Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

Stories 3401 - 3420 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Outlines Ike-Style Public Works Push

May quickly provide infrastructure funding; states want $136B

(Newser) - President-elect Obama pledged today to approve billions in government expenditures on public works projects when he assumes office, the New York Times reports. Invoking Eisenhower’s Interstate program, Obama said “we will create millions of jobs,” possibly by funding some or all of $136 billion in infrastructure projects...

Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD?
 Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD? 

Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD?

If Obama can forgive Lieberman, writer can forgive slapdash husband

(Newser) - What would Obama do? Leslie Savan decided not to blast her husband for faulty dishwashing after asking herself this question, she writes in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and she's not the only person she knows who's paused in moments of fury to consider the president-elect's level-headed ways. It's "more than...

Harvard Pals Mastermind Transition
Harvard Pals Mastermind Transition

Harvard Pals Mastermind Transition

Law school network continues to propel Obama's rise

(Newser) - Barack Obama has tapped his Harvard Law School connections to staff his transition team, with 20 of his classmates among the dozens of grads shaping the next administration, Politico reports. “The numbers seem very large to me,” said one presidential historian (from Princeton) about what looks like the...

Obama Denies He's ... Gasp! ... a Zune User

President-elect just needed tunes after misplacing iPod: staffer

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s staff went into major spin mode after the president-elect was spotted this week working out with (cover your ears, kids) a Zune, forcing millions to ask what happened to the cool iPod user they thought they’d elected. An spokesman assured the nation that Obama typically uses...

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan
 'He Kept Us
 Safe': Noonan 

'He Kept Us Safe': Noonan

President has one argument to hang his hat on

(Newser) - In the Republican social circles Peggy Noonan swims in, there is much grousing about George W. Bush. These days, however, it’s almost always followed by one sentence: “But he kept us safe.” It’s a meme destined to linger as the final argument for Bush. “There’...

Daschle Begins Push to Reform Health Care

Would-be secretary will ask Americans to contribute ideas

(Newser) - Although his nomination as health secretary hasn't yet been announced, Tom Daschle is already beginning his push for a comprehensive overhaul of the system, the Wall Street Journal reports. In a speech today, Daschle will emphasize that the economic downturn makes it all the more important to lower health care...

Obama Raised a Record $750M
 Obama Raised a Record $750M 

Obama Raised a Record $750M

Dem's haul of $750 million dwarfs McCain funds, historical precedent

(Newser) - Barack Obama literally raised more money for his campaign than he knew what to do with. He hauled in a record $750 million over the course of the campaign cycle, reports the New York Times. When the race ended, $30 million remained unspent. By comparison, John McCain raised $220 million...

Dems: Obama Must Take Charge of Economy Now

There's no time to waste, pols warn

(Newser) - Top Democrats are becoming increasingly frustrated with Barack Obama's reluctance to take charge of the economic crises,  AP reports. The president-elect has consistently said it would be premature for him to dictate solutions to the auto industry's woes, and steer $700 billion in bailout funds, but critics in his...

Putin Sees Warmer Relations With US

(Newser) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the "positive signals" coming from Barack Obama's camp could lead to warmer relations between the two countries, Reuters reports. “If these are not just words, if they get transformed into a practical policy, then of course our reaction will be adequate and...

In Health Reform, Obama Returns to Grass Roots, Tech

Dem's team give Web activists chance to weigh in on efforts

(Newser) - In an effort to jump-start health care reform, Barack Obama is returning to the social networking tools that got him elected, the Washington Post reports. Likely Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Daschle is starring in YouTube videos and taking massive conference calls with supporters interested in the subject. “...

Plouffe Plans How-to Book
 Plouffe Plans 
 How-to Book 

Plouffe Plans How-to Book

Audacity to Win more strategy than tell-all: Plouffe

(Newser) - Barack Obama's media-evading campaign manager is writing a book about the historic election victory, and has retained his old boss' literary rep to shop the proposal to publishers. The Audacity to Win will give an inside look at the Obama run and also advice for how to manage a large...

Obama, Paulson at Stalemate on Bailout Funds

(Newser) - The incoming administration and the outgoing Treasury Department are at a standoff over the second half of the $700 billion bailout, reports the Wall Street Journal. Whether Barack Obama is reluctant to overstep or wary of being associated with Bush administration policies isn't clear, but the Journal reports that unidentified...

Not Yet Sworn In, and Already Flip-Flopping?
Not Yet Sworn In, and Already Flip-Flopping?

Not Yet Sworn In, and Already Flip-Flopping?

Blogger: Obama's backing off promise to tax oil companies

(Newser) - Barack Obama vowed on the campaign trail to slap oil companies with a windfall tax, but, blogs Kevin Drum at Mother Jones, it might've all just been old-fashioned populist bluster that's led to Obama’s first breach of a campaign promise. The American Small Business League has noted, and decried,...

Richardson Offers Olive Branch to Clintons
Richardson Offers
Olive Branch to Clintons

Richardson Offers Olive Branch to Clintons

Commerce gig seats him next to rival Clinton

(Newser) - Bill Richardson appeared to make a peace offering to the Clintons today in his speech accepting Barack Obama's nomination to be Commerce secretary, writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post. Richardson, whose relations with the power couple turned icy after he endorsed Obama in the primaries, objected to the term...

Obama Appointments Leave Little for GOP to Knock

Foreign-policy, economics teams peppered with respected, relatively conservative appointees

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Cabinet picks leave Republicans with few lines of attack, Politico reports. In contrast to campaign rhetoric that painted Obama as a radical leftist, the retention of Robert Gates and selection of McCain buddy Jim Jones has won praise from GOP stalwarts. Karl Rove himself said Obama’s...

Ala. County Declares Obama Day

(Newser) - A small, mostly black county in Alabama that delivered Barack Obama 70% of the vote has declared the second Monday of November “Barack Obama Day,” the AP reports. The state itself went convincingly for John McCain, but Perry County wanted to make a point about opportunity and the...

Guvs to Obama: Public Works Projects Will Take Time

Programs may take a while to start

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s plan to throw hundreds of billions of dollars into state infrastructure projects may not be as effective as he imagines in stimulating the economy, some state officials say. Yesterday, governors told the president-elect that they had $136 billion in projects ready to go, but the National Governors...

Bill: I'd Take a Job From Obama—Not That I'm Lookin'

Former president 'neither looking for nor closed to' a role

(Newser) - Bill Clinton would be willing to serve in the Obama administration, CNN reports, but the former prez will remain in the background unless Obama “asks me to do something specific, which I'm neither looking for nor closed to." Clinton said in an interview that he would not unduly...

Obama's In for an Awkward CIA Transition
Obama's In for an Awkward
CIA Transition

Obama's In for an Awkward CIA Transition

His tough campaign rhetoric sets tone as left looks for change

(Newser) - On the campaign trail, Barack Obama frequently railed against the CIA’s secret jails and harsh interrogation techniques. Now, he must lead the agency, and the transition’s already proving rocky, the New York Times reports. Liberal outcry derailed his rumored pick for director, John Brennan. Brennan was chief of...

Openly Gay Union Activist on Shortlist for Labor Secretary

Granholm, Sebelius also rumored picks

(Newser) - A gay union leader is on the shortlist for Barack Obama's secretary of labor, the Wall Street Journal reports. Democratic officials have confirmed that Mary Beth Maxwell—who would become the first openly gay Cabinet member in American history if chosen—is being vetted for the position, along with Govs....

Stories 3401 - 3420 | << Prev   Next >>