Barack Obama

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Brits Tortured Obama Patriarch in Kenya Revolt

Granddad was jailed, beaten for 2 years in '50s Mau Mau uprising

(Newser) - British jailers tortured Barack Obama's grandfather during the struggle for Kenyan independence, his family tells the Times of London. Hussein Onyango Obama, who worked as a cook for a British army officer, was arrested in 1949, aged 56, and imprisoned for two years. There he was subjected to daily whippings...

Kmiec As Vatican Ambassador Is No Insult

(Newser) - Douglas Kmiec’s possible appointment by Barack Obama as ambassador to the Vatican shouldn’t raise any hackles and—pro-lifers' views to the contrary—would not be an insult to the church, Henry Farrell writes on Crooked Timber. “Kmiec continues to state his opposition to abortion,” Farrell writes....

A Movement, or a Moment?
A Movement,
or a Moment?

A Movement, or a Moment?

Georgia race tests whether Obama can pull one out for Dems, even in absentia

(Newser) - Today’s runoff election in Georgia between incumbent Republican Saxby Chambliss and challenger Jim Martin is a test of whether Barack Obama’s election heralds a new political movement, or just a moment, writes Sasha Issenberg in the Boston Globe. Democrat Martin is campaigning as an Obama ally, using the...

Richardson-to-Commerce Pick to be Official Tomorrow

Richardson would lead economic revival policy

(Newser) - President-elect Obama is expected to announce Bill Richardson's appointment as secretary of commerce tomorrow, Reuters reports, the latest in a string of cabinet announcements. In his new role, the New Mexico governor will lead the charge to revive the nation's economy. Richardson will be the first Latino in Obama’s...

Obama Camp: $30K Ring for Michelle Is Bogus
Obama Camp: $30K Ring
for Michelle Is Bogus

Obama Camp: $30K Ring for Michelle Is Bogus

Reports of thank-you bling from president-elect greatly exaggerated

(Newser) - Reports earlier today that Barack Obama is spending $30,000 on a thank-you ring for wife Michelle are false, the president-elect’s camp tells Politico. Britain’s Daily Mail quoted a spokesman for Italian jeweler Giovanni Bosco as saying Obama had contacted the company about getting the bling in time...

Meet the NY Dems Who Want Clinton's Seat

Cuomo brings fundraising advantage, but should Paterson pick a woman?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s secretary of state nomination has left New York Democrats jockeying for her New York senate seat—and gives Gov. David Paterson a little personal political leverage. Though he hasn’t indicated whom he will appoint, the Washington Post lists some key factors and candidates:
  • There is pressure

Will They Have Chemistry?
 Will They Have Chemistry? 

Will They Have Chemistry?

Foreigners want to know if SoS speaks for Prez

(Newser) - We’ve seen this buddy movie before: to succeed, former fierce competitors Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will need to put away their rivalry to become not just partners, but friends, write Michael Abramowitz and Glenn Kessler in the Washington Post. Secretary of State Clinton has to be able convince...

Obama Pledges Money for States at Govs' Meeting

Offers 'hand of friendship' to Republicans as well

(Newser) - States can count on some federal greenbacks soon, Barack Obama promised today in an appearance at the National Governor’s Association conference, reports CNN. Obama said he understood the budget shortfalls 41 states are facing this year or next and that help would be coming. “To my Republican colleagues,...

Afghanistan Is a 'Theme Park of Problems'
 Afghanistan Is a
'Theme Park of Problems'

Afghanistan Is a 'Theme Park of Problems'

Obama has his work cut out for him

(Newser) - Winning in Afghanistan won’t be nearly as easy as Barack Obama hopes, military experts tell the New York Times. The president-elect has staked his national security reputation on Afghanistan, but the rural nature of the insurgency there will make it difficult to stamp out. “Afghanistan may be the...

'Conscience' Rule Threatens to Reignite Abortion Battle

Bush's last-minute new rule for medical workers sparks controversy

(Newser) - An expanded "right of conscience" rule for medical workers planned by the Bush administration could hand Barack Obama a major battle over medical ethics, the Los Angeles Times reports. Doctors and nurses can already legally refuse to perform abortions, but the new rule would allow any health care worker...

