Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama on Letterman: Funniest Moments

The president sums up his thoughts on health care, and more from the interview

(Newser) - Yes, there was that whole potato thing. But President Obama’s stint on Letterman included more funny moments, and Time runs down the top 10:
  • During Dave’s Top 10 list, the No. 2 reason why Obama agreed to appear on the show: “Said yes without thinking, like Bush

'I Was Black Before the Election'
 'I Was Black Before the Election' 
'late show' sneak peek

'I Was Black Before the Election'

Obama and Letterman tackle the tough topics, including potatoes

(Newser) - President Obama's media blitz continues tonight on The Late Show With David Letterman, where he'll remind the host, "I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election." Snippets CBS released after this afternoon's taping reveal lighthearted moments and more serious stretches, as well...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

Will Real Senate Leaders Please Stand Up?

Kennedy's death left a void—and no one is stepping up to fill it

(Newser) - As Democrats fight among themselves over health care, it’s becoming painfully clear that they lack a clear public leader on the issue, writes Manu Raju for Politico. In part it’s because, with a number of House and Senate committees involved, there are too many cooks stirring the pot,...

Fed Shows Backbone, but Obama Cowers Before Banks

Reining in pay is good politics, good economics: Krugman

(Newser) - Just as the recession wanes and the financial system shows signs of the health, banks are returning to their worst habits, says Paul Krugman. Not only are paychecks soaring to pre-Lehman levels, but the financial sector is using its muscle to block "even the most minimal reforms." While...

Obama to Pentagon: Scale Back Nuke Arsenal

President rejects Defense review, plans international deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama rejected the first draft of a Pentagon report on the US nuclear arsenal and is demanding a radical review ahead of deep cuts, according to the Guardian. The president, whose stated goal is the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, wants to see a range of options: cutting the...

4 UN Debuts to Watch
 4 UN Debuts to Watch 

4 UN Debuts to Watch

Leaders of China, Libya, Japan, US make first General Assembly speeches

(Newser) - This week the world's heads of government gather in New York for the annual UN General Assembly, and attention will be focused on four leaders—two new to office, two long in power—making their debuts at the green marble lectern. NPR outlines who to watch:
  • Hu Jintao: He'll be

Et tu, Barack? Teachers Lose Another Ally

Embattled unions don't want evaluation based on test scores

(Newser) - Teachers union members are fuming over President Obama's desire to stay the course and evaluate educators based on student test scores, McClatchy reports. Obama is even threatening to withhold California stimulus money unless the state enshrines the student-teacher performance link into law. "It takes more than the ability to...

Sorry, Jimmy: Race Ain't the Only Card in the Deck

Obama anger not just about skin color: Rich

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter and other Obama defenders playing the race card must remember that it’s just one in a deck that’s driving the I’ve-had-it-up-to-here rhetoric of Joe Wilson and Glenn Beck, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “There is a national conversation we must have...

Obama 'Skeptical' About More Troops in Afghanistan

Pres calls Russians 'paranoid' and refuses to comment on ACORN

(Newser) - If it’s Sunday, it’s President Obama, who took to five Sunday talk shows today (including Univision, but excluding Fox) to promote his agenda. Among the highlights:
  • Obama warned US commanders on This Week he’s “skeptical” that more US troops in Afghanistan will make a difference.
  • On

Prez to Paterson: Get Out of NY Gov Race

Obama fears Dem's unpopularity could hand race to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama has told New York Gov. David Paterson not to run in next year's gubernatorial election, reports the New York Times. Obama's fear is that the unpopular Democrat could give otherwise listless Republicans incentive to storm the polls, sources say. That would be doubly true if former New York...

Russia Says It Won't Deploy Missiles Near Poland

Kremlin also criticizes Iran's president for denying Holocaust

(Newser) - Russia said today it will scrap a plan to deploy missiles near Poland since Washington has dumped a planned missile shield in Eastern Europe. It also harshly criticized Iran's president for new comments denying the Holocaust. Neither move, however, represented ceding any significant ground. A plan to place Iskander missiles...

Obama Courts Risk With Sunday's 'Full Ginsburg'

President may risk overexposure by appearing in 5 talk shows

(Newser) - They call it "the full Ginsburg" because Monica Lewinsky's lawyer, William Ginsburg, was the first to do the five-fecta of Sunday talk shows back in 1999. What Obama's doing tomorrow is a slightly (if significantly) modified version, Politico notes, with the president swapping out Fox for Univision in the...

Obama: Anger Not About Race
 Obama: Anger Not About Race 

Obama: Anger Not About Race

He says anti-government feeling, fear of change fuel rage

(Newser) - Fear of "big changes" and hostility to the growth of government—not racism—are what's driving angry criticisms about his health care agenda, President Obama said in a series of network television interviews that will air tomorrow morning. "Are there people out there who don't like me because...

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'
 GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism' 

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'

Racially charged attacks on Obama show scourge of racism is still with us

(Newser) - Racism is alive and well in today's America and the Republican Party is feeding off it, Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Nobody should need Jimmy Carter—who wasn't above pandering to racists himself in his 1976 presidential campaign—to point out the racist undertones behind many of...

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough
Obama at the UN: 
Eloquence Is Not Enough

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough

The president may face tough questions on N. Korea, Iran, and climate change

(Newser) - President Obama will get a respite from America’s rancorous political scene when he appears at the United Nations next week, but he may find international squabbles just as heated, Economist writes. An enthusiastic multilateralist, Obama is loved by leaders around the world. But topics like North Korea, Iran, and...

Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots
Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots

Obama's Gandhi Act Ties Supporters in Knots

President seeks a fundamental change in our political discourse: Goodman

(Newser) - Even President Obama's fans are beginning to wonder when—or even if—his "inner fighter" is going to emerge, writes Ellen Goodman of the Boston Globe. His collaborative style entranced many during the campaign, but supporters are groaning as the president listens calmly to the opposition rather than putting...

Obama Doesn't Lie&mdash;But He Does Mislead
Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

President slides by on half-truths on health care: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Joe Wilson wasn’t quite right. President Obama doesn’t lie, exactly, writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, but he still has an odd “relationship to the truth.” For example, Obama promised to veto any bill that grew the deficit, then with his very next sentence promised...

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists
 Some Obama Critics 
 Actually Are Racists 

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists

They reject his 'legitimacy as president'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter was right when he said racism fuels some of President Obama's critics, Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post. Carter may have overstated it—plenty of naysayers have legit policy concerns over issues such as health reform—but "the most vitriolic attacks" reject Obama's "legitimacy as...

Bill Clinton: Obama Will Win Health Battle
Bill Clinton:
Obama Will Win Health Battle

Bill Clinton: Obama Will Win Health Battle

Up to 6 GOP senators may back Baucus bill, says former president

(Newser) - Barack Obama will prevail in his fight to pass a health reform bill, his predecessor Bill Clinton insists in an interview with Bloomberg. The former president predicts that Olympia Snowe and probably Susan Collins, Maine's two moderate Republican senators, will be persuaded to vote for the Baucus bill, which he...

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