Barack Obama

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Wash. Mayor Under Fire for 'Glenn Beck Day'

Critics slam decision to offer controversial pundit key to the city

(Newser) - The mayor of Mount Vernon, Wash., has taken a stand on the controversy over Glenn Beck calling President Obama a “racist.” He plans to give the Fox News lightning rod a key to the city and proclaim Sept. 26 “Glenn Beck Day,” the Seattle Times reports....

Selleck For Congress: Poll
 Selleck For Congress: Poll 

Selleck For Congress: Poll

US News readers want Selleck to run

(Newser) - Al Franken's a senator and Arnold Schwarzenegger's a governor—so US News and World Report asked readers which other celebs they'd like to see in Congress. The winner? Magnum, PI, himself, Tom Selleck, with 41% of the vote. Respondents seem be from all over the political spectrum: Selleck is a...

Obama School Address Infuriates Critics

Republicans denounce speech as 'socialist' indoctrination

(Newser) - Conservative critics are blasting President Obama’s plan to give a speech on education in Virginia next week as a ploy to brainwash the nation’s children, the Washington Post reports. The address, which the White House is encouraging educators and students to watch, is part of a push to...

Help Wanted: Fed Govt. Needs 600K New Workers

270K new hires deemed critical to make up for retirement

(Newser) - The federal government must hire 600,000 people over the next 4 years to balance a wave of retirement and keep pace with President Obama’s ambitions, the Washington Post reports. Nearly half of those positions are considered absolutely essential for agencies to provide their services, a new report states,...

Learn From FDR, Obama, and Show Some Backbone

Roosevelt biographer says president needs to block out GOP

(Newser) - As President Obama prepares to pull away from a public health care option, it shows not just that he's giving in to his opponents, writes Jean Edward Smith; worse, it "suggests that the Democratic Party has forgotten how to govern." In an op-ed for the New York Times,...

Obama May Need the GOP on Afghan War
Obama May Need the GOP on Afghan War

Obama May Need the GOP on Afghan War

Republicans line up behind troop increases, while Democrats balk

(Newser) - If President Obama decides to send more troops to Afghanistan, based on Gen. Stanley McChrystal's grim review, he may have to rely on Republicans and not Democrats for support, writes the New York Times. The original narrative of the "good war" has faded over eight years, and August's...

Manufacturing Drives Global Recovery

US production grows for first time since Jan. '08

(Newser) - The world may be manufacturing its way out of the global recession, with new figures showing a faster-than-expected recovery from the US to Europe and Asia. The Wall Street Journal reports that American factory output is growing for the first time since January 2008, while separate surveys showed expanded manufacturing...

Online Colleges: Ready for Some Respect

Department of Ed. study shows e-learning is effective

(Newser) - The educational establishment has been slow to accept online colleges as serious teaching institutions—programs like the University of Phoenix are commonly dismissed as “diploma mills.” But a new study by the Department of Education shows that, in many cases, students perform better with e-learning than in a...

Obama and Brooks: Best Buds
 Obama and Brooks: Best Buds 

Obama and Brooks: Best Buds

The odd friendship between a conservative columnist and liberal president

(Newser) - Nominal conservative David Brooks is one of President Obama’s unlikeliest allies, writes Gabriel Sherman for the New Republic. The New York Times columnist was on board early, publishing an op-ed titled “Run, Barack, Run” in 2006. Lately, Brooks has written more favorably of Obama than Paul Krugman has....

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver
50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

Obama likely to win re-election, Dems to keep House majority with current numbers

(Newser) - Much has been made of President Obama’s 50% job-approval rating, but that number in and of itself is “not particularly newsworthy,” writes Nate Silver for Obama could probably win in 2012 even with approval below 50%: George W. Bush was re-elected with the approval of...

