Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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EU Considers Taking Gitmo Prisoners
EU Considers Taking Gitmo Prisoners

EU Considers Taking Gitmo Prisoners

Allies offer to help Obama 'clean up Bush's mess'

(Newser) - European Union countries are considering giving Barack Obama a helping hand by accepting released Guantanamo Bay prisoners for resettlement, the Washington Post reports. Requests from the Bush administration to take Gitmo detainees were flatly rejected by the EU, but Portugal has now signaled its willingness to accept some prisoners and...

Hawaii Tries in Vain to Cash In on Obama Fame

Obama tour operators say business is slow

(Newser) - The Hawaii tourist trade is doing its best to spin some dollars out of Obamania, Politico reports. Tour companies are hyping visits to the president-elect's old Honolulu neighborhood, and the Baskin-Robbins where Obama worked as a teen is selling a new "Swirl of Change" flavor: chocolate, caramel, and nuts...

Journos Pass Up Beer on Obama

... then pat themselves on the back

(Newser) - Though the journalists covering Barack Obama’s Hawaii trip admit to enjoying their time in the islands, they drew the line at free beer on the president-elect’s tab, CNN correspondent Ed Henry notes. “Pool is still holding without beer,” Jamie Farnsworth reported for CBS after the contingent...

300K Have Sent Resumes to Obama (for 8K Jobs)

Transition team sees wave of applications

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s transition team has seen an avalanche of resumes from individuals who want to work in his administration, CNN reports. More than 300,000 have applied for 8,000 positions. Many are new to politics but have impressive careers, says one analyst: “High-level people in private industry...

Krugman: Obama Can't Take Crutches Away Too Soon
Krugman: Obama Can't Take Crutches Away Too Soon

Krugman: Obama Can't Take Crutches Away Too Soon

Government must remain involved for economy to gain new footing

(Newser) - The Obama administration must resist the temptation to leave the economy to its own devices too soon, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times. “Getting to the point where our economy can thrive without fiscal support may be a difficult, drawn-out process,” he writes, with no bubble...

Obama Camp to Clear Air on Blago Contacts

Report will see light after delay requested by federal prosecutor

(Newser) - President-elect Obama plans to reveal tomorrow his staff's conversations with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. "We have a report," said a rep. "It's been ready for release for a week. We've held off at the request of the US Attorney's office and that continues to be the case,...

Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records
Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records

Obama Transition Breaks Speed Records

But liberal activists, others feel left in dust

(Newser) - Barack Obama has moved so fast to set up his administration that he’s on a pace to blow past all previous presidents, reports the Wall Street Journal. By the eleventh week of their transitions, George HW Bush and Richard Nixon had made 26 and 25 appointments, respectively. As of...

Pastor Warren: Some of My Best Friends Are Gay

But has compared gay marriage to incest, polygamy, child abuse

(Newser) - Pastor Rick Warren "loves gays and straights," he said yesterday, in response to the uproar  his invitation to Barack Obama's inaugural invocation sparked among gay rights groups. In a speech to the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Warren emphasized that he has "many gay friends" and has "...

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class
Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Biden's New Role: Help the Middle Class

Cheney blasts VP-elect; Emanuel cleared in Blago scandal

(Newser) - Joe Biden emerged from the shadows today and said he will lead a task force to strengthen the middle class, the AP reports. “We'll look at everything from college affordability to after-school programs,” he said on ABC's This Week. From the get-go, Biden told Barack Obama that he...

Obama Widens Goals, Now Wants 3M Jobs

Recovery plans grow as advisers predict 9% unemployment

(Newser) - Barack Obama is expanding his plans to reverse the nation’s financial crisis and will seek to create 3 million jobs in the next two years, up from the goal of 2.5 million he proposed last month, the New York Times reports. The new figure follows a meeting in...

Obama Names 4 Top Science Advisers

(Newser) - Barack Obama today selected a Harvard physicist and a marine biologist for key science posts, in a sign he plans a more aggressive response to global warming than did the Bush administration. John Holdren and Jane Lubchenco are leading experts on climate change who have advocated forceful government action. “...

