Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub
GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

President will appear on every other network Sunday

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers are peeved because President Obama is—try not to laugh—snubbing Fox News. Obama will appear on every political Sunday talk show this week, except Fox News Sunday. “If people are going to be on the Sunday talk shows, they should be on all of them,”...

Obama's Missile Move Leaves Allies in the Lurch

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision to scrap plans for a missile defense shield is a political bombshell, writes Robin Oakley for CNN. America’s allies in Poland and the Czech Republic are left holding the bag after expending significant political capital on the unpopular system. Abandoning it might make their lives...

Baucus Bill Gives Obama a Route to Compromise
Baucus Bill Gives Obama
a Route to Compromise

Baucus Bill Gives Obama a Route to Compromise

White House serene amidst complaints

(Newser) - It may not look like anyone’s happy with Max Baucus’ health care bill, but it has some very important backers: the health care industries it seeks to reform. Influential players who long ago struck a bargain with the Obama administration “found elements to dislike,” writes Ceci Connolly...

Obama Story Turns Out to Be (Partially) False

Patient was dropped by insurer, but fought back, and got treatment

(Newser) - One of the most poignant passages from Barack Obama's recent address to Congress concerned an Illinois cancer patient who died, the president said, because his insurer dropped him after discovering an unreported gallstone. In fact, reports the Wall Street Journal, Otto Raddatz did have his coverage rescinded in 2005—but...

Obama Goes En Garde!
 Obama Goes En Garde! 

Obama Goes En Garde!

The president helps boost Chicago's Olympic bid by fencing with light sabers

(Newser) - Health care reform? Racism brouhaha? Barack Obama took a break from it all—and possibly worked out some frustration—on the White House lawn yesterday during a fencing demonstration, Gawker reports. The president and first lady brandished light sabers during an event promoting Chicago’s bid to host the 2016...

Obama the Anti-Christ? Maybe in New Jersey

(Newser) - New Jerseyans are apparently having a difficult time figuring out whether the president is the devil or not, the Washington Independent reports. To be sure, a Public Policy Polling questionnaire has 79% of respondents responding “No” to the question “Do you think Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ?” But...

Obama Visits Dave Monday
 Obama Visits Dave Monday 

Obama Visits Dave Monday

President will wrap up media blitz with late-night stop

(Newser) - After making the rounds of no fewer than five morning talk shows on Sunday, President Obama will be David Letterman's sole guest on Monday, the Wrap reports. Obama, pushing his health care reform, will make his first appearance with Letterman since the campaign and his sixth overall. He will be...

Wilson's Wife Couldn't Believe He Was 'Nut That Hollered'

Roxanne defends Joe in an odd campaign ad

(Newser) - Joe Wilson’s own wife couldn’t believe he’d be crass enough to shout at the president, she declared in what is supposed to be a positive ad for Wilson’s re-election campaign. “I said, ‘Joe, who’s the nut that hollered out, ‘You lie?’”...

Bill and Barack Buddy Up Over Lunch

Relations have improved between president, ex-president

(Newser) - Rapping knuckles on Wall Street is hard work, so when Barack Obama finished yesterday, he hopped over to Greenwich Village to grab a bite with Bill Clinton, reports the Washington Post. On the menu? "Fish, pasta and salad," said Clinton. "Even I was healthy." And up...

Olympics Honcho: Obama Could Make Huge Difference

Pound suggests Chicago mayor try twisting Obama's arm ahead of IOC vote

(Newser) - President Obama's absence will definitely be noticed as the International Olympic Committee meets to pick the host city for the 2016 Olympics, IOC member Dick Pound tells AP. "I don't think there's an IOC member on the planet who wouldn't love to meet your president. He's a transformational figure...

Obama to Wall Street: Prepare for Reform

(Newser) - President Obama visited Wall Street’s historic Federal Hall today, on the anniversary of Lehman Brothers' collapse, to make the case for the financial regulatory reforms wending their way through Congress. He spoke of the need for “strong rules of the road” for the financial system. “History cannot...

Poll: Even Split on Health Care
 Poll: Even Split on Health Care 

Poll: Even Split on Health Care

Reform proponents closing 'intensity gap'

(Newser) - The public is split right down the middle on health care reform, but opposition has eased somewhat, and reform supporters are closing the “enthusiasm gap,” according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Right now 46% say they support Democratic plans, while 48% oppose them. But the number...

Obama 'Weakened' by Neocons: bin Laden

New tape says 'war of attrition' will continue so long as US backs Israel

(Newser) - President Obama is “a weakened man,” says Osama bin Laden in a new audiotape titled “A statement to the American people," citing his retention of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other Bush officials. "The bitter truth is that the neoconservatives continue to cast their heavy...

Obama Turns to Wall Street Reform

NY visit will push for "fundamental change" to financial rulebook

(Newser) - As Washington wrangles over what shape health reform might take, President Obama heads to Wall Street today to remind it that financial reform is far from being forgotten, reports the Washington Post. On the one-year anniversary of Lehman Brothers' implosion, the president will push financial overhaul as urgent in order...

US Too Scared to Take On Monster Banks: Stiglitz

it's 'outrageous' bonuses aren't being curtailed, says economist

(Newser) - Underlying financial problems posed by ever-growing monster banks are worse now than before the economic crisis, but the Obama administration is reluctant to take them on, warns a Nobel Prize-winning economist. The so-called "too-big-to-fail banks" have become even bigger, and their troubles will further threaten the economy, Columbia University...

Obama: Wilson Fed 'Circus' Not Health-Care Debate

Some Republicans want to kill all reform, Obama tells 60 Minutes

(Newser) - President Obama is convinced he'll soon sign a strong health care reform bill, but bemoaned outbursts like Rep. Joe Wilson's which is turning serious debate into "a big circus," he said in a Sixty Minutes interview. Bringing civil debate to Washington is "a work in progress,"...

Obama Neglects a Powerful Presidential Tool: Fear

Opponents' ability to criticize with impunity hinders the president's effectiveness

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been praised for bringing a more conciliatory tone to the presidency after the with-us-or-against-us swagger of George W. Bush. But Obama’s preference for gentle negotiation and compromise leaves him less able to use an effective presidential tool: fear, writes Ben Smith for Politico. Obama has failed...

Protest Organizer Inflated Crowd Size: ABC News

FreedomWorks president attributed 1.5M turnout to network

(Newser) - The organizer of the "Tea Party" protest in Washington yesterday falsely attributed a high estimate of the turnout to ABC News, the network reports. Matt Kibbe, the head of FreedomWorks, said on stage that ABC estimated the turnout at 1 million to 1.5 million people. In a...

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

 Wilson: 'I Am 
 Not Going to 

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

Gibbs denies Obama opposition motivated by race

(Newser) - Responding to threats by Democrats demanding he apologize to President Obama on the House floor, Rep. Joe Wilson was adamant today: “I am not going to apologize again.” The South Carolina Republican told Fox News Sunday, “I apologized to the president on Wednesday night. I believe that...

Dowd: Wilson Really Meant 'You Lie, Boy'

'Some people just can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it'

(Newser) - The "you lie" slam against President Obama from a "milquetoast Republican backbencher" was clear and simple racism, writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times.  Dowd admits she has been "loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy of the summer had much to do with racism....

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