Barack Obama

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Bill Subject to Toothless Rules

Obama's regulations may do little to restrain ex-prez

(Newser) - Bill Clinton agreed to rules covering his charity work and earnings so his wife can run the State Department, but the new restrictions still offer the former president plenty of leeway, Politico reports. Clinton may stick to the rules at first, but  “then perhaps—just because he has this...

Send Princess Caroline to DC
 to DC 

Send Princess Caroline to DC

Senate seat the perfect ending to her 'fairy tale'

(Newser) - Sure, you can make a case against it, but Caroline Kennedy becoming a senator would be the perfect ending to a "modern fairy tale," Ruth Marcus writes in the Washington Post. Putting aside her tendency to "recoil from political dynasties," Marcus points out that there are...

View Host Fires Back, Calls Rev. Wright 'Archaic, Sexist'

Hasselbeck attacks him for calling her a 'dumb broad'

(Newser) - The View’s Elizabeth Hasselbeck fired back at Rev. Jeremiah Wright from her own pulpit yesterday, saying he’s “archaic” and “sexist” for calling her a “dumb broad” during a rant about the media in his Sunday sermon. Haselbeck's liberal co-hosts came to her defense, though some...

Blagojevich Sought Cabinet Post for Obama's Senate Seat

FBI tapes reveal wish for health secretary post

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich had said he wanted “something real good” in exchange for his choice of a replacement for the president-elect in the Senate, Politico reports. Otherwise, he said in FBI tapes the day before the election, “I’ll just send myself.” A Senate seat is a "...

Racial Identity Shifts With Social Status

Who is seen as black or white can change over time, study finds

(Newser) - Racial identity isn't set at birth—it's a malleable perception that changes with one's social status, a university study has found. Over 23 years, 12,700 people were asked to identify themselves and others as black or white. One-fifth switched their answers over time, often deeming people black if they...

State, Chicago Threaten BoA Over Ill. Sit-in

Will yank business if bank doesn't restore window factory's credit

(Newser) - The sit-in launched by laid-off workers at a Chicago door and window factory could have a nine-figure financial impact on Bank of America. Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a day before his arrest on corruption charges, called on state agencies to cease doing business with the bank, and the city of...

Recession Weighs on Obama's Big Party

Planners seek appropriate tone for huge inauguration

(Newser) - Washington is getting ready for what promises to be the biggest presidential inauguration in history, dwarfing the record 1.2 million who came out for LBJ in 1965. But with the country in a recession and at war, inaugural planners are struggling to find the right tone for the celebrations....

Unaired McCain Spot Blasts Rev. Wright

Attack ad surfaces, but GOP candidate refused to run it

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign created a commercial slamming Barack Obama for his relationship with inflammatory pastor Jeremiah Wright. The 30-second spot, obtained by ABC News, contrasts McCain's years in a Vietnam POW camp with footage of Wright shouting "God damn America." The commercial was ready for release and...

Gore-Obama Meeting Fuels Job Rumors

But former veep says he wants to keep working from 'outside'

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Joe Biden will meet today with Al Gore just as the transition team is set to choose the key environmental appointments of energy secretary and EPA chief, CNN reports. The meeting in Chicago has triggered speculation that Obama may be considering Gore for a slot in his...

Forget Obama and Congress; Bernanke Has Most Tools

Fed taking a big gamble

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s economic team and its plans get the big headlines, but let’s not forget that Ben Bernanke remains the biggest mover in US economic policy, Robert Samuelson writes in the Washington Post. Bernanke has been inventing new economic tools at a pace never seen before at the...

Volcker Will Call for Tough Measures to Right Economy

Ex-Fed chief says consumerism, unchecked Wall Street to blame for woe

(Newser) - Paul Volcker is known for the tough measures he used as Fed chief to reel in inflation in 1981, risking a recession and widespread pain in the short term to get the economy back on track for the next 2 decades. Now Volcker, tapped as chairman of Obama’s Economic...

Sudan Prepares for Tougher US Stance

Obama's team of humanitarians prepare shift on Darfur

(Newser) - The government of Sudan is getting nervous about the Barack Obama White House. The Bush administration called the situation in Darfur genocide, but did little to stop the carnage that has left 450,000 dead and 2.5 million displaced in western Sudan. But several members of Obama's foreign policy...

Obama Influence Will Be Felt in Lower Courts

Supreme Court is likely set, but underlings decide more cases

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn’t likely to name a Supreme Court justice anytime soon, but he will be shifting the federal judicial balance almost immediately, the Washington Post reports. Democrats currently hold just 36% of appeals court judgeships, but that should jump to 58% by the end of Obama’s first...

Obama Plan Boosts World Stocks
 Obama Plan Boosts 
 World Stocks 

Obama Plan Boosts World Stocks

Asia, Europe soar on multibillion infrastructure proposals

(Newser) - Asian and European stocks advanced substantially today amid hopes that Barack Obama's proposed US stimulus package could pull the world out of an economic dive. In Hong Kong the Hang Seng shot up 7.5%, while in Tokyo the Nikkei closed up 5.2%.  Stock exchanges in London, Paris...

'I Won't Smoke in White House,' Obama Vows

Obama working to stay on the wagon

(Newser) - Barack Obama promised the nation yesterday that he won't be sneaking smokes at the White House. The president-elect, who has been trying to kick his habit, told Meet the Press that he'll respect the mansion's smoke-free policy. He admits having "fallen off the wagon" in the past, but seemed...

Will Economy Tone Down the Inauguration?

Opulent or muted, Obama has chance to set tone for presidency

(Newser) - Unemployment is on the rise. The stock market is in the tank. Is this any time for a party? For the sake of the masses expected for President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration, let's hope so. While Obama must be sensitive to the nation's time of war and recession, there's still reason...

Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'
Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'

Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'

A la JFK's Cabinet, too often masks poor judgment, inexperience

(Newser) - Barack Obama has won praise for appointing “the best and the brightest” to his Cabinet during a time of war and economic hardship. But all the back-patting sounds a little too familiar, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “The stewards of the Vietnam fiasco had pedigrees...

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge
Talk Show Roundup

Obama: Dark Days Ahead, but Cultural Focus Will Re-Emerge

Condi makes rounds; UAW pleads for bailout

(Newser) - Barack Obama stressed that the economy will see darker times before things turn around, but promised in a Meet the Press interview that his White House will bring back a focus on culture and science. The president-elect also vowed to kick his smoking habit for good. Elsewhere on the talk...

Top Grads Flood Nonprofit for 'Lowly' Teaching Jobs

Job-hungry grads swamp nonprofit org

(Newser) - Students from the nation’s elite colleges are in hot pursuit of low-paying, high-stress jobs, the Washington Post reports. Inspired by Barack Obama’s message of hope and disillusioned by a battered Wall Street, prospective graduates have boosted applications to Teach for America alone by 50%. “I don’t...

Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist
 Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist 

Bill Ayers: I Was Not a Terrorist

But I saw no 'path to a rational discussion' during campaign

(Newser) - Even as John McCain was painting him as a domestic terrorist in Barack Obama’s rogues gallery of acquaintances, William Ayers kept silent. “I saw no viable path to a rational discussion,” he writes in today’s New York Times. Now that the election’s over, it’s...

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