Barack Obama

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Right Wing Stokes Hatred of 'Euroweenies'

(Newser) - Europeans may have longer lives and longer vacations, but red-blooded Americans don't want their socialist ways on this side of the ocean, right wing media mouths are eager to remind everyone, MIchael Freedman writes in Newsweek. Underlying much of the opposition to health care reform is the fear that it's...

Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine
Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine

Falling Approval Rating? Pshaw, Obama's Fine

Popularity is fleeting in today's climate; he's got tons of time

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s approval rating is dropping, but that’s “dog bites man” stuff, writes Paul Maslin of Salon. Every president sees his approval rating drop. Obama’s drop has been markedly precipitous—from 69% to 54%—but here’s why he needn’t worry:
  • Since the dawn of

'Absolutely Nuts' Birthers Fueling Town Hall Wig Outs: Gov

(Newser) - Birther "crazies" are fueling ugly confrontations at town hall meetings about health care reform, complains Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell. “The birthers are a perfect slice of people who have lost their rationality" whose "obsession is hurting the Democratic process," he said on Hardball yesterday. The so-called...

Obama Takes On Rationing, 'Death Panel' Rumors
 Obama Takes On Rationing,  
 'Death Panel' Rumors 
health care town hall

Obama Takes On Rationing, 'Death Panel' Rumors

(Newser) - Barack Obama took the stage in New Hampshire today to set the record straight about Democratic health care reform efforts. Though the crowd was all applause, Obama took on the raucous protests that have characterized recent town halls. “Let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations,...

Friends, Foes Line Up for Obama Town Hall

(Newser) - Roughly 100 supporters and about half as many protesters have already lined up along the road outside Portsmouth High School in New Hampshire, where Barack Obama will hold a health care town hall meeting at 1pm today, the AP reports. About 70% of the 1,800 tickets were distributed by...

Website Proves Obama = Hitler

(Newser) - Those convinced that health care reform is just a step away from invading Poland may enjoy a new website devoted to certain undeniable comparisons between Adolf Hitler and one Barack Obama, reports Gawker. Obama Is Literally Hitler shows how encouraging greener cars, holding giant political rallies, and holding beer summits...

Obama Defends Mexico's Drug War

Cartels are the biggest violators of human rights, president says

(Newser) - President Obama expressed his support for Mexico’s war on drug cartels after today's North American summit, the New York Times reports. Obama defended Felipe Calderón—who some criticize for not holding the Mexican army accountable for reported human rights abuses against the drug traders—saying that the ruthless...

Obama, House Dems Dig In, Push Back on Health Care

Website, 'war room' target misinformation

(Newser) - Democrats are lurching into action to fight for health care reform, Politico reports. The Obama administration today launched a new viral “Reality Check” website to combat health care myths, modeled on the “Fight the Smears” site it used to get elected. Among other claims, the videos debunk rumors...

GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous
GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous

GOP Health Care 'Victory' Would Be Disastrous

Frum scolds fellow GOPers for seeking 'triumph of inertia'

(Newser) - If Republicans topple Barack Obama’s attempts to reform health care, they will have reason to celebrate—if they like plummeting wages, skyrocketing Medicaid and Medicare costs, and angry entrepreneurs, David Frum writes for New Majority, scolding fellow conservatives for naysaying reform. “We’ll have entrenched and perpetuated some...

The First Handicap: 'Between 16 and 24'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton on the golf course was notorious for cursing into the wind and rehitting balls until he was happy with his shot. But Barack Obama golfs like he governs, reports Time. The president—handicap somewhere between 16 and 24—never takes mulligans or gimme putts, rarely shows any excitement...

'Three Amigos' Summit May Not Be So Amicable

Canada, Mexico both angry about Obama protectionism

(Newser) - President Obama is headed to Guadalajara today for his first "Three Amigos" summit with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, but the meeting may be less than completely friendly. Trade and drug trafficking will dominate the agenda, and the leaders have some grievances they plan to press, reports Reuters....

Obama Sharpens Plan to Gauge Afghan Progress

(Newser) - Hoping to allay fears over Afghanistan, President Obama plans to show Congress a new system for measuring US progress there—and holding people accountable when goals fall short, Politico reports. The complex set of indicators will measure nine objectives in Afghanistan and Pakistan, including "the proportion of the Afghan...

'Post-Racial' Proclamations Fizzle Fast
'Post-Racial' Proclamations Fizzle Fast

'Post-Racial' Proclamations Fizzle Fast

Gates incident, rise of birthers indicate issue's persistence

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s election was supposed to be a healing moment, proof that we’re in a post-racial America. “Didn’t last very long,” writes Roger Simon of Politico. Today America seems as racially divided as ever. Exhibit A: the birthers, who say Obama’s “an alien...

Bush Bashing Won't Stop Anytime Soon

(Newser) - Barack Obama doesn’t want anyone to forget his predecessor. “You hand me a $1.3 trillion bill, and then you’re complaining six months later because we haven’t paid it all back,” he griped at a recent town hall. And you can expect him to keep...

'Racial Anxiety' Fuels Town Hall Protesters

(Newser) - The mob-like scenes at recent town halls are "something new and ugly," writes Paul Krugman, who notes that 2005's protests against Social Security privatization never saw baying crowds and congressmen hanged in effigy. The New York Times columnist is unconvinced that the mobs are in the pay...

No Joke: O'Reilly Pens Essay Praising Obama

Fox host calls president an inspiration to young Americans

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly has written a glowing tribute to President Obama that will run in this Sunday's Parade magazine, Politico reports. The Fox host, who doesn't pull any punches when blasting the president's policies, holds Obama's life story and achievements up as an inspiration to young Americans in the essay, titled...

Obama Hails 'Historic' Sotomayor Confirmation

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lauding the barrier-breaking confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. “With this historic vote, the Senate has affirmed that Justice Sotomayor has the intellect, the temperament, the history, the integrity and the independence of mind to ably serve on our...

Obama Approval Down to 50%
 Obama Approval Down to 50% 

Obama Approval Down to 50%

Only 38% approve of his handling of health care, a Quinnipiac poll shows

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating took another dip this week, as health care reform and the deficit continue to trouble some Americans, Bloomberg reports. Exactly half the registered voters surveyed said they approve of the job Obama is doing, according to a Quinnipiac poll released today. That's down from an...

Baucus & Co to Meet Obama for Health Care Talk

Today's chat signals prez is still looking for bipartisan compromise

(Newser) - Barack Obama will meet with all six key negotiators on the Senate Finance Committee today at the White House to discuss the effort to draft a compromise bill that could win some GOP support, the New York Times reports. It’s the first time he’s met with the six—...

How to Refute Birther Myths
 How to Refute 
 Birther Myths 

How to Refute Birther Myths

(Newser) - Do you have a birther in your life? Well Salon is here to help. Here’s their rundown of birther myths, and how to refute them:  
  • Barack Obama wasn’t born in America: Not only has Hawaii repeatedly authenticated his birth certificate, the newspaper birth announcements were placed by

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