Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 2061 - 2080 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama to Let Bagram Prisoners Challenge Detention

Representatives would amass evidence, witnesses for detainees

(Newser) - The White House plans to give some 600 detainees at a US-run prison in Kabul greater power to dispute their custody, the New York Times reports. After an expected rubber stamp from Congress, the Obama administration will send representatives to Bagram Air Base to amass evidence and witnesses for detainees....

Obama on Health Reform: 'I Own It'
Obama on Health Reform:
'I Own It'

Obama on Health Reform: 'I Own It'

Says he 'intends to be president for a while,' expects credit, blame

(Newser) - Voters can rest assured that Barack Obama is doing his best to get health care reform right, because his political future depends on it, the president tells 60 Minutes in an interview airing tomorrow. “You know, I intend to be president for a while, and once this bill passes,...

Slavery Reparations Should Be Obama's Next Stimulus

Time for the president to break his long silence on America's racial divide

(Newser) - President Obama is taking so much heat from opponents wrongly convinced that he's keen on redistributing white America's wealth to African-Americans that he might as well go ahead and do it, Naomi Klein writes in the Guardian. Obama's administration has been pursuing "race-neutral" policies that do nothing to close...

Wilson Wins: Obama Beefs Up Illegal Immigrant Ban

President will exclude illegals from new health-care purchasing exchanges

(Newser) - Looks like Joe "You Lie!" Wilson scored a direct hit: The White House denied the charge, saying illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered under his health plan, but moved yesterday to beef up measures to exclude them. The Senate Finance Committee looked ready to follow its lead. Obama press...

Apologize for 'You Lie,' or Else: Dems to Wilson

Lawmakers want apology on House floor

(Newser) - Apologizing to Rahm Emanuel apparently wasn't enough. Now House Democrats plan to vote next week on whether to discipline Joe Wilson for his "You lie!" outburst, the Washington Post reports. Aides say Democratic leaders want Wilson to apologize on the House floor for violating rules of decorum,...

Vitter Rides High on Anti-Obama Sentiment

Hostility toward prez helps La. overlook hooker scandal

(Newser) - You might think an acknowledged client of a Washington prostitute would have a tough time being reelected to the US Senate. But you’d be wrong, the New York Times reports. David Vitter of Louisiana appears to be a strong favorite in his 2010 bid, and he owes it all...

'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money
'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money

'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money

Hours after apology, Wilson makes video to cash in on outburst

(Newser) - Joe “You Lie” Wilson is hoping to cash in on his newfound notoriety. “I let my emotions get the best of me,” the Republican representative confesses in a new YouTube video, noting that he’s already apologized to Barack Obama. But he goes on to condemn reform...

Pumped-Up Dems Fall Into Line on Health Reform

Obama's speech changed tone on Hill, but GOP votes still elusive

(Newser) - After a dispiriting summer for the Democrats, Barack Obama's address has energized the majority party, with progressives to Blue Dogs lining up behind the president. As Politico notes, the greatest change in tone came from Nancy Pelosi and other legislators who had insisted on a public option, many of whom...

Prez May Skip Trip to Pitch Chicago Olympics

IOC chief says there's no clear favorite ahead of next month's vote on 2016

(Newser) - President Obama is keeping the team behind Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics guessing on whether he'll head to Copenhagen to personally address the International Olympic Committee before members make their choice next month, the Chicago Tribune reports. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says he isn't aware of any...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer
Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Vitriol surrounding health care debate sure to continue

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech last night will probably prod Congress into passing health care reform, writes Joe Klein in Time. “But it will not end the public malignancy that has attended this debate, and threatens the democratic fabric of our nation.” Klein attended an Arkansas town hall recently...

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up
 Left: Obama 
 Steps Up 

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up

(Newser) - Barack Obama delivered the speech many on the left were waiting for. Will it be enough? Here’s what they’re saying.
  • Obama seemed to shed his inner Adlai Stevenson, and discover “a new role model in the fighting Harry Truman,” writes EJ Dionne of the Washington Post.

Right: Angry Obama Exploited Kennedy, Failed to Compromise

President steps up, doubles down on health care reform

(Newser) - Conservative commentators were, predictably, less than impressed with the president's big speech on health care reform last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Obama’s speech “was 40 minutes of boilerplate followed by a socko, emotional finish exploiting the death of Sen. Teddy Kennedy,” Fred Barnes writes

Forget Health Reform&mdash;We Can't Afford It
Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

The economy should be Obama's top priority: Henninger

(Newser) - Barack Obama makes health care sound like the most pressing issue in American life, but with unemployment at 10% and the country still officially in recession, Daniel Henninger wonders why he's "draining a dwindling reservoir of presidential capital." The cost of health care may be a problem for...

Hey, Jews Should Be Conservatives, Not Liberals: Podhoretz

Following 'false messiah' Obama is bad politics, bad religion: Podhoretz

(Newser) - Jewish voters backed Barack Obama over John McCain last year by a staggering 57 points—the most resounding mandate from any group other than African Americans. That bewilders neocon Norman Podhoretz, who argues in the Wall Street Journal that both Judaism and the Jewish experience endorse "the infinitely precious...

Boustany: Obama Should Start Over on Bipartisan Plan

(Newser) - Charles Boustany, who was upstaged last night by the impromptu opposition from his colleague, Joe Wilson, delivered the official response to Obama's speech, opening with his "disappointment" that Obama hadn't announced a do-over in the effort to reform health insurance. “Most Americans,  the Louisiana congressman said, wanted...

Fresh-Faced Prez Scores His Jimmy Stewart Moment

Mr. Obama goes to Washington

(Newser) - A joint session of Congress might not have been the perfect setting for Barack Obama's health care reform speech last night, writes Washington Post critic Tom Shales. All that "pomp, circumstance, and folderol," including 16 minutes just to get to the lectern, may have led voters to change...

Obama Losing Battle of Old Media, New Media

New media derails dream of new politics

(Newser) - Barack Obama burst onto the scene as a unifying figure, someone who was supposed to end divisiveness and transform political dialogue. But these days, the rancor is as high as ever, and an administration known for its new-media savvy is taking it on the chin regularly from the blogosphere and...

Let's Stop Giving Speeches, Start Twisting Arms, Obama

Health care votes are going to be won in the backroom, not at the podium

(Newser) - President Obama shouldn’t give a health care reform speech tonight. In fact, he should never give one again, writes Timothy Noah for Slate. He's already given a whopping 27 speeches on the issue. Every time he gets the urge to give another, he should instead sit down with Democratic...

What to Watch For in Obama's Speech
 What to Watch For 
 in Obama's Speech 

What to Watch For in Obama's Speech

(Newser) - President Obama has promised to “answer many of the big questions” tonight, but Mike Memoli of RealClearPolitics will be looking for answers to small questions, like:
  • Which Obama will show up? Will he be the fiery campaigner from Monday’s AFL-CIO meeting or President Teleprompter? Sadly, Robert Gibbs says

Stories 2061 - 2080 | << Prev   Next >>