Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Quietly, Israel Backs Off New Settlements

Netanyahu talks tough, but US pressure keeps building suspended

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu has struck a hawkish tone on settlements since returning to the Israeli premiership, and his cabinet ministers insisted as recently as Monday that "there is no choice but to continue building." But quietly, his government has agreed to Barack Obama's demand to end new construction in...

Obama to Recast Health Reform as Moral Issue

Focus on legislative details has bogged down debate, supporters worry

(Newser) - President Obama is about to start focusing more on the moral aspects of health care reform, stressing the need to provide secure coverage to all Americans, the Wall Street Journal reports. The shift may reflect the concerns of some supporters that Obama has spent too much time talking about the...

Frank Rumbles With Town Hall Wacko

(Newser) - Town hall crazies, you have met your match. Rep. Barney Frank had no time for a woman who asked why he supported Barack Obama's "Nazi" policies, calling it "vile, contemptible nonsense" and asking, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" When the questioner...

Dozen Gun-Toters Spotted at Obama Event

(Newser) - The man who brought an assault rifle to Barack Obama’s speech yesterday wasn’t alone. Roughly a dozen protesters were seen carrying guns, the AP reports. Phoenix police say the men didn’t need permits, and didn’t commit any crime. In fact, they say they were worried someone...

Chicagoan 'Fesses Up to 'Joker' Poster

But Firas Alkhateeb isn't behind 'socialism' campaign

(Newser) - A 20-year-old college student from Chicago is the artist behind the now-famous image of Barack Obama as Heath Ledger’s Joker, the Los Angeles Times reports. Firas Alkhateeb made the image using Photoshop and Time magazine’s Obama cover when he was bored one day during winter break. It attracted...

Public Option On Its Death Bed
Public Option On Its Death Bed

Public Option On Its Death Bed

Liberals panic as president, Sebelius, Conrad downplay expectations

(Newser) - The public option is looking sickly, after a weekend in which Obama and Co. seemed to be backing away from it, and liberals aren’t happy about it, Politico reports. “Public Option, Meet Underside of Bus,” read one Daily Kos headline. Over the weekend, President Obama said the...

Fed Housing Policy Shift: Rent, Don't Own

Jackhammers Bush "ownership" policy

(Newser) - In a major housing policy shift, President Barack Obama will steer billions of economic stimulus dollars to create tens of thousands of federally subsidized rental units in American cities, reports the Boston Globe. The $4.25 billion initiative is a stark departure from former president George Bush's push to create...

Obamas Soak Up Grand Canyon
 Obamas Soak Up 
 Grand Canyon 

Obamas Soak Up Grand Canyon

(Newser) - President Obama wrapped up the recreational side of his travel weekend by visiting the Grand Canyon and peppering park rangers with questions about it, the Arizona Republic reports. With Michelle, their daughters, and other members of the Obama clan, the president marveled at a view he last witnessed at age...

Sebelius: Public Option Not Essential

 Public Option 
 Not Essential 

Sebelius: Public Option Not Essential

Also, Dem sen. calls Obama's health care pitch a 'wasted effort'

(Newser) - Liberal lawmakers are demanding that a public option be included in a final health care reform package, but top Obama administration officials seemed to hedge on the subject today, Politico reports. On Face the Nation, Robert Gibbs said “thus far” President Obama sees a government-funded system as the best...

Obama: Stop Screaming, Get Real
 Obama: Stop 
 Get Real 

Obama: Stop Screaming, Get Real

(Newser) - President Barack Obama hit the New York Times Op-Ed pages today, calling for "serious debate" on health-care-reform, "not wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that anyone has actually proposed." Reforms will benefit the 46 million uninsured Americans as well as those with insurance by cutting...

Emanuel Risks It All by Using All His Power

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel is emerging as the most powerful chief of staff in decades, affecting policy as often as he terrorizes White House staff with expletive-ridden tirades, the New York Times reports. But that means it's Emanuel's job, and reputation, that's at risk if President Obama fails to reform health care...

$57M Health Care Battle Infects Airwaves

Groups spend $57M on tough TV ads

(Newser) - A popular ad blasting President Obama’s health care effort symbolizes the overhaul with a bulging balloon: Eventually, the balloon bursts, as could Obama’s ambitious plan if the White House loses a fierce TV ad war against critics, Katharine Q. Seelye writes in the New York Times. So far...

Friendly Crowd Does Obama No Favors at Town Hall

(Newser) - President Obama was plainly itching for the chance to confront health reform critics at his town hall event in Montana yesterday but he was let down by a friendly audience that failed to ask enough tough questions, Michael D. Shear writes in the Washington Post. The president was only put...

Obama Denounces Media's Focus on Health Care Protests

'TV loves a ruckus,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama today denounced the media's emphasis on angry protesters at health care town halls, the AP reports. "TV loves a ruckus," he said. Trying to sell his overhaul plan amid an increasingly noisy and partisan debate, Obama told a crowd of about 1,300 in Montana: "...

Obama Good at Becoming Prez, Not at Being Prez

(Newser) - Barack Obama doesn’t look like a unifying centrist anymore. At his suspiciously adoring health care town hall meeting, Obama “seemed like a man long celebrated as being very good at politics, who is finding out day by day that he isn’t,” writes Peggy Noonan of the...

11-Year-Old Finally Snags His Obama Interview

(Newser) - Damon Weaver, not yet out of elementary school, made his name on the Internet when he interviewed Joe Biden during the 2008 campaign for his school's TV station. Yesterday, the grizzled journalistic veteran bagged his biggest sit-down yet following 8 months of requests—a 10-minute grilling of Barack Obama at...

Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare'
 Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare' 

Woodstock Was a 'Nightmare'

(Newser) - Mark Hosenball of Newsweek was at Woodstock, and not only did he not have a good time, but he can’t quite figure out how we’ve “transformed a chaotic mudfest into an epic pageant of peace and love.” Hosenball reminisces about the “massive, teeming, squalid mess”...

Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism
Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism

Obama Rarely Mentions War, Terrorism

Words 'health' and 'economy' dominate president's vocabulary

(Newser) - To listen to Barack Obama speak, you might think he was a peacetime president, rather than one with more than 100,000 troops in the field, write Zachary Abrahamson and Eamon Javers for Politico. They pored over nearly every one of the half-million-plus words Obama has said publicly as president,...

Obama Vacations at GOPer's House, His Own Expense

(Newser) - The Obama clan will head to Martha’s Vineyard on Aug. 23 for a low-key summer vacation, the Washington Post reports, and they’ll be staying in enemy quarters. The president will be renting out the private estate of noted Republican donor William Van Devender, a Mississippi timber merchant who...

On Health Care, Left Should Cut Deals
 On Health Care, Left 
 Should Cut Deals 

On Health Care, Left Should Cut Deals

(Newser) - Presidents from FDR to Nixon to Clinton tried and failed to reform the health care system, but with Barack Obama closer than ever before, the left is already blasting him for compromising too much. That's a shame, writes Clinton strategist Paul Begala, who regrets "setting the bar at 100%"...

Stories 2141 - 2160 | << Prev   Next >>