Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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New Executive Order to Give LGBT Rights a Boost

Obama to ban LGBT discrimination for federal contractors

(Newser) - President Barack Obama plans to sign an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation, a White House official said today. The move follows years of pressure from gay rights groups for Obama to act on his own while a broader employment...

Obama Intervenes to End Philadelphia Transit Strike

Workers back as of this morning

(Newser) - Commuter rail service in the Philadelphia area was restored early today, just hours after workers returned to their jobs following a brief strike that was ended when President Barack Obama intervened, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority officials said. SEPTA spokeswoman Jerri Williams says all workers scheduled for morning shifts today showed...

Obama Signs Order Capping Student Loan Payments

Payments limited to 10% of monthly income for more people

(Newser) - President Obama today signed an executive order that will cap student loan payments for as many as 5 million borrowers. Obama is extending an existing rule capping student loan payments at 10% of borrowers' monthly income to those who took out their loans prior to 2007, the AP explains. For...

Obama, Putin Have Brief, Informal Talk

It lasts about 15 minutes at summit in France

(Newser) - President Obama spoke with Vladimir Putin on the margins of a lunch for world leaders in France today, the first face-to-face meeting between the leaders since the start of the Ukraine crisis. The two leaders held an informal conversation and not a formal, bilateral meeting, the White House said. It...

Obama Will Save Us All From Straw Men
 Obama Will Save Us 
 All From Straw Men 

Obama Will Save Us All From Straw Men

Michael Gerson on the inanity of 'Don't Do Stupid [Stuff]'

(Newser) - Barack Obama has articulated his doctrine. And where FDR had his Four Freedoms, and Harry Truman would fight the spread of communism, Barack Obama … doesn't do stupid s--- . It is at least simple, writes Michael Gerson at the Washington Post , though it's a bit lacking in rhetorical...

France Throws 2 Dinners to Separate Testy Obama, Putin

Hollande avoiding an awkward moment

(Newser) - International tensions are resulting in a very full stomach for French President Francois Hollande. During a commemoration of D-Day, he'll have two separate dinners Thursday night: one with President Obama, and one with Vladimir Putin, the AP reports. The two leaders are among at least 18 visiting in honor...

Obama's Foreign Policy: 'Don't Do Stupid Sh*t'

Uncouth doctrine intended to avoid wars

(Newser) - Obama has formulated his foreign policy doctrine down to one pithy, and for most newspapers unprintable, phrase: "Don't do stupid shit." White House aides have been dropping that bon mot in conversations with journalists over the past month or so, Politico observes, detailing a half-dozen news articles...

US Is Admitting Defeat in Afghanistan
US Is Admitting
Defeat in Afghanistan

US Is Admitting Defeat in Afghanistan

And that might not be a bad thing: Max Fisher

(Newser) - President Obama revealed a new Afghanistan exit timeline yesterday , and with it confirmed "what everybody already knew: the war against the Taliban is not one that the US believes it can win, so we're going to stop trying," writes Max Fisher at Vox . That might not be...

Obama: US Can't Lead With Bullets Alone

President defends foreign policy, pledges help to Syria rebels

(Newser) - President Obama will ask Congress to create a $5 billion fund to help allied governments fight terrorism, and ramp up aid to Syria's rebels, he announced today, in a wide-ranging commencement speech on foreign policy. Obama spoke to West Point's graduating class, but the speech emphasized an approach...

Top NH Cop Resigns After Calling Obama the N-Word

Robert Copeland has so far refused to apologize

(Newser) - A New Hampshire police commissioner has resigned after he admitted using a racial slur to describe President Obama, a Wolfeboro town official said today. Robert Copeland, 82, resigned last night from the post to which he was re-elected in March, putting to rest a controversy that drew national attention and...

Obama&#39;s Net Worth Is...
 Obama's Net 
 Worth Is... 

Obama's Net Worth Is...

President has up to $7M in assets

(Newser) - Barack Obama may not be Mitt-Romney-rich (or even Al-Gore-rich ), but he's doing all right for himself. The president's latest financial disclosure forms, released yesterday, reveal that he and Michelle had total assets worth somewhere between $1.8 million and $7 million in 2013, the AP reports. (That'...

North Korea Defends Its Awful Obama Comments

US calls comments in state media 'particularly ugly'

(Newser) - Pyongyang isn't exactly losing sleep over the torrent of racist insults it hurled at President Obama—instead, it calls the comments "a proper reaction to him who malignantly insulted and slandered the dignified" North Korea. The offensive language was attributed in state media to officials and a worker,...

N. Korea Publishes Awful Things About Obama

Unbelievably racist article gets translated into English

(Newser) - It's an article that almost escaped notice: A "screed" published by the Korean Central News Agency that was, unlike most of its pieces, not translated into English. But blogger Josh Stanton spotted it , and what follows under the headline "Divine retribution for the juvenile delinquent Obama!"...

Voters Sour on Obama, Warm to GOP Congress
Voters Sour on Obama,
Warm to GOP Congress
new poll

Voters Sour on Obama, Warm to GOP Congress

Poll: Obama's approval rating sinks to new low

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has sunk to a new low, and a majority of the public would now prefer that Republicans control Congress as a check on his power, a new Washington Post / ABC News poll reveals. Obama's approval dropped 5 points to 41%, his lowest ever...

Obama in Japan: Diplomacy, Sushi, Soccer With a Robot

Obama pledges to defend Japan in dispute over 'rock'

(Newser) - President Obama guaranteed that the US would protect Japan if its dispute with China over the Senkaku Islands comes to blows, a serious moment in a conspicuously fun Tokyo trip. Obama said the islands have historically been administered by Japan, and that a US treaty "covers all territories administered...

Ukrainian Forces Strike, Kill Up to 5

Putin warns of 'consequences'

(Newser) - Ukrainian special forces, backed by helicopters and at least 10 armored vehicles, have launched an offensive near the separatist-held city of Slovyansk. So far the fighting has been at checkpoints outside the city, where the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said military and police had killed "up to five terrorists."...

Sebelius: I Was Not Pushed Out

 'Wasn't an 
'meet the press'

Sebelius: Staying 'Wasn't an Option'

Stepping down was entirely her choice

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius went on NBC's Meet the Press today, where she made it clear that stepping down as Health Secretary was entirely her choice—a choice she made during the last presidential election. She didn't want to "leave along with a lot of my colleagues who left...

Obama Meets Pope, Gives Him Seeds

President tells Francis, 'I'm a great admirer'

(Newser) - President Obama called himself a "great admirer" of Pope Francis as he sat down at the Vatican today with the pontiff he considers a kindred spirit on issues of economic inequality. Their historic nearly hourlong first meeting comes as Obama's administration and the church remain deeply split on...

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia
 G8 Summit Yanked 
 From Russia 

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia

West ratcheting up pressure on Putin

(Newser) - The other seven members of the G8 are calling off the meeting Russia was supposed to host in Sochi in June, David Cameron revealed today. Cameron, President Obama, and the other leaders of the G7 nations—which is to say the G8 minus Russia—are holding an emergency meeting at...

Obama Announces Drastic Sanctions Against Russia

Says he could target whole sectors of Russia's economy

(Newser) - President Obama may not want to send troops to Ukraine , but he's all too willing to fight Vladimir Putin with dollars. Obama today announced that he is expanding sanctions to yet more individuals both within and outside of the Russian government, and to a bank that has provided them...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>