Appointments Signal Shift From Candidate to Prez

National security team shows transition from candidate to leader

(Newser) - Yesterday's unveiling of Barack Obama's national security team did more than just end the rancor between him and Hillary Clinton; it established Obama as leader of a broad coalition that may transform his own views on American power. As Peter Baker writes for the New York Times, Obama's partnership with...

By Accepting New Role, Hillary Finally Concedes

Acceptance speech closes the curtain on long nomination battle

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's formal acceptance of her upcoming role as secretary of state yesterday looked to many like the moment she conceded the election for real, Alessandra Stanley writes in the New York Times. She told the audience that she would find it hard to leave the Senate, but it was...

They've Begged Off Obama List (But So Did Hillary)

Use a pencil in crossing Powell, McCaskill, Pritzker, others off administration watch list

(Newser) - There is a sizable list of qualified candidates who have expressed no interest in Obama cabinet positions—for now. Noting in the Washington Post that Hillary Clinton once demurred, too, Al Kamen takes a look at a few pols who’ve said no, or haven’t been “approached.”...

To Succeed, Obama and Congress Must Stay Tight

Dems eager to make mark after GOP domination, but priorities could shred unity

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress and Barack Obama want to move quickly once he assumes office, but they must pull in the same direction to achieve anything, Naftali Bendavid writes in the Wall Street Journal. “Pent-up energy among House Democrats” could test Obama’s centrist leanings, one observer notes, and history...

Obama Must Forget Agenda, Fix Economy
Obama Must Forget Agenda, Fix Economy

Obama Must Forget Agenda, Fix Economy

Now isn't the time for divisive legislative battles: Samuelson

(Newser) - When Barack Obama takes office, he’ll have to decide whether he wants to revive the economy, or pursue his policy agenda. “The two approaches are at odds,” writes Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post. Yes, Obama could say energy and health reform will improve the economy, but...

Obama Tags Are 'Hot' Commodity

Long Island man can't keep vanity plates away from thieves

(Newser) - A New York supporter of Barack Obama has vanity plates bearing his candidate’s name, but dares not use them, the Post reports. The man, who got the plates during the primaries, has caught thieves trying to pry them off his car. “Those plates will probably, at some point,...

Full-Court Press: Obama Seeks New DC Hoops Spot

President-elect's basketball jones subject of intense speculation

(Newser) - With inauguration approaching, Washington is gripped by an all-important question, the New York Daily News reports: Where will Barack Obama play basketball? Will he keep his campaign promise to build a court in the White House? Will he play at a nearby military base? Or, as rumor has it, hit...

Obama Unveils Security Team Starring Clinton, Gates

Security not a partisan issue, president-elect declares

(Newser) - Barack Obama officially announced his national-security team today, a group including primary rival Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and Bush holdover Robert Gates as defense secretary, the AP reports. “One of the dangers in a White House, is that you get wrapped up in group-think,” Obama said,...

Next Stimulus Plan Will Hinge on Spending
Next Stimulus Plan Will Hinge on Spending

Next Stimulus Plan Will Hinge on Spending

Sum may push $1T; economists say tax breaks not as effective

(Newser) - With President-elect Obama promising 2.5 million new jobs, analysts see a stimulus package that will rival, if not eclipse, the nearly $1.4 trillion spent to calm Wall Street, Louis Uchitelle writes in the New York Times. And with the economy contracting, federal spending should have a greater effect...

A Very Different Rice to be UN Ambassador

Obama will raise post to Cabinet, appoint anti-genocide crusader

(Newser) - Barack Obama will name Susan Rice as his UN ambassador when he unveils his foreign policy team today, the New York Times reports. Rice (no relation to Condoleezza), was an assistant secretary of state under Bill Clinton, but has been an Obama adviser since the beginning. She’s an advocate...

Stories 3421 - 3440 | << Prev   Next >>