Dems Plan Rallies to Counteract Ugly Town Halls

Health care reform advocates look to Obama '08 playbook

(Newser) - Obama supporters will try to recapture the energy of his presidential campaign with a two-week health care reform push featuring a bus tour, rallies, and more than 2,000 house parties. Organizing for America, the network of Obama supporters now run by the Democratic National Committee, aims to show lawmakers...

America: Why So Furious?
 America: Why So Furious? 

America: Why So Furious?

Terrorism, recession, economy drive nationwide rage

(Newser) - With town halls gone mad and anti-Obama protesters toting guns, this is America’s angriest summer in recent memory, McClatchy reports. The fury of voters has deep roots, from a long history of hate groups to anti-Vietnam marches to rage against George W. Bush when he left office—but it’...

Hatch: Vicki 'Ought to Be Considered'

 Hatch: Vicki 
 'Ought to Be 

Hatch: Vicki 'Ought to Be Considered'

Chris Dodd also supports making Ted Kennedy's widow interim senator

(Newser) - Vicki Kennedy would be a good replacement for her late husband in the months before a special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat, Orrin Hatch told CNN’s State of the Union. “She’s a very brilliant lawyer, she’s a very solid individual,” Hatch said. “...

How to Sell Health Reform Like Don Draper

Obama needs to tap his inner Mad Man

(Newser) - If Barack Obama’s going to sell the masses on health care reform, he’s going to need to hire a consultant: Don Draper. If the Sterling Cooper impresario of Mad Men were running this campaign, he wouldn’t bother talking about low premiums or subsidies. That's too mundane. “...

Gun-Toter's Pastor Prayed for Obama's Death

Ariz. preacher called prez 'socialist devil'

(Newser) - The man who brought an assault rifle to an Obama town hall in Arizona last week had attended a sermon the day before during which the pastor said he would “pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell,” TPM reports. “I’d like Barack Obama...

Beck's Latest Rant: Obama Like Hussein, Hitler

Host isn't suggesting Americorps plan makes him a fascist, but...

(Newser) - Glenn Beck may have reached a new low last night when he implied President Obama’s plans to use AmeriCorps make him the equivalent of a fascist dictator, Gawker reports. One guest, Vets for Freedom vice chairman David Bellavia, fanned the flames by saying, “I’m not comparing my...

In Obama White House, Justice Trumps CIA
 In Obama White House, Justice Trumps CIA 

In Obama White House, Justice Trumps CIA

Eric Holder carves a new, powerful role as attorney general

(Newser) - The appointment of a federal prosecutor to investigate CIA interrogations exposed a long-running turf war between the intelligence agency and the Department of Justice—and demonstrated the substantial clout of AG Eric Holder, who prevailed in almost every dispute with CIA Director Leon Panetta. The New York Times and Washington ...

Rush to Obama: Hands Off My Private Parts

Limbaugh makes leap from CDC advisory to mandatory circumcision

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says President Obama is out to get his foreskin. Seriously. Or at least semi-seriously. It all started when the the Centers for Disease Control reported that it's thinking of issuing an advisory touting the health beneifits of male circumcision in infancy, writes Gabriel Winant for Salon. Conservative blogger...

Wikipedia Labels Obama 'Harvard Puppet'

Days of user stunts like this are numbered

(Newser) - Oops. Wikipedia's new editorial oversight didn't start soon enough to block a statement in President Obama's Wiki profile that he's a "puppet" of Columbia and Harvard Law. Mystery writer "Mrjazzguitar" substituted the word in the kind of prank that Wikipedia hopes to curtail with its new policy to...

All Living Presidents Will Attend Kennedy's Funeral

(Newser) - All four living former presidents will attend Ted Kennedy’s invitation-only funeral, the Boston Herald reports. President Obama will also be there, breaking off his Martha’s Vineyard vacation to deliver a eulogy. Gordon Brown also plans to attend, as will Irish PM Brian Cowen. “Sen. Kennedy is being...

Stories 2101 - 2120 | << Prev   Next >>