Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Mom Fears for Rihanna's Life
 Mom Fears 
 for Rihanna's Life 

Mom Fears for Rihanna's Life

Singer wants restraining order against Brown gone

(Newser) - As Chris Brown awaits sentencing today, Rihanna is again trying to squash a court order requiring him to stay 50 yards away, her lawyer tells People. Meanwhile, her mother is afraid she’s “playing Russian roulette with her life” by allowing Brown to keep his “power over her,...

Chuck Norris Jabs Obama for Birthers

(Newser) - Butt-of-hipster-jokes Chuck Norris has leaped into the birther movement, challenging  President Obama to cough up his "long form" birth certificate. Norris wishes Obama happy birthday on, then not-so-subtly sequés into: "Speaking of birthdays," why do "you refuse to reveal your original birth certificate?"...

On Shared Birthday, Obama Surprises Reporter Thomas

Veteran White House reporter asks for 'a real health care reform bill'

(Newser) - President Obama celebrated his own birthday today by leading the White House press corps in singing Happy Birthday to veteran reporter Helen Thomas. Obama is 48 today; Thomas turns 89.

'Kenyan' Obama Birth Certificate Is Mine: Aussie

Forgery by birthers 'so laughable it’s ridiculous'

(Newser) - President Obama’s “Kenyan” birth certificate, posted online by lawyer Orly Taitz, has been debunked as a forgery, and the original document—an old Australian certificate—it was based on has even been discovered. The Australian Broadcast Channel tracked down David Bomford, the man whose genuine birth certificate was...

The 2009 Best-Dressed List
 The 2009 Best-Dressed List 

The 2009 Best-Dressed List

2009 list also includes sports figures, politicians, royalty, entertainers, artists

(Newser) - Vanity Fair’s 2009 International Best-Dressed List is as glamorous as ever, but the magazine didn’t ignore the global pinch of the recession. A sampling of the honorees, along with their favorite recession-friendly bargain-hunting locale or item:
  • Michelle Obama: J. Crew
  • Barack Obama: Secret Service employees’ store
  • Alicia Keys:

Obama Redeems Himself, Bowls 144

(Newser) - Maybe he’s been practicing, or maybe becoming president has boosted his confidence, but Barack Obama has apparently become a much better bowler. The president spent Saturday night relaxing at Camp David to celebrate his upcoming birthday today, Robert Gibbs revealed yesterday. Gibbs says Obama was with friends “playing...

CNN Kills Ad Ripping Birther Dobbs

(Newser) - A media watchdog ad attacking CNN anchor Lou Dobbs for his "racially charged" support of conspiracy theorists who question President Obama's birth certificate is all set to run tomorrow on CNN. But there's fat chance you'll ever see it on CNN. Five of the six cable providers who sold...

Networks Complain About Obama Hour
Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Broadcasters say 'overexposed' prez wastes valuable time

(Newser) - Networks are not happy about the primetime hour that President Obama's July 22 news conference took up, reports Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Rahm Emanuel called the top brass at all three networks to ensure they carried the event. The networks both resent the pressure and complain that they’...

'What I Did Over Summer Break,' by Sasha, Malia

From Kremlin to Paris and slave port, first kids get quite an education

(Newser) - Sasha and Malia Obama might not be in school, but their summer vacation has been anything but lazy—the girls have seen the Eiffel Tower, the Kremlin, and Monticello as part of what the first lady calls “Camp Obama." And though there’s been plenty of fun, such...

WH Eyes US Prison, Court Complex for Gitmo Detainees

Obama mulls domestic military-civilian facility

(Newser) - Pressed by President Obama's January 2010 deadline to close Guantanamo Bay, as well as congressional skittishness over holding terrorist suspects at prisons around the US, the administration is considering a plan to house them at a single maximum-security prison facility in Michigan or Kansas, the AP reports. The site would...

Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich
Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich

Beck, Dobbs Fear the Rise of Minorities: Rich

White elites too often succumb to 'Village People populism'

(Newser) - A nation bored by dreary, knotty debates about health care found relief in another National Conversation on Race. “This one,” as Frank Rich writes in the New York Times of last week’s ballyhooed Beer Summit, “ended with a burp,” but the hangover could last well...

Obama's Not Going to Push for Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Barack Obama has done next to nothing for gay and lesbian Americans since coming to power, but liberals keep insisting that he's a closet supporter of same-sex marriage and open military service. That's ridiculous, writes James Kirchick in the Washington Post, who sees no reason to assume Obama will act....

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

 Geithner Won't 
 Rule Out 
 Middle Class 
 Tax Hike 

Geithner Won't Rule Out Middle Class Tax Hike

Romer says the economy hasn't bottomed yet

(Newser) - President Obama’s top economic advisers fanned out across the Sunday talk shows today, with Tim Geithner leaving open the possibility that Obama would renege on a campaign promise not to raise taxes on the middle class. “We’re going to have to do what’s necessary” to revive...

Castro Slaps Down US Overtures

(Newser) - Raúl Castro has warned the US not to expect any changes to Cuba's communist system, saying that while Barack Obama's administration was less "aggressive," he was not prepared to make peace. His comments came after Hillary Clinton made several remarks suggesting better relations if Cuba changed...

Group Buys Anti-Dobbs Ads to Air on CNN

Bring 'em on, says host caught up in birther controversy

(Newser) - Liberal watchdog group Media Matters is buying CNN airtime to run anti-Lou Dobbs ads during the host’s own show next week, reports Plum Line. The ads condemn Dobbs’ recent calls for Barack Obama to produce a legitimate birth certificate and will also run on Fox News and MSNBC in...

African-Americans Must Get Angry About Racial Profiling

(Newser) - Henry Louis Gates and Barack Obama have been “very publicly slapped down for speaking up and speaking out about police misbehavior,” but African-Americans “need to roar out their anger at such treatment,” Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Gates, not the officer who arrested...

Obama: the Economy Is on the Mend (if Slowly)

(Newser) - Citing fresh evidence that the economy is on the road to recovery, President Obama this morning credited his $787 billion economic stimulus program for helping "put the brakes on this recession," and cautioned that full recovery will take many more months. The country's future economic prosperity depends on...

Top Obama Birthday Gifts

(Newser) - President Obama’s birthday is right around the corner—no matter where Lou Dobbs thinks he was born—but what do you get the leader of the free world? Politico asked various Washingtonians their thoughts for Tuesday's big occasion. Some notable responses:
  • Joe Biden: “It’s a surprise!”

Maher: Birthers Stupid, But Dangerous
Maher: Birthers Stupid, But Dangerous

Maher: Birthers Stupid, But Dangerous

Ridiculous crap has a way of getting out of hand in America

(Newser) - Lately, liberals have “been laughing heartily at the wacky antics of ‘birthers,’” the goofballs who think “President Obama is an African sleeper spy,” writes Bill Maher in the Los Angeles Times. But we need to stop laughing, because this is America, “where if...

Lighten Up on Presidential Gaffes
Lighten Up on Presidential Gaffes

Lighten Up on Presidential Gaffes

Media blowing up slips is harming political discourse: Kinsley

(Newser) - Saying the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" wasn't Barack Obama's first or even worst gaffe; as president-elect he mused about Nancy Reagan séances, and he still hasn't lived down his awful joke on Jay Leno. But gaffes are okay, writes Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post—we want a...

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