Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Guy's Obama Tombstone Raises Halloween Ruckus

Neighbors squabble over 'disrespectful' gravestone with president's name

(Newser) - A neighborhood feud has become national news: After a man in Edmond, Okla., put up a tombstone for President Obama in his yard, a woman complained to a local station . "Regardless of your political views … he is the president of the United States," Jamilla Phillips says, as...

Obama Mulls Veto to Shut Guantanamo

Officials: Obama weighing options to move detainees to US

(Newser) - President Obama is considering overriding a congressional ban on bringing Guantanamo prisoners to the US in an effort to close the Cuban prison, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lawmakers are strongly against the move, which "would ignite a political firestorm, even if it's the best resolution for the...

Ebola Screening Coming to US Airports

Obama vague on details, but says protocols are being worked out

(Newser) - Some 77 travelers destined for America have been prevented from boarding their flights after they were flagged during Ebola screening overseas. Now, it looks like screening is coming to US shores. President Obama yesterday announced "we're going to be working on protocols to do additional, faster screening both...

Obama, Now Is the Time to Move on India

Key Asian ally has been neglected for years: Nicholas Burns

(Newser) - India's "charismatic and strong-willed" prime minister Narendra Modi is in town this week, and now is the time for the Obama administration to get serious about its long-neglected relationship with a key partner. Writing in the Washington Post , former undersecretary of state Nicholas Burns says that President Obama...

McCain Slaps Obama: We Predicted Rise of ISIS

'Of course' we are at war, says senator

(Newser) - In a 60 Minutes interview last night , President Obama asserted that the US had "underestimated" the looming threat posed by ISIS, but John McCain strongly disagrees. "We predicted what would happen if we didn't leave residual force [in Iraq]," McCain tells CNN . "His intelligence comments—...

Obama Mulls Airstrikes, Aid to Help Trapped Iraqis

Decision on Yazidi surrounded by Islamic State expected 'imminently'

(Newser) - Both passive and active options are on the table as President Obama decides how to handle the humanitarian catastrophe developing at Iraq's Mount Sinjar , says a senior administration official who spoke to the New York Times . The passive alternative: Airdrops of food and much-needed medicine to the 40,000...

Record Number Fear Their Kids Will Be Worse Off

76% of adults think next generation will have worse life than them: poll

(Newser) - Americans are riddled with anxiety about financial prospects for their children—and the majority of them are pointing the finger at DC pols for their worries. A Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll of 1,000 adults found that a record 76% of them don't think today's kids will...

Obama to Netanyahu: It's Time for a Ceasefire

President says US supports Israel, but is concerned about death toll

(Newser) - In a phone call today, President Obama told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the United States is growing more concerned about the rising Palestinian death toll and the worsening humanitarian conditions in Gaza. The White House said Obama reiterated that Israel has a right to defend itself and condemned Hamas...

Boehner to WH: Stop Saying I Want Impeachment

Lawsuit filed by House speaker will motivate GOP to go after prez, says Obama aide

(Newser) - There’s nothing to suggest that John Boehner has changed his mind since the last time he said he doesn’t want to impeach the president—but that didn’t stop a senior White House aide this morning from saying he thinks the door for Republicans to make that happen...

Obama Needs a New &#39;Team of Rivals&#39;

 Obama Needs 
 a New 'Team 
 of Rivals' 

Obama Needs a New 'Team of Rivals'

White House can't be 'echo chamber for the president’s views': Fred Hiatt

(Newser) - When President Obama first took office, he was wise to install a " team of rivals ," from Hillary Clinton to Bush-era defense secretary Robert Gates, who ensured his views would be challenged. But his second-term staff appears to be more a "team of loyalists," writes Fred Hiatt...

Real Cause of the Border Crisis: Following the Law

A 2008 bill paved the way for this issue

(Newser) - Conservatives like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin have alleged that President Obama's "lawlessness"—in the form of his jury-rigged de facto Dream Act implementation—is to blame for the children currently swarming across the border. But the truth is "that this crisis has actually been brought...

Pastors: Feds Blocking Us From Immigration Camps

Meanwhile, Obama deflects criticism that he didn't visit the border

(Newser) - As the immigration crisis rages, pastors and faith groups are complaining that they're not being allowed to visit the children being held at border detention facilities. "It's pretty heartbreaking that they don't let anybody in there—even credentialed pastors," one pastor tells Todd Starnes at...

Faith Groups to Obama: Let Us Discriminate Against Gays

They want Obama to grant them a 'robust' exemption in executive order

(Newser) - In the wake of the Hobby Lobby ruling , another faith-based issue for President Obama: Religious group leaders—including Michael Wear, the man who led the president’s faith-outreach initiative in 2012—are spearheading an effort that seeks a "robust" exemption for religious organizations from Obama’s still-unsigned anti-bias executive...

Apparent Loser of Afghan Election Claims Victory

Crisis could break country apart

(Newser) - Preliminary vote tallies show Abdullah Abdullah losing Afghanistan's presidential election to Ashraf Ghani by a pretty wide margin of 56.4% to 43.5%. But Abdullah declared victory anyway yesterday, and said he would decide in the next few days whether to form a "parallel government" competing with...

Rick Perry Disses Obama, Then Agrees to Meeting

Didn't want any part of quick handshake on Austin tarmac

(Newser) - Rick Perry is not interested in a photo op with President Obama. The Texas governor and maybe-presidential-candidate yesterday said he would not be greeting Obama at the airport when he arrives in Austin tomorrow. "I appreciate the offer," Perry wrote in a letter to the president, according to...

Poll: Obama the Worst President Since WWII

Plurality would rather have Romney

(Newser) - The public isn't just unhappy with President Obama, it has him pegged as the worst president of the modern era, according to a new Quinnipiac poll . Asked to pick the worst president since World War II, 33% said President Obama, pushing him ahead of George W. Bush, who got...

Obama to Ditch Congress, Go It Alone on Immigration

John Boehner has told the president he won't do anything, White House says

(Newser) - President Obama held a Rose Garden press conference today about his plan to act on his own to reform US immigration policy, Fox News reports. "America cannot wait forever for them to act," he said of the House. His plan would "fix as much of our immigration...

Obama to Boehner: Instead of Suing, Do Your Job

President dismisses lawsuit as a 'stunt'

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't exactly quaking in his boots over John Boehner's lawsuit threat , at least not publicly. "The suit is a stunt," the president told George Stephanopoulos at ABC . "I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing....

Boehner&#39;s Lawsuit: Ridiculous, or Overdue?
Boehner's Lawsuit: Ridiculous, or Overdue?

Boehner's Lawsuit: Ridiculous, or Overdue?

Pundits debate the merits of the Orange One's big play

(Newser) - Pundits are buzzing over John Boehner's attempt to take President Obama to court over his use of executive power. Legal experts doubt it will work , but is it right? Is it smart politics? Does it even make sense? Here's what people are saying:

Supreme Court: Obama Overstepped His Bounds

Court curtails president's ability to bypass Congress with recess appointments

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has just limited a president's power to make temporary appointments to fill high-level government jobs. The court ruled unanimously today that President Obama exceeded his authority when he invoked the Constitution's provision on recess appointments to fill slots on the National Labor Relations Board in...

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