Barack Obama

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Berlusconi Adds Michelle to His 'Tan Obama' Dig

'Even his wife is suntanned,' Italian leader chuckles

(Newser) - Daffy Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi thought his first joke about President Obama being "tan" was so funny he repeated it —and this time included Michelle in the fun.  "I bring greetings from a man, what's his name? Some tanned guy—Barack Obama," Berlusconi said...

Michelle Obama Walks the Walk on Fitness, Health

First lady joins administration's push for more positive habits

(Newser) - The Obama administration's push for better fitness and nutrition starts at the top, with the gym-rat president and garden-planting first lady setting the bar high for a nation of couch potatoes. It's all about moderation, Michelle Obama tells Prevention magazine. "My message to women: Do what makes you feel...

Secret Service Probes Facebook Poll on Murdering Obama

Bloggers alerted law enforcement to potential danger

(Newser) - The Secret Service is looking into a Facebook poll that asked users to weigh in on whether the president should be killed. “We are taking the appropriate investigative steps,” said a rep for the agency. The poll, which has already been taken down, offered four possible answers to...

Obama Wants More School, Less Summer Break

Wants to give US kids boost globally, idea 'not popular' with Sasha, Malia

(Newser) - Well, Barack Obama’s approval rating just plummeted in the K-12 demographic. The president is calling for longer school days and a shorter summer break, arguing that it’s a necessary step to catch up with kids from around the world. The president admits they’re “not wildly popular...

Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too
Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too

Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too

Every modern president succumbs to the National Security State, writes Wills

(Newser) - George W. Bush expanded executive power to an extreme degree, but he wasn't an exception, writes historian Garry Wills. Since World War II, the presidency has accrued massive, unintended authority—controlling nuclear weapons, intelligence agencies, and a worldwide military network under "the cult of the commander in chief."...

Obama to Pitch Chicago's Olympic Bid in Denmark

First visit by a president to lobby for Olympics

(Newser) - Barack Obama will travel to Copenhagen on Thursday to back Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Olympics, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said today. The president will be joined by Michelle Obama and his education and transportation secretaries. Chicago is bidding against Tokyo, Rio de Janiero, and Madrid, but none of...

Leak Forced Obama's Hand on Iran Nukes

(Newser) - Yesterday's surprise announcement at the G20 summit of the existence of a hidden Iranian nuclear enrichment facility wasn't the way President Obama planned to handle the information, Politico reports. His hand was forced by a reporter who learned of a letter in which Iran notified the UN's nuclear watchdog agency...

Gitmo May Not Be Closed by January

(Newser) - The White House acknowledged for the first time yesterday that President Obama may not be able to meet his stated goal of closing the much-criticized Guantanamo Bay prison by January. Daunting legal and logistical hurdles remain to moving the more than 220 detainees still there: completing reviews of each detainee's...

Sotomayor Reminisces About Life-Changing Call

Says she burst into tears when Obama gave her the news

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor sat by the phone for 12 hours waiting for the call. When it finally rang, “I had my left hand over my chest, trying to calm my beating heart,” she recalls in an interview with C-SPAN. When President Obama offered her the Supreme Court appointment, “...

Iran Confirms Secret 2nd Nuclear Lab
 Iran Confirms Secret 
 2nd Nuclear Lab 

Iran Confirms Secret 2nd Nuclear Lab

Tehran preempts Obama accusation, admits to underground enrichment site

(Newser) - Iran confirmed today that it has built a second uranium enrichment site in an underground facility hidden from weapons inspectors—a revelation coming just hours before Barack Obama and other Western leaders were prepared to disclose it. The US has been tracking the secret project for years, officials say, but...

Obama Scores on Nuclear Proliferation at UN

Manages to get Russia and China to cooperate

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored two significant victories at the UN yesterday, cajoling Dmitry Medvedev into saying he would get behind tougher nuclear sanctions against Iran, and convincing both Russia and China to support a resolution strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Publicly the administration wouldn’t acknowledge any quid-pro-quo, but several official...

Think Clinton's Impeachment Was Messy? Wait for Obama's

GOP will bow to Beck or Limbaugh if they take back Congress

(Newser) - The GOP will try and impeach President Obama on some ridiculous charge if they're ever able to get Congress back, and it's not going to be pretty, writes Bob Cesca for the Huffington Post. Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh will come up with a reason for impeachment and a way...

NY Dems Asked White House to Intervene on Paterson

House members held multiple closed-door meetings with Emanuel

(Newser) - President Obama urged New York Gov. David Paterson not to run in next year's election only after members of Congress, nervous about the party's prospects with Paterson at the top of the ticket, lobbied Rahm Emanuel for help. The 2010 election features not only a race for governor but also...

Mondale: Obama Enemies Show Racist 'Edge'

'I don't like saying it,' but tone 'harsher than in other times': ex-VP

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter isn't the only grand old man of the Democratic Party to see racism in the opposition to Barack Obama's agenda. Walter Mondale, Carter's VP and the subject of a new documentary, said last night that "Having lived through those years, when civil rights was such a bitter...

Obama to UN: US Can't Solve World's Problems

President to take blunt approach in first General Assembly address

(Newser) - Barack Obama told the UN today that the global community has too long been "defined by our differences and outpaced by our problems." He said he was aware of the high expectations for his presidency, and he acknowledged US failings, but said solving the world's problems is not...

China Sells Gas to Iran Despite US Pressure

Provides 1/3 of its fuel imports

(Newser) - Chinese state oil companies began selling gasoline to Iran this month and now provide 30,000 to 40,000 barrels a day, or as much as a third of the country's imports. The development comes despite US-led attempts to block gas shipments to Iran, which has seen oil giants BP ...

Biden Plan Would Target al-Qaeda, not Taliban

 Biden Plan 
 Would Target 
 not Taliban 
Afghan war rethink

Biden Plan Would Target al-Qaeda, not Taliban

No consensus has emerged in White House war room

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s national security heavyweights have yet to reach any kind of consensus on a strategy for Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. Obama is considering both increasing troop levels to carry out his original counterinsurgency strategy, and an alternative plan from Joe Biden that would pull troops...

Black Caucus Worries About Resurgent Racism

Anti-Obama anger troubles CBC ahead of triumphant annual conferences

(Newser) - The Congressional Black Caucus is enjoying unprecedented power, with more of their members in leadership roles than ever before, not to speak of one of their number in the White House, but many are disturbed by changes in the political atmosphere, Politico reports. As the 42-member group holds its annual...

Obama to Israeli, Palestinian Leaders: Get to Work

President meets with Netanyahu, Abbas, calls for progress on negotiations

(Newser) - President Obama urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to restart peace talks, saying it was “time to move forward” on finding compromises to the contentious final status issues, the New York Times reports. Obama delivered his comments today after separate one-on-one meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas and just...

Barack Flirts Earned Wrath of Michelle
 Barack Flirts Earned 
 Wrath of Michelle 

Barack Flirts Earned Wrath of Michelle

Obama didn't like women—like Vera Baker—throwing themselves at her husband

(Newser) - The latest tidbit from Christopher Andersen’s Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage, out today, reveals the punishment Michelle Obama meted out for women who “pushed their bodies up against his, slipped phone numbers into his pockets,” and grabbed his butt, the New York Post reports....

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