knockout of Chicago’s Olympic bid speaks to an unpleasant fact, writes Mike Lopresti: “A lot of people out there don't like us. They don't care if President Obama is eloquent and the first lady is charming.” If it had come down to just Chicago and...

Kenya Feels Betrayed by 'Brother Barack'

US practices diplomatic tough love

(Newser) - Kenyans adore Barack Obama, affectionately calling him “Brother Barack,” but they’re starting to get the feeling he doesn’t love them back. The Obama administration has been far harder on Kenya diplomatically than its predecessor, Time reports. Last week Washington threatened to keep 15 senior officials from...

Obamas: Pick Chicago, 'Most American' City
 Obamas: Pick Chicago, 
 'Most American' City 

Obamas: Pick Chicago, 'Most American' City

President, first lady stump for their hometown ahead of Olympic vote

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama made an impassioned call today to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago, which the president called the "most American of American cities." In his pitch to the International Olympic Committee in Copenhagen, the president told of how he became "a proud Chicagoan" after...

Federal Workers Banned From Texting While Driving

Executive order is part of larger push against distracted driving

(Newser) - Federal employees are now forbidden from sending text messages while driving on government business or operating government vehicles. The new executive order, signed by President Obama last night, also encourages executive agencies to adopt texting bans for contractors, reports ABC. "To put it plainly, distracted driving is a menace...

Creator of 'Kill Obama' Poll Is a Kid

No charges filed

(Newser) - The Secret Service has found the mastermind behind the “Should Obama Be Killed?” Facebook poll—and it turns out to be a kid. After a chat with the young perp and the parents, the agency has decided not to press charges, a spokesman said. “This is something we...

Can Rio Beat Chicago? Brazil Prez Says 'Yes, We Can'

Lula borrows from Obama before Olympic vote tomorrow

(Newser) - The Brazilian president, in Copenhagen after some serious politicking to win the 2016 Olympics for Rio de Janeiro, used a certain Chicagoan's slogan to promote his bid today. "Yes we can!" Lula told reporters today, dismissing concerns that the developing nation can fund the Games. "For...

Obama Cozies Up to Dictators, for Unions' Sake

Labor-beholden govt. supports oppressors: Henninger

(Newser) - In his inaugural address Barack Obama pledged to "extend a hand" to America's foes—and he sure has, writes Daniel Henninger. Hillary Clinton is opening "direct dialogue" with the Burmese junta, John Kerry went to Syria, and the president himself has greeted Hugo Chávez and...

Only the President Can Save the Public Option

Reid, Obama will decide what gets voted on in the Senate

(Newser) - Pretty soon, Barack Obama is going to have to step in and referee the fight over the public option. No matter what the squabbling Senate Finance Committee winds up agreeing on, it’ll be Obama, together with Harry Reid, who decides what the Senate ultimately votes on, and how that...

Gore Vidal: Hillary Would've Been the Better Prez

Onetime supporter bashes Obama, who needs more of Lincoln's 'chill'

(Newser) - Gore Vidal is 83 and uses a wheelchair now, but the legendary American writer hasn't lost any of his strong opinions—not least on Barack Obama, who is doing "dreadfully" and has "f---ed up" health reform. Vidal supported Obama after originally backing Hillary Clinton, but now thinks...

Secret Service Closes In on Obama Death Poll Creator

(Newser) - The developer whose software was used to create the “Should Obama be Killed?” Facebook poll has talked to the Secret Service. “The conversation with the SS was fine,” Jesse Farmer wrote on Twitter, but “If the goal was to resolve the issue + inform the SS,...

Steele: Let Michelle Make Olympics Pitch

RNC chair blasts Obama's trip as 'unnecessary'

(Newser) - President Obama shouldn’t bother going to Denmark to argue for Chicago's Olympic bid, Michael Steele says; that’s what Michelle’s for. “The first lady would have been and should have been the lead there,” the RNC chair said today. “Let her go and sell Chicago....

Obama's Approval Ratings Stabilize

After summer's drubbing, he's sitting pretty at 52%

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s approval ratings have stabilized this month, after taking a beating over the summer. According to the latest Gallup poll, Obama rests at a healthy 52% average approval rating, putting him on par with most recent presidents. He “is certainly doing as well as, or better than,...

Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency
Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency

Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency

Time for leader of free world to stop acting like a candidate: Cohen

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been in office for nearly a year, but for Richard Cohen, he's still "the candidate-in-full," unaware that he is already president. Watching Obama alongside Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy last week, the Washington Post columnist perceived "a faux Cuban missile crisis"—and a...

Stories 1981 - 2000 | << Prev   Next >>