Obama Has Nothing to Hide, Plenty to Lose With Blago

Reflexively distancing himself from Illinois mess has made him look needlessly sketchy

(Newser) - Barack Obama looks to have done nothing wrong in his (however limited) dealings with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, but the president-elect seemed bent on proving otherwise, Joe Conason writes on Salon. Obama’s “unnecessary mistakes” in handling the scandal “risked creating public suspicion where there need be none,...

It's Official: Solis, Kirk, LaHood Join Cabinet

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced his final Cabinet choices today, making official what insiders have hinted at for a week, the Washington Post reports. Hilda Solis will be the nominee for labor secretary, Ron Kirk for trade representative, and Republican Ray LaHood for transportation. Solis appears to be the lightning rod, as...

With Picks, Obama Plays Both Sides of 'Change' Coin

He's got old hands on economy, foreign policy, new faces to bring shifts elsewhere

(Newser) - Barack Obama seems intent on giving America two administrations for the price of one, Gerald Seib writes in the Wall Street Journal. The first, his national-security and economic appointments, is full of well-known Washington veterans, sending a message of steadiness amid war and financial calamity. But the second wave of...

Solis Is Cabinet's Lone Progressive
 Solis Is Cabinet's 
 Lone Progressive 

Solis Is Cabinet's Lone Progressive

Obama's Cabinet stocked with moderates—except Solis

(Newser) - Progressives are viewing Barack Obama's ever-so-centrist Cabinet with disappointment, except for the notable pick of union friend Hilda Solis for labor secretary, Politico reports. Solis, a rising star in the House who had been viewed as a potential Speaker, is the daughter of a teamster and a factory worker, and...

In Preacher Pick, Obama Dismisses Gays
 In Preacher Pick, 
 Obama Dismisses Gays 

In Preacher Pick, Obama Dismisses Gays

Rev. Rick Warren was big backer of Proposition 8

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s choice of Rick Warren to offer his inaugural invocation was a glaring and offensive misstep for a consistently savvy politician, writes prominent gay-rights activist Joe Solmonese in the Washington Post. Warren was a key proponent of Proposition 8, “the biggest loss our community has faced in...

Oprah House-Hunting in DC
 Oprah House-Hunting  
 in DC  

Oprah House-Hunting in DC

Oprah Winfrey starts housing search in DC.

(Newser) - Call it Chicago on the Potomac—Oprah Winfrey and the Obamas may soon be neighbors again. The multimedia titan, an early and enthusiastic supporter of the president-elect’s campaign, is house-hunting in Washington, the New York Post reports. The hot rumor is that she's leaning toward a $50 million Georgetown...

Retired Admiral Will Be Next Spy Chief

Blair gets national intelligence post; CIA spot still open

(Newser) - Barack Obama will stick with the front-runner and name retired Admiral Dennis Blair to be his go-to guy on spying as director of national intelligence, reports the Washington Post. Blair, the former commander of naval forces in the Pacific, is generally well-regarded. Some in the civilian intelligence community grumbled about...

Obama Picks Physicist as Science Adviser

Harvard energy expert to get key role, cheering scientists

(Newser) - Barack Obama will appoint Harvard physicist John P. Holdren as science adviser this weekend, pointing to an expanded role for science in the next administration, the Boston Globe reports. Holdren is versed in energy, climate change, and nuclear proliferation. Coming on the heels of Nobel laureate Steven Chu’s nomination...

Castro Offers Prisoner Swap, Talks With US

Raul promises to free dissidents in exchange for Cuban 5

(Newser) - In another sign of a potential thaw in US-Cuban relations, Raul Castro offered today to release five political dissidents if the US frees five Cubans jailed on spy charges. Castro says the prisoner swap could precede talks between himself and Barack Obama, Reuters reports. “Give us back our five...

Stories 3301 - 3320 | << Prev   Next >>