Barack Obama

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If He's a Fascist, Then You're a Moron
If He's a Fascist, Then You're
a Moron

If He's a Fascist, Then You're a Moron

Let's not belittle the actual victims of fascism: McArdle

(Newser) - Every few months, some hyped-up protester decides someone they don’t like is a fascist. It’s “beyond moronic,” writes Megan McArdle of the Atlantic, whether you’re talking about George W. Bush or Barack Obama. “The Bush administration did many bad things. But to call his...

'Heartbroken' Obama Hails Kennedy as 'Greatest Senator'

(Newser) - Barack Obama said he was "heartbroken" to learn of the death of Ted Kennedy, whom the president called “one of the greatest senators of our time but also one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy," in an appearance on Martha's Vineyard, where the...

Dems Must Reconnect to Populist Soul

Democrats are afraid to say that government can do good: Frank

(Newser) - To save health care reform, Democrats need to remember what the real issue is: making the government work for average people, writes Thomas Frank for the Wall Street Journal. Health care is the Democrats' signature issue because it is quintessentially populist—a leveling of the playing field in the name...

Things That Really, Really Bug Obama

Missing family time, overzealous make-up artists rankle the president

(Newser) - Staffers say that “No Drama Obama” largely deserves his nickname. Nonetheless, there are ways to tick the president off. Politico lists his biggest pet peeves:
  • When aides schedule events that conflict with dad/daughter time.
  • People who try to get him to wear baseball gear from teams other than the

The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List
The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List

The True Meaning of Obama's Reading List

Prez hunkers down with thrillers, Friedman

(Newser) - President Obama is on vacation, and that means it’s the media’s sacred duty to overanalyze his summer reading plans. John Dickerson of Slate delves into the meaning behind what Obama’s packing:
  • The Way Home by George Pelecanos
  • Lush Life by Richard Price
  • Hot Flat and Crowded by

Cheney Blasts Obama for Torture Probe

(Newser) - Dick Cheney lambasted Barack Obama today for his decision to name a special prosecutor to look into Bush-era terror interrogations. The move raises “doubts about this administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security,” he said in a statement. “The people involved deserve our...

Jacko Doc Writes 'Dear Barack' Letter

(Newser) - A British doctor friend of Michael Jackson fired off a letter to President Obama—or "Barack," as she calls him—pleading for tougher laws for "unethical doctors" who ply patients with drugs. Dr. Susan Etok, who says she turned down more than $800,000 from the King...

Just What Obama Didn't Need: a CIA Probe
 Just What Obama 
 Didn't Need: a CIA Probe 

Just What Obama Didn't Need: a CIA Probe

(Newser) - The White House was busily waging a do-or-die battle to pass health reform when it was suddenly handed exactly what it wanted to avoid: a polarizing battle about Bush-era tactics that President Obama has already condemned. Obama is attempting to remain above the fray as the administration insists that AG...

On Health Care, Dean Gives Obama a Pain

Passed over for administration post, ex-doc plagues prez

(Newser) - By now, President Obama may wish he’d brought Howard Dean into the administration, because the former doctor has become his top left-wing antagonist on health care reform, the Hill reports. Dean has spent the summer advancing his views on the topic, and though the White House is backing away...

Obama Replaces CIA With Special Interrogators

(Newser) - Barack Obama has ordered the creation of an elite squad that will take over terror interrogations from the CIA, senior officials tell the Washington Post. Dubbed the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG, the unit will be housed with the FBI, but overseen by the White House through the National...

Obama Vacay: No Kennedy Visit, No Golf With Tiger

(Newser) - The Obama's week-long vacation in Martha’s Vineyard brings the president close to Sen. Ted Kennedy's Hyannis Port vacation home, but the First Family has no plans to visit the ailing senator, reports WCVB Boston. The White House deputy press secretary shot down another "bad rumor" that Obama would...

McCain Kinda Defends Palin's 'Death Panel' Remark

Provision in health care bill opened the door to end-of-life rationing: McCain

(Newser) - John McCain offered qualified support for Sarah Palin’s notorious “death panel” comment—defending, at least, the substance of his former running mate’s remarks in an interview with George Stephanapoulos for ABC News: “Look, I don't think they were called death panels, don't get me wrong,”...

Gun Nuts Firing Blanks in Power Play

Depleted GOP no "paper tiger — it’s a paper muskrat"

(Newser) - Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn has some gall. The fact that he can defend gun nuts calling for blood to "water the tree of liberty" after terrorist Timothy McVeigh wore the same Thomas Jefferson quote on his shirt in the Oklahoma City bombing infuriates New York Times columnist Frank Rich....

Flickr Cowardly for Taking Down Obama Joker
Flickr Cowardly for Taking Down Obama Joker

Flickr Cowardly for Taking Down Obama Joker

Website caved too easily: image isn't a copyright violation

(Newser) - Flickr is catching fire for its decision to take down the now-infamous image of Barack Obama photoshopped to look like the joker. Flickr says it received a takedown notice under the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act for the Time cover mockup, but that excuse doesn’t fly for Michael Arrington...

Daschle Still Working With Obama Behind the Scenes

Met with president to talk health care

(Newser) - Tom Daschle may not be Health and Human Services secretary, but he still has President Obama’s ear. The ex-senator met with Obama yesterday to discuss health care reform, the Washington Post reports. Daschle has been informally advising senior aide Pete Rouse and health care czar Nancy-Ann DeParle throughout the...

Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman
Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman

Obama Starting to Look Weak: Krugman

Progressives losing faith; public option is the latest copout

(Newser) - When Barack Obama threw the public option under the bus, the White House was reportedly "shocked and surprised" by the ensuing liberal fury, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. “Well, I’m shocked and surprised at their shock and surprise,” he writes. From Obama's reluctance...

Noonan to Obama: Retreat, Call It Your Bay of Pigs

(Newser) - The best way for President Obama to emerge from his health care reform sinkhole is to pull the plug on the whole thing, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. "It all got hotter, quicker than the White House expected," she writes. Furthermore, "no one understands...

Libyans Welcome Home Lockerbie Bomber

Obama called release 'a mistake'

(Newser) - Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi arrived in Libya to a hero's welcome today after being released by Scottish authorities, the BBC reports. Hundreds greeted him at the Tripoli airport waving Libyan flags, and he was then escorted to a private meeting with Moammar Gadhafi. "We have been in contact...

Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap
 Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap 

Why Stimulus Gets a Bad Rap

(Newser) - The Democrats’ $787 billion stimulus package is less popular than ever—even though it’s already working, writes David Wessel for the Wall Street Journal. The case against it is weak: Fed rate cuts hadn’t slowed the recession, already a year-old at that point, making the stimulus an appropriate...

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama
DC Delegate:
Ban Guns
Near Obama

DC Delegate: Ban Guns Near Obama

Says pistol-packers too close; Secret Service says not an issue

(Newser) - Washington DC's congressional delegate is watching gun-toting protesters outside venues where Barack Obama speaks, and she's not gonna take it anymore, reports The Hill. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton—whose constituency last year had its handgun ban tossed by the Supreme Court—wants guns banned in the president's vicinity, and is